Chapter One: Striking Twelve

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I fell asleep and woke up in a horror movie. That's the only explanation I can give.

I remember that my friends and I were staying up all night on Christmas Eve, not daring to sleep. It was just something I came up with for fun, certain that nothing crazy would happen.

But the clock chimed twelve times... and everything after that was a black haze.

"Naomiiiii... Naoooomii... Naomi Brackett!"

My eyes slowly peeled open, like pasty wallpaper flaking off a wall. A boy was looming over me, his fawn-colored hair gleaming dully in the weak sun. He grinned when I stirred, running a hand through his hair. "Hey, Naomi. What's up?"

"D-did I fall asleep...?" I sat up, something soft pressing under my hands. I glanced down, then, Oh my God, are we on the clouds?

I combed my fingers through it, mouth gaping in surprise. I then started rummaging around like I was looking for something. It felt soft and fluffy, like little kids thought clouds felt like. But I was fifteen; I knew better.

Isaac's honey eyes suddenly darkened. "We blacked out, Naomi, then ended up here. I don't know how or why, and I don't know about you, but I want to go home." He turned around, crossing his arms. My eyes slid over his frame, making me return my hands to my lap. Somehow, his loose T-shirt and pajama bottoms were swapped for a black tunic and pants.

Talk about creepy.

I'm the same. The realization hit me as I scanned my clothing, which matched Isaac's perfectly. I pursed my lips as I scrambled to my feet, expecting the cloud to give way under me, but it didn't. Isaac abruptly turned and grabbed me by the shoulders, his fingernails digging in my skin.

"Where is Annabelle?" His voice had a panicked edge, like a madman's. "She didn't... didn't die, did she?"

"Calm down. We'll find her." That was me, Naomi Brackett, the leader of the group. Telling everyone else to calm down when she had a panic attack. I took a deep breath and tried to slow my thumping heart, which seemed to be trying to break free of my body. Annabelle is fine, Annabelle is fine, I tried to repeat to myself. Annabelle is fine.

I began trekking across the clouds, and it wasn't long before I spotted a shape lying sprawled out a few yards away. That must be Annabelle. Without even breathing a word, I raced for my friend, Isaac following me without hesitation. Being a leader has its advantages, I suppose.

The girl was sleeping soundly, her limbs thrown about like those of a starfish. Auburn hair fanned out across her face, long lashes brushing her cheeks. Her pale skin shone like a white fire, despite the soft sunlight. She was dressed the same as us, the black making her look like a shadow-robed angel.

"Annabelle, wake up." This was her. I knew Annabelle like I knew the back of my own hand.

No response. Just a faint sigh.

"God, Annabelle, this isn't the time for sleeping!" Isaac crouched down and shook her shoulder violently.


I ran my lip under my teeth, tapping my finger against my knee. That usually woke her up, frequently accompanied with an attitude. This was too strange to be safe.

"Look, Annabelle, wake up already!" I couldn't take it anymore. I kicked her in the shin, just wanting to see the blue shine in her eyes. She couldn't be dead. She wouldn't dare leave us on our own!

"Hey! I was having a really great dream!" Annabelle shot up like a missile, glowering at the two of us. She didn't notice our situation. Typical her. "I was having dinner with Morgan Freeman, and–"

"No one cares!" Isaac shouted. Sometimes, he whispered to me once, he wanted to slap Annabelle right in the face. I think this was one of those moments.

Hurt flashed across her face, but Isaac interrupted her before she could reply. "Look around you, Ann. Use that brain of yours." Gently, he knocked the side of her head. With a small pout, she rubbed the space before surveying the area.

Her lips parted in surprise. "We're... not on the ground?"

I had to roll my eyes. "No, genius, we're in Mars. Yes, we're not on the ground!" I loved Annabelle, don't get me wrong, but she had a real nice knack for stating the obvious.

"At least we got some cool clothes. It would've been hilarious if we were running around in our pajamas." She grinned as she rose to her feet. "I'm dreaming, right? There's no other reason why my feet aren't being soaked."

"Oh, you're awake, all right." A voice snagged all of our attention. Isaac and I pivoted to see a handsome guy with dark hair lope towards us, a lopsided smile on his face. "Welcome to the Above, a place where too-curious or too-sleep-deprived kids go when they stay up on Christmas Eve. My name's Alex, and I suppose I'll be your tour guide."

When he shook our hands, almost comically, I will never forget his next words in all my life.

"You're all new recruits in a mission countless people have died trying to complete. Welcome aboard."

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