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He looks little tensed today. He's just sitting while holding my hands and haven't spoke a word since he came.

I asked," What happened Anant? Are you alright?"

He stammered," I..I want to tell you something?"


He kissed my hand," But first remember my feelings for you are real. I didn't told you before because I was afraid that you'll..."

I kept hand in his cheek," I what?"

He hold my that hand," Please don't hate me after knowing. Please don't distance yourself from me. I know I should have been honest from start but"

"Just tell me."

He closed his eyes and sighed," My family."

"Yes your family?"

"I belong to"

He didn't said anything but just forwarded his arm and I saw something, which I haven't noticed before.


Avni's pov...

I heard my phone ringing and got back into real world. I saw my phone. Hugh! Unknown number. I will not pick it.

I saw time. It's been almost an hour since I am waiting for Ishaan and In this hour I slept too and again dreamed. Urggh if that unknown call wouldn't have woken me up and then I would have known why Ishan's lookalike was tensed showing his tattoo.

What a weird tattoo. Circle inside a circle. He could have got something more cool.

Well to think that tattoo might have meant something if he had it and he looked totally scared. What it meant? How did Kanisha reacted seeing it? I'll know it at night. I know.  This weird movie will continue when I'll sleep next time.

Buy for now I want to know where is Ishaan? How much more I have to wait? If he didn't come in next 5 minutes I'll go back. Seriously this behaviour is not acceptable. I shouldn't have come here.

I was about to stand up but suddenly a rose 🌹 came in front of my face and I heard," Hi beautiful!"

It's Ishaan. So, he finally decided to show up.

He then gives me rose & said while sitting in front of me " A rose for a rose."

I blushed a little listening his compliment & took rose quietly. I forgot all my disappointment by seeing his gesture but decided to act.

"What will I do with your rose?"

He sat in front of me," Smell it, see it, love it, wear it in your hand. There are so many options."

I threw it at him and got up and said strictly," Have you seen the time? Who makes girl wait so long?😠"

He too got up," I am sorry. Please..."

He did something with his face, it looked so cute. I made a mistake of looking in his eyes and something happened in my heart. I sit down quietly. How could I not give in after looking in those eyes. They have something in them. I know it's wrong but I don't know why but I feel drawn to them. Maybe I know. It's maybe because I saw them in my dreams on daily basis. But that can't be the only reason. I am awake now and it's all real. This is real. I have started to like him for real and it's too quick.

I am staring at his eyes, I know it's creepy but I can't help. I feel them coming closer and got snapped out from my trance when I feel something being tucked behind my head. That rose... He tucked the rose in my hair.

"Beautiful!" He remarked and grinned while keeping his face in his hand, his elbow on table.

I looked down and tried to control my blush while waiting for him to say something but he didn't. He just kept staring at me. I think he likes me too. Really? Do he?

I cleared my throat and his elbow slipped from table and looked here and there almost embarrassingly.

I think I should say something to make things less akward.

"So, why have you called me here?"

"To apologise."

"It's fine. I am not angry anymore. But be on tine next time."

He lifted his eyebrow and smirked," Ohh! So you want to come out with me again. Like a date right. Great!😁"

I got up," I am going."

He held my hand," No! No! Sorry! Don't go."

I nodded and sit down again.

He said," I have called you here to tell you something. I don't know how it will sound.

You asked me why I didn't came today right?"

"Yeah and you told me you were busy. You had some important personal work which is what you can't tell and it's fine. You don't need to tell me."

"I want to. But I don't know how. I lied earlier. Just listen carefully and let me tell you before hand only that I am not crazy, mad mental or all the other synonyms by which I am called by all."

"Should I be concerned for my safety if I am sitting with a psycho?" I said playfully.

" Absolutely! But the thing is sweetheart that I am totally normal. What others say are not true."

He was being playful but there was something serious in his tone.

"And what do you say Mr normal?"

" What I say is believe me. No one understands. Don't judge without knowing."

Now it's confirmed, something is wrong," I am listening. Tell me."

"Well! I....lied to you that I had some work. I overslept and I was embarrassed to tell you that. Don't laugh."

I was about to but stopped myself.

He continued," Now what I am about to tell you will not sound believable. You might take me wrong. But my intentions are not wrong. I know you suspect me to be your stalker but I am not. You might think after..."

I stopped his blabbering," Just get to the point."

He nodded," There is this thing, it has become more frequent. I have problem in sleeping. I get these weird nightmares. They..."

Before he can say anyone my phone ringed. Same unknown number," Not again!😠😣"

"What Avni?"

I showed him my phone," I am getting calls from this unknown number back to back today."

"Give it to me."

I handed my phone over to him but it stopped ringing.

He said," Block his number Avni."

I nodded," Yeah! I think I should."

I was about to block it but got the message from same number:
Go Back! Stay away from him.


After long I updated this book.

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