Chapter 41

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After we left Florentine's mansion, I was still thinking about the prophecy. Now that we know why the other vampires wanted to destroy us, but then there was still some question in the back of my head. Like who ordered the undead to come after me? Were they working for the Underworld or someone else?

As we drove back to our school, I was too tired to even move. Octavia had to put an arm around my shoulders and she walked me to the secret entrance. I found my head fit the crook of her neck perfectly. We both are living impossible lives, but at least we have each other.

Then we came to the entrance of the secret passageway.

"Are you afraid?" Octavia suddenly said, looking sideways at me.

"About the prophecy?" I said. "A little."

"Don't be," she said and brushed my hair aside. "I won't let anything happen to you."

"Not just," I pointed out. Octavia frowned and turned me around to face her.

"Didn't you want to explain me something earlier?" she said and looked at me, and I stared back into her eyes.

"Yes," I said. "About what happened between me and Jacque, it wasn't real."

"You mean you don't have feelings for her or anything?" she asked again. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. I couldn't help smiling back.

"You know what I said to Jacque the other night?" I said, "The more my body wanted it, the more my heart ached for you. Now I know why you could feel me. It's because we both are constantly thinking of each other. And I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done it with Jacque, it was just..."

"I get it," Octavia sighed. "It was just sex, right?"

"No! Octavia, I told you we didn't do it! We didn't go all the way, I swear," I said. She stared at me for a moment and then let out a loud exhale as if she was holding it for a long time.

"Oh god...Viv, you have no idea how relieved I am," she said, putting her hand over her chest to prove the point. "I don't know what to say...I just...oh thank you so much, Vivienne, thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?" I said, feeling somewhat amused at her reaction. "Trust me, Octavia. I really couldn't do it with anyone when everything in my body screams for you. That night I wished it was you the entire time! I'm not going to cheat on you, Octavia, ever."

"But... you wouldn't call that cheating, you know," she said, shrugging weakly at me, "You never agreed to be mine anyway."

"You know how I made it stop? It's because I told Jacque that..." I said, biting my bottom lip slightly. Octavia raised her eyebrows, waiting for my words. "...that you're my girlfriend."

"You did?" she gasped dramatically. I blushed so hard, unable to look at her anymore. I just nodded back, hiding my eyes shyly. Then Octavia pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. She twirled me around, making me scream out of joy. When she put me down, we both giggled, staring into each other's eyes. She smoothed my hair again and tilted my chin up. Then Octavia leaned down to kiss my lips. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her back passionately.

"Please don't hurt me again," she whispered when we parted. "I can take death better than the pain of losing you."

"Don't say that," I put my finger on her lips. "I'm yours now."

She smiled again and the contentment rendered me speechless. I could feel our hearts pound against each other's chest, seeking the iambic rhythm that linked our souls.

Octavia leaned over and pressed her soft electrifying lips on my forehead.

"Promise?" she whispered.

"I promise," I whispered back softly then sealed it with a kiss on Octavia's lips.

The next morning when I woke up, I could still feel the tingling feeling from Octavia's soft lips against my forehead from last night. I wanted that feeling again. Maybe that's what it feels like having someone's heart, and who also has yours.

"Good lord, I think I'm in love," I murmured dreamily to myself. Suddenly the giggling sounds caused me to open my eyes. A blurry face hovered over me. It took a moment until my eyes refocused. Cammie was staring down on my face.

"You're in love now?" she said.

"Ooh!!!" I cried and sat up instantly, causing her to jump back.

"Glad you came back alive," Cammie said, "And also in love. Should I tell Alyssa the good news?"

"Oh please!" I groaned. Then I realized I was back in my suite. But there was no sight of Jacque.

"Mind telling me about your date last night?" Cammie asked.

"You know it wasn't a date," I said. "We were on a mission."


"Mission accomplished,"

"Great! You will have to tell us everything afterward," she said with a clap of her hands.

"Yeah...if you're ready to hear some spooky tales," I said with a grimace.

"So anything else?"

"Anything else what?"

"You and Octavia went out together," she shrugged, "And you came love!"

I groaned again, feeling embarrassed to even yell at my best friend.

"There was nothing happened between us," I said, but feeling kind of bold for the first time. " least not yet."


"Stop it!" I said. "Or I won't tell you anything."

"Okay, okay," Cammie said.

"Anyway, where's Alyssa and Jacque?" I asked to change the subject.

"They left for breakfast already," she said. "I came to wake you up."

"Oh, thanks,"

"But really? You guys didn't do it last night?" Cammie asked. "I was hoping the mission involved a little love-making..."

"Cam! I'm not a horny opportunist like you," I said, glaring at her. "I'm still a virgin."

"Aw! Just lose your virginity to Octavia already," Cammie said and rolled her eyes. "I've also been trying to convince Alyssa about the wonderment of having sex for ages."

"Well, you don't have to. She's already..." I blurted and then mentally smacked myself.

"What?" Cammie said. "What does it mean?"

"Nothing," I said and hurried out of bed. But Cammie pulled me by my shoulders and rolled me onto my back again. She came to sit on top of me.

"Tell me, what did you mean?" she said.

"I already told you, it's nothing!" I said, sounding a little more obvious that I lied. And just like that, Cammie dropped herself on my stomach, causing me to lose my breath all of a sudden.

"Erk!...Cammie!...What the hell...!" I yelled. "Get off me."

"Tell! Me!...Now!" Cammie said, punctuating every word by pounding herself on my stomach. I couldn't even cry out in pain. I would've flipped her off easily if it wasn't too early for my mind to function. And Cammie didn't stop pounding on my gut.

"Alyssa's...ark!...not a virgin!" I slipped, unable to take it anymore.

"Alyssa what?"

I'm the most horrible person in the world.

"Oh god, Cammie, don't make me say it again," I said, covering my face in my hands.

"Vivienne, I don't care that you're my best friend, I still can pound you to your death. Now tell me, what's happened to Alyssa?"

"She''s..." I gulped, unable to look Cammie in the eyes. "...not a virgin anymore?"

"What?!" Cammie's face twitched. "Since when? She has never dated anyone...who did she hook up with?"

"She didn't hook up. But she dated Jacque once, remember?" I tried to sugar-coat the situation, hoping that Cammie would let go.

"But I know Alyssa, she has shy-itis. She wouldn't have had sex with Jacque on a first date," Cammie said. "And the last time she went on a date with her, she ended up in the hospital."

I grimaced at her.

"Well...that's why Jacque had to..." I blurted again. At that point, I just wanted to bury my head in a pillow and suffocate myself to death.

"VIV! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Cammie's voice could have cracked the glass window. "What did Jacque do?!"

"Jacque raped..." I said, sitting up. "No...I meant...Jacque made love to Alyssa while she was in the hospital, but she did it to save know...from the coma."

"OH MY GOD! And you knew it all along?"

"No! Just recently," I said sheepishly.

"Vivienne, do you have any idea what I'm thinking right now?" Cammie said angrily. "That succubus girl is dead!"

And just so Cammie bolted out of bed and walked toward the door.

"Cammie!" I cried, quickly grabbed my clothes. Cammie didn't listen and was already down the hall. I desperately put my clothes on and then went after my best friend with all my glorious bed head.

Cammie could be so fast when she needed too. I found her a moment later in the Lunch Hall. She was stomping toward our table with her fists balled tightly. Her shoulders hunched in a scary way. I wanted to speed out and grab her, but a lot of people were also there. I didn't want to make a scene.

"Cammie!" I hissed and ran to catch up with her. Cammie brushed my hands away, but then when we reached the table, our jaws dropped at the same time. Jacque and Alyssa were making out on the spot. Their bodies leaned toward each other. The only thing that connected them together was their dancing moist lips and wrestling tongues.

"Jacque!" Cammie yelled, causing the two girls to break their kiss. Their lips made a popping sound as they pulled away from each other. Jacque looked at us blankly while Alyssa blushed bright red. Without saying another word, Cammie bolted out like a lightning. All I saw was her blurry form flying forward. And she just crushed into Jacque over the lunch table, knocking plates and glasses as they both went airborne to the floor a few feet away. The crashing noises caused everyone to jump in surprise. I was glad that no staff members were around at this early hour.

"You little piece of shit!" Cammie yelled, wrapping her hands around Jacque's throat. "How dare you did that to my best friend!"

"Cammie!" both Alyssa and I cried at the same time.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Jacque spat back, trying to pry Cammie's hands off. Cammie hissed and drew her fist back, intending to punch Jacque but then her motion stopped.

"What...?" Cammie looked startled and then stared at the girl underneath her. Jacque had her hand up with her palm out, looking as if she was shielding herself. Only she actually did hold off Cammie's tight fist in the air.

"Stop it, you two!" I cried again and rushed over to grab Cammie, but she didn't budge. Anger had clouded her mind.

"Don't act like you don't know, Jacque. You raped Alyssa in her sleep!" Cammie cried.

"Cammie!" I hushed, but it was too late. Then Cammie seemed to realize what she'd just said. And all three of us turned to Alyssa, who was standing with her hands on her chest, watching us with wide eyes.

"Oh my god," I murmured, knowing what was about to happen. Alyssa's misty eyes traveled back to Jacque, who looked like she wanted to apologize but couldn't seem to get the words out with Cammie on top. Everyone was staring at us. I was sure they all heard everything. Alyssa looked around and then backed away slowly. She glanced at us again and then turned on her heels before running out of the hall.

"Alyssa!" Jacque yelled after her. Suddenly both Cammie and I were knocked backward by a strong force, which came out of Jacque herself. We landed on the floor, with Cammie's bum collapsed on my stomach yet again. I heaved painfully and pushed her off.

"Are you happy now?" Jacque cried, getting back on her feet. "People make mistakes. I made a mistake, but I fixed it!"

"You fixed it by taking advantage of her!" Cammie spat, standing up too.

"Cammie, that's enough!" I hissed, "People are looking. Jacque did the only thing she could. Alyssa is hurt, and you're making it worse!"

"Oh now I'm the bad guy?" Cammie said, pointing to herself. I groaned.

"Alright, go ahead. Kill each other, I don't care anymore," I said, turning to walk away. "I'm off to find Alyssa now."

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