Author's Note

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My Dear Readers,

I would like to take a moment to show my gratitude to everyone who read this story till the end. I'm very proud of you guys! As I am of myself for having gone this far. I wrote two books and made it through to the final chapter while I thought I probably couldn't put a single sentence correctly in English in the first place.

It's amazing reading all your comments. You all are so supportive, no matter how messed up my grammar and spelling are. I couldn't find a better word to thank you. And omg...all the votes you gave me! I've never asked you for any, but you still went out of your way to click that botton. hahah...thank you for showing how much you enjoy the story.

I never thought I would become a writer! :D All the thanks go to you all. And I hope I will come back with a new adventure as soon as possible.

Here are some fun facts about writing Cursed Blood:

- I didn't know half of the things I wrote in this story. My characters just kept getting smarter and creepier than I thought. They made me go out and do a lot of research for them, so that they could be awesome.

-Physics is what I just picked randomly for Alyssa. I DIDN'T KNOW she was going to rock it like she did! haha Alyssa is my baby girl. I always have a soft spot for her the entire story.

-Cammie is my all-time favorite girl. She's strong and brave. Apart from her player role, she's a loyal friend. I created her to be a role model too.

-And no, I don't know Karate at all. But my bestie is a black belt, so..?

-I normally don't read detective books, but this story is inspired by a spy story.

-Jacque has a piece of my heart too. She's a bit mean at first, but I love the fact that she could change a lot of people's mind as she continued to develop. And she's so the first character that makes me stop and think about reality in a different angle. I'm glad I brought her into the story too.

-And Octavia! She's the next Alex with a little traces of Ana. I like that she's more of a hopeless romance at the beginning of the story too, but she's not a pathetic one. You know what I mean? lol

-Finally Vivienne, she's almost like my clone to be honest. But I'm not as brave as her. She has her insecurities and always put someone else's first, but at time she can be a badass when she needs to. I hate that I have given her a lot of my personality that I start to feel self-concious writing her sometimes. lol

-I just found out that writing the action scenes is actually easier than writing emotional scenes or even dialogues, really. I don't have this omniscient writer quality, so I don't always know what the character's thinking or feeling. I tend to show better, like a director of a movie rather than a writer, only I use words instead of camera. lol enough of the bubbling. Btw...can you answer me a few questions?

1. What is your favorite scene in the story? (the Hobbit House scene doesn't count, okay?).

2. What do you love/hate most about my story? Honestly!

That's it! Now here is the good news: there will be a new book release SOON! And sorry vampire fans, but this time, it will be a fantasy story, inspired by my mother homeland to be exact. I want to try something new and also want to do it in honor of her. I hope you will like it too.

With love,


PS: if you enjoyed this story, I hope you can spend a few minutes of your time and watch the ad videos between chapters and I would really appreciate it :)

PSS: If you love my work and want to support me, Cursed Blood is now available on and CreateSpace! Link in the bio! Or you can just do me a huge favor and rate my works on Goodreads! Your support will keep me grinding more stories in the future. *Wink wink*

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