Chapter 72

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(Awesome guitar riff)

Poppy and the snack pack stared in absolute amazement as Branch tested out the sound system behind a closed curtain, the formally gray village grump playing an electric guitar with great skill, his eyes gently shut in complete concentration as he felt the music coursing through his bones, the young boy clearly having no idea he was currently being watched...

Who woulda thought a bunker dwelling hermit would be so good at creating music!?

The guitar slowly fading out at the end of his little 'performance', the group of friends immediately began cheering loudly, Branch jumping slightly as his eyes quickly popped back open, the survivalist startled by the sudden applause...

"That was amazing, Branch!" Poppy praised in overwhelming excitement, the young princess immediately running over to give him a quick hug before soon pulling away with a massive smile lighting up her absolutely gorgeous face...

"Psh... not really..." Branch shrugged in great skepticism once his brief moment of stunned shock wore off, the little blue troll placing his guitar back on it's stand before moving onto the drum set to test out it's volume as well, Poppy suddenly noticing the small plugs clogging the survivalist's ears to block out most of the sound for him as he walked past her. "It's really not that difficult... anyone could do it..."

Taking a seat on a small stool, Branch picked up two sticks from the stage floor before beginning to pound rhythmically on the drum set now placed directly in front of him, the paranoid recluse sounding just as amazing as he had on the guitar only moments ago, if not even better...

Wow... just... wow... it was the only word that came to the snack pack's minds in that absolutely awe inspiring moment...

"Where did you learn to play like that, man!?" Guy asked in amazement, Branch looking up at him for a moment before stopping the magnificent beat he had built up so beautifully...

"Nowhere, really..." he shrugged, slowly rising back up to his feet. "It's just... natural I guess..."

"It took me years to perfect my harmonica," Cooper informed, the giraffe troll suddenly pulling the spoken instrument out of nowhere to play a quick tune. "I can't even play any instruments at all," Biggie admitted, the big blue troll hugging Mr. Dinkles in his arms as he smiled at Branch in astonishment.

This troll never sang... never danced... absolutely hated music of any kind... and yet... he was this talented at making it!? It was simply unbelievable!

"Well... that's my boyfriend for ya... he can do anything," Poppy gushed, lovingly giving Branch a quick kiss on the cheek without even thinking, the survivalist's eyes instantly widening in shock at the action as the sticks he was still holding fell right out of his hands, crashing seemingly in slow motion down to the floor with a small bounce...

     "Boyfriend!?" the snack pack all simultaneously gasped in complete shock, they're jaws dropping as they stared in disbelief at the new couple, Poppy instantly realizing her mistake...

     "Oops..." the young princess muttered softly before slowly turning to Branch with an embarrassed expression. "I'm so sorry, Branch..." she quickly apologized, seeming genuinely ashamed in herself. "I didn't mean to spill your business... I... I know you're embarrassed to be with me..."

     At the sound of his girlfriend's incredibly incorrect statement, Branch instantly snapped out of his stunned shock as he quickly turned his frightened gaze to her in complete disbelief...

     "What? I'm not embarrassed of you," he stated firmly, looking the young girl directly in the eye. "I'm the luckiest troll in the world... no... in the universe... to be able to call you my girlfriend. I would scream it out for everyone to hear if I could!"

     "Awww! 😍" the snack pack cooed, they're hands folding together upon viewing the beautiful display of pure undying love.

     "Then..." Poppy started, a bit confused by her boyfriend's confession. "Why wouldn't you tell our friends when they asked how you got your colors back...?"
"Because I wasn't sure if you wanted them to know or not..." Branch explained, his gaze slowly turning away from the love of his life as sorrow seemed to grip the poor boy's very soul. "You're the happiest... most positive person in the village, Poppy... a friend to basically every troll alive... and... I'm just... just... me... I thought you'd want to keep us dating a secret... because... I assumed... you were embarrassed of me..."

     "Awwww! 🥺" the snack pack said again, they're hearts aching from the survivalist's saddened words...

     "Branch..." Poppy whispered in a soft comforting tone, the young princess gently taking her best friend's hands into her own which in turn got the little blue troll to finally look back up at her. "I'm proud to call you my boyfriend. I don't care what anyone else may think of us.... I love you, Branch... for you... and that's all that matters..."

     A single tear falling from his eye, Branch simply couldn't help but smile at the young princess' statement, completely overjoyed by the sound of her absolutely heart melting words as he gently took his girlfriend into his arms, hugging her tight in pure and utter joy, his love for this one special troll flooding his slightly quickening heart...

     "Awwwwwwwww! 🥰" the snack pack awed yet again, hugging each other tight, knowing that they shouldn't ruin the hug of the happy couple, yet still needing to let out their own emotions at the same time...

     "I love you too, Poppy..." Branch finally whispered in return, burying his face lovingly into the young princess' shoulder. "More than anything..."

     With a small grin, the former village grump finally pulled away, looking to Poppy confidently for the first time ever...

     "The instruments are ready..." he informed softly. "So... if you wanted to restart the party..."
"How about just one more hug first?" Poppy asked, Branch instantly complying with a small chuckle, the snack pack's hearts seeming to burst from cuteness...

     "AWWWWWWW! 😍🥰"

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