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Whenever I go to riverside I feel as if someone is watching me and when I turn to see I don't find anyone. So, today I will take Pratiksha with me.

Avni's pov

What was this? Who's Pratiksha? What the hell yar now I am dreaming after getting up & with open eyes. What's wrong with me?

First day of new college was fine. Being new in mid semester is difficult. Everyone sees you as if you are 8th wonder of world. Somehow their curious gazes didn't affected me although I am a very closed and introvert person but that there was someone whose gaze affected me a lot. I felt whole day someone was staring at me but whenever I turned around he turned his face to other direction or hide behind book.  What a strange stalker.
His gaze affected me but not in a bad way. It didn't scared me when in actual I should be. That is not good but it didn't felt wrong. Just strange... I know I am blabbering rubbish but I don't know. It felt little familiar. Actually his eyes... I saw his eyes. He too know I saw but still hide. His eyes looked similar to that person from dreams. That's why his gaze didn't made me feel strange or scared me that much. This is wrong. I should be scared. There are so many people with wrong intensions in this world. I should be cautious. I will be cautious.

But his eyes felt similar. I know those eyes. There is a mystery man who comes in my dream and make me elope from home and then we jump from a cliff. Crazzyyy!

I am feeling restless since we have shifted in this city and I am sure it's not because of a new place, it's because of that dream man. Maybe that stalker can help. I will confront him today. I should get ready for college.

It is a nice morning. Not much hot neither too cold plus mild winds are also blowing. Pratiksha refused to come in morning. I don't know what's more important than to help your friend.
Nevermind! I can handle everything myself.

I was busy admiring beautiful white flowers beside river when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned to look and as I turned I met a pair of mesmerizing brown twinkling eyes.

There was something in those eyes that trapped my mind, my conscious, everything. I couldn't bring to move my eyes down from his eyes. He too seemed lost.

Suddenly we heard a voice of twig breaking and we snapped out of trance. He removed his hand from my shoulder.

We looked here and there but couldn't find anyone. Then again we turned at each other. I observed his face now rather then eyes. I didn't looked straight at his eyes this time. It's dangerous to do that.

He got a nice face. His eyesbrows, nose, cheeks, lips, chin and shape of face. Nice features. He's fair too. His hairs looks nice too. Looks soft...

He was looking down. Little embarrassed I think. He had a shade of pink on his cheeks.

What I am even thinking? Get a hold on yourself Kaniska.

I took two steps back but didn't noticed small pebbles and I lost my balance. I gasped and was about to fall but that man held my wrist and pulled me towards him.

I gasped and woke up. My name was being called. I looked around and found driver uncle calling me.

He said," Wake up Avni ma'am. We have reached your college."

I nodded and stepped out from car carefully. I was still in half sleep. I couldn't get much sleep last night because of nightmares so I slept on the way to college. This time also I got one.

But this time it's was little different. I heard my thoughts. Strange...

Am I really going mad?

I was talking with myself in my dream. I was checking out a boy and describing him to myself. 

Why the hell I was calling myself Kaniska? I am Avni.

And who is this Pratiksha?

What sort of difficult names I am using in my dreams? Kaniska..Pratiksha...
Hmm...This makes me curious to know name of that cute boy from dream. What sort of strange name will he have?

With these thoughts I walked to my classroom and sat alone at back and waited for everyone to come and class to start.

I sighed and closed my eyes and again those mystic mesmerizing eyes popped in front of me. I opened my eyes quickly, horriedly.

Generally people forget faces from their dreams and here I can't even sit with closed eyes to relax now. Great! Just great!

I don't even have any friend here at this new place with whom I can talk to distract my mind.

I should read something to distract me. Books are our best friend.

I opened the book and started to read the first chapter of course but it only made me more sleepy.

One thing I got from this that couse books are not out friends but they are sleeping medicine.

Come on professor come quick.

Yes..yes he entered and started class. I tried to focus what's being taught in class. Although this lecture is also not less than any sleep medicine.

After 15-20 mins I saw one boy peeking inside the classroom from outside. As soon as professor turned to the blackboard to write he quickly and silently entered inside and walked as if he's the principal. He looked familiar. I looked down at my book and pretend as if I was studying with so much concentration that I didn't noticed him.

He walked to my seat and sit down.

I have seen him but where? He was not in class yesterday. Where? Where? Where I have seen him?

Yes! Dream boy with interesting eyes.

Oh shit! He exists in real. I am doomed. I am gone...

His dreams make me so restless then in real how restless he will make me?

And he's sitting with me. ME...

He called me," Excuse me? What's going on?"

He's talking with me..me...eeeeee....

I moved my head up and turned to him with serious face.

He's looking shocked. Why is he shocked?

I shoud be giving shocked expressions. Not him... It's freaking for me not him. I saw him in my weird dreams and imagine us doing strange things.

His eyes...Oh his eyes...Snap out of it Avni. Don't go to his eyes. But what do I do? Even behind specs his eyes looks so beautiful.

Wait he's looking at me like this means he knows me.

His eyes are same... Means stalker boy... He's the stalker boy.


This was Avni's pov? What are your thoughts about Avni? Did you liked her?

Avni too sees Ishaan in dreams and recognised him very well.

She has came to conclusions that Ishaan is her stalker. But is he? 

How was this part?

I am sure you all might have understood that part written in italics are Avni & Ishaan's dreams.

Don't leave this book because of names. Give it same behaviour/love as of my any other behir book. Some readers tend leave the book because of names.

I know many of my readers prefer name behir and like them better. I too like them more but let's try something new. I am sure you'll like these two also in sometime.

Share your views in comments and don't forget vote.


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