Raged Death

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Ragnarok's POV:

me and Devil jin rushed to the witch also the witch rushed to us and both of us attack the same time, and I'm doing electric punches and devil jin is doing slashes with the sword of his and the witch blocked every attack even devil jin's slashes and she's talking while dodging our attacks

Witch: you guys are slow and not fast enough

then after she said that then she counter our attack that made us fly back and land on our back on the ground while she was walking toward us slowly

Devil jin: (stand's up) It's over!! (used overclock and then my entire body is covered on blue violet flames and red lighting)                                                                                                                                         Ragnarok: (stand's up) raishin no yoroi "armor of the lightning god"                                                           Witch: so you guys your powerfull  skill now.... (charging my power) I'll show you two the power of... A fallen royal blood! 

then she release a shock wave that hit us but it doesn't hurt and then we saw she has and dark aura around her and her power was rising high and then she said..

Witch: I've been resisting using almost my full power and I'm just wasting time now and... its time to end this fight and time to die you two

then devil jin spoke..

Devil jin: hmph not on my sight (rushes to her with a sword and using firestorm)                                   Ragnarok: wait (rushes and charging and using shockwave)                                                                          Devil jin and Ragnarok: Exploding lighting storm!

then first devil jin rushes to the witch and slash left and right and he jumped and hit the ground releasing a strong fire explosion after that I followed up jumped then hit the ground releasing massive strong thunder and electricity to the witch after that we back a bit to see if the witch survive or not..

Devil jin: (breathing fast) we still got the combo right ragnarok                                                                       Ragnarok: (breathing semi fast) hahahhaha yeah we still got it and new thing you used a sword instead of your fist on our combo                                                                                                                                  

then after that we heard her voice....

Witch: (laughs) that's a interesting combo you guys did to me and I really felt it 

Then we saw here and some of her body is covered by her aura and slowly disappearing and we saw no damage or injuries at all at her body...

Witch: good thing that I have new abilities after I experimenting my own body with some        right full servants... now then (summon the dark demon blade on my hands) shall we end this?                                                                                                                                                                                                             then she warped at the middle of us and then attack devil jin first with a uppercut him made him fly up and she jump up and hit devil jin on the chest then he hit the ground and she send five swords at him and the swords hit him on the chest, arms, and legs....

Devil jin: (spit's blood)                                                                                                                                                        Ragnarok: NO!!

then she warp on front of me and slash to swords on my chest made a cross mark then she go to my back and kick me, made me kneel on the ground and bleeding then pierce my legs so I can't stand up

Ragnarok: (struggling the pain that I got) you... (breathing hard) you'll pay for this!                             Witch: (laughs) you can't even stand up even I just pierce your legs and I know you have some kind of regeneration ability that can heal any injury that you may take after you achieve that form,but that will not work, look on your legs

then I looked at my legs and I saw that the bleeding blood of mine is violet instead of red and even the pierced part has some violet 

Witch: Its dark magic that I made it my own and know instead of killing your mate, (looked at devil jin) I will kill your monster friend first who disturb me (then summon the dark demon blade on my hand)                                                                                                                                                          Ragnarok: NO!! (trying to stand up but made it hurt a lot) 

then the witch is slowly walking to devil jin and then she pull out the five blades that pierce his chest, arms, and legs that made him left bleeding then she pull him towards to me by pulling his hair but she put him with a distance so that the witch think I need to see him suffer and then the witch put devil jin on kneeling position and made him stay on that position

Witch: before I kill your friend by this sword I'm gonna give him a punishment because of disturbing me on killing you and your mate and now I'm gonna cut your wings and then kill you 

then she raised her sword then cut devil jin wings the wing fallen to the ground..

Devil jin: (screams on pain)                                                                                                                                             Witch: that's for disturbing me and now its time to kill you and before I do that (lowered by head to his ears) (whispers the last thing about the curse) now you know what is the curse I gave to ragnarok and how to stop it, now... time to die! (raised my sword)                                                            Ragnarok: don't do it! please don't kill him                                      

then I saw devil jin staring at me and he smiles like knowing that he gonna said one day "protect night for me while I'm gone" then tears came out of my eyes and I hear foot steps toward here and I saw... Night!

Before Night run to devil jin

Night's POV:

I saw daddy was about to be killed by her and ragnarok cannot move and so when I was about to run to daddy and take the slash mommy stop and then she said

Psy: say to your daddy that I love him  

then when I heard that words I know what gonna happen then I said

Night:  No, you go said to daddy by yourself mommy                                                                                           Psy: what..

then I hit her neck that made her fall asleep then I ran to daddy and ragnarok saw me and I did not look then when she was about to hit daddy I block then taked the hit 

Witch's POV:

Witch: (Instead that I slash the monster, it was blocked by ragnarok's mate) 

after ragnarok's mate took the hit she cough out blood then fall down side ways and I smile

Ragnarok's POV:

I saw it again the death of my mate in front and then my eyes are shocked when the saw it and then I looked at the witch and hearing voices on my head

???: (in the mind of ragnarok): kill her! kill her! she killed your mate! release the anger inside of you and I will take care of this! and she will pay for this!

then I shout out my anger and all my eye sight turn black

Devil jin's POV:

then when I was about to take the slash, I looked down and closed my eyes and heard the slash but it doesn't go to my head and I open my eyes saw a shadow and I looked up saw.... Night took the slash for me...

Night: (cought out blood and fall down side ways)                                                                                                Devil jin: NO!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                     Witch: look's like your daughter took the slash for you and made my quest easy                             Devil jin: you will pay for this you bastard!     

then I heard ragnarok shout and the witch turn around to and then a beam or red light show on ragnarok and shoot up on the sky then after that the light was gone and the witch and I saw ragnarok standing with red electricity around his body with some black colored fur and his eyes are red and lastly there is a glowing circle on his chest then he touched it and looked at the witch then said...

Ragnarok (berserk mode): I will kill you!

then he rushed to the witch punched on the chest made her sent flying to the wall and run again to the witch..

Witch: (laughs) that's what I'm looking for.. the power that will kill yourself (rushed to ragnarok and attack him)

their both fighting while their fighting, I saw Psy knock out and then seconds she's starting to open her eyes and saw night bleeding out

Psy: night!!

then she stand up fast and run to her and doing something to stop the bleeding

Devil jin: (in mind) why... why this happen to me again, and now ragnarok is on berserk and night is bleeding, I need to think of something think.... think....

I closed mt eyes to think of something and then seconds later I heard a voice..

???: I can help you mortal

then after I heard it and look around saw just white.. everything is white 

???: I'm here mortal

  then I turn around and I saw a pokemon,  he has white steel wings and wearing some kind of pokemon armor and his an umbreon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Devil jin: who are you?                                                                                                                                                        ???: I'm King Dawn Caelum Lucis, older brother of King Asaki Caelum Lucis the one you almost killed but stopped by Princess Psy Caelum Lucis, your mate                                                                   Devil jin:  your his older brother, well that explain's a lot                                                                                   Dawn: yes that's explain why did he go experimenting on a lot of pokemon and that includes you                                                                                                                                                                                     Devil jin: why is he like that? why did he torture us and made us like weapons?                                      Dawn: it's my fault that I made him choose that path because back on the older days we lucian the ruler of yore are at war, fighting against the imperial army, there are so many pokemon died on those days even were more advance than them but we don't understand where they getting stronger or how they got stronger knowing that this war will not be stop until if they or if we give up and my father did not want more blood that will be spill on the ground so he thinks that we need to do a peace treaty and a alliance so there will be no deaths but Asaki did not agree on father's plan he thinks that it is a trap but I did listen to those words and father too and father said " I need to try to make peace with them because there will be more deaths if this war will not be stop by someone else, it is worth a try, and as king, Its my duty to protect all the pokemons that live here on this kingdom also you two because you two are my sons and my greatest treasure of all above else and I don't want you two begone from my eyes and arms", then after I heard that I run to my father hugged him and also asaki too after that he started to walk to the main game, call his trusted guards to protect him and before they started to go the imperial base, father turn around and smile to us and that's the last day that we saw our father's smile at us                                                                                                                                                                                Devil jin: you mean                                                                                                                                                               Dawn: yes he has been killed by the imperial army by the trap that they made said by the trusted guard of his, that returns home injured and so after we heard what happen to father few days later after putting father on a royal tomb, I was called by marshal Nick leonis that I need to go to my father's tomb and just only me and if your gonna ask what is a marshal, a marshal is the right hand of the king and helping the prince to become a king, and back to the main part, so when I was called I proceed to my father's tomb and enter it                                                                            Devil jin: wait, why did you say enter it, is your father's tomb a big one                                                         Dawn: and yes my father's tomb is called the royal tomb its were the past king's remains there and my father is one of the past and back to the tomb and he ask me to take my father's power and he said that father entrusted me the role of the protector but I know I'm not a lucis and I said to him "why, why did he entrusted me the role of the protector?!, why didn't he tell me that on the first place?!, why did he stand on that gate smiling to us before he left?!, why--why did he lie to us?" I was crying back there and thinking why he did that me and then he said "that day, he did not want you to remember him as a king. In what time you had left, he wanted to be your father to the two of you. He always have faith on you even your not a royal blood, that when the time came,  you would ascend for the sake of your people of the will that you have as a lucis." and then stopped crying and said " guess he left me no choice." and after that and on that day I was the 15th king of our kingdom and after months against the imperial army we won but blood still spill on the ground means many pokemon still died but the war has been stop thanks to them also to father too and I know its time to recover after that tragedy but years later There is been attack on the center of the kingdom and I was shock to saw the pokemons who attack and it was my father's brother and sister, the fallen royal blood with the rings that wear by only the royal blood and before I continue, your gonna be surprise that... your fighting my father's sister      Devil jin: (shocked) are you saying that I'm fighting your father's sister?                                                      Dawn: yes her name is Princess Lilith Caelum lucis                                                                                                Devil jin: but how, she should be dead right now from age or died on your fight                                 Dawn: (sigh) as I know they had experimenting to remain there younger form and also gaining power and strength and when me and my brother fought them, lilith on the other hand almost lose to us but his brother is far stronger than us and his name was Chancellor Phoenix Izunia or in other name Prince Phoenix Caelum Lucis and when we about to stop or kill his sister we got distracted by his brother an let his sister retreated to escape from us and we try to catch her but were blocked by him and while were fighting  him knowing that to me and my brother are still weak and can't beat Phoenix, and then got to a situation like you on that time Thinking how to beat them, stop this madness, I closed my eyes to see if there will be a miracle will happen and  moments later I heard a voice that said "I can help you my son" and I opened my eyes saw everything and everywhere turn to color white and I hear it again the same voice said "turn around son I am here" I know that voice is from my father but I know his dead and I turn around and I believe it or not, father is alive and father was about to speak but I rushed to him and hug him, I was crying, and touch my head and I looked and he smile at me and we talked for a bit and I ask if he can give me power to defeat him but he said it comes with price and its not a ordinary power its the power of the 13 kings with the royal arms and you need to choose, what part of you, you want to be sacrificed for this power but I'm against a fallen royal blood and even a part of me is not enough so I choose too---                                                                                                              Devil jin: you chose to sacrifice your own life to save the pokemons living on your kingdom and save your little brother, right.... and if i'm right your like me... a mortal                                           Dawn: (thinking if I need to say the truth or not)

then another one showed up on the side of dawn, but now it was a leafeon with a armor too with white crystal wings and it touch his back and he said...

Dawn: .......love, why are you here?                                                                                                                               ???: I'm here to help him too and the two of us will say the truth after you spoke of your past                                                                                                                                                                                                                I was confused of what are they saying and then dawn spoke up...

Dawn: yes, I was a mortal too, it was rare for a lucian to have a kid that doesn't have the royal blood and I was never treated well by my mother that they have a non-royal blood and want to stick with the one with the royal blood and that was asaki my brother, I was so mad at my self that I'm not a royal blood, and I thought father will be like mother but no, he did not listen to mother's words that I'm a failure, he still know that some where on me has part lucian even I don't have the royal blood and that was my will and now back to the fight with phoenix and yes I died  for my people and my little brother and after the fight between phoenix, rebuild of the kingdom and marshal nick do the process of prince to king, I was watching my brother inside the castle, and if your asking how, we lucians can watch our brothers and sisters of what are they doing on the kingdom and I saw in couple of days was looking fine but couple of weeks his been suspicious and his been planning something and then after a year he hire some pokemons to build some kind of building and I was in shock when I saw him hiring some pokemons to kidnap kids, and other pokemons for experiments and turn them into a living weapon, he thought that if someone or a army challenges him he will be ready, all who challenges him will be scared and kneel before him, and if I was alive I could stop him and then my worst nightmare was happened and he ordered his men to kidnap....kidnap.. 

I was confused of who was been kidnap and the leafeon spoke....                                                                 

???: He ordered his men to kidnap you when you were an eevee and He killed me while I was protecting you as a mother, (crying) it's my fault that your on this monster form                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   then after I heard the word mother, I spoke....

Devil jin: (looked down and breath) sigh you are my mother (laughs) look I don't know what you are talking about                                                                                                                                                                   ???: (wiping my tears and heard that he don't know what I was talking about) what do you mean?                                                                                                                                                                               Devil jin: you didn't hear me that I said... I don't have a mother or even a father that cared me, one of the scientist said that I was abandoned and did not care about me even I was tortured inside that...that building that turn me into this (place my palm on my chest) and I've accepted it that I will consider this form for me will be used to save my family and used for good and there is nothing I could do about it

then the two talked to each other and I don't have time to listen about this so I spoke up...

Devil jin: look I need to go now my family is on danger right now, ragnarok is getting killed by his own power and getting killed too by lilith and thank you for saying the reason why that your freaking brother is like that and soo I must go now

I was about to leave then dawn touch my shoulder and said....

Dawn: don't go now there is something we must show to you                                                                         Devil jin: ok but be quick                    

then I stayed for a while and then they were saying some kind of language that I don't understand and then my body was shinning..

Devil jin: (saw my body shinning) what are you guys doing?!

they did say anything until it was too late that my body is shinning a lot and then I was slowly fainting then I fall to the ground... later dawn talked..

Dawn: wake up, its done

then I waked up and I was on a some kind of forest and looked at my body and I'm completely fine and I was on my devil form not the form from the ring and it was not activate even I'm wearing it

Devil jin: (sigh) were the hell am I?, dawn were did you two brought me, you know that my family is on danger right now and ragnarok too

and dawn did not answer even the leafeon help him to bring me here...

Devil jin: answer me!

then I hear a branch snap and someone drop down and got hurt..

???: (fall down from the tree because the branch got snap) holding my head  Ow, I should not move so much

then I turn around and saw an eevee..

Devil jin: hey kid... 

the eevee looked up to me..

Devil jin: are you alright (reaching my hand to help him stand up)  

then the kid shout...

???: ahhhh! monster! (Stand up fast and run away)                                                                                               Devil jin: (I got confused then I completely forgot that I'm on devil form) I should change form before anyone see me like this

then I try to change form to any pokemon but It doesn't work, I can't change form..

Devil jin: what the hell did the two did to me I can't change form, sigh looks like I need to find a cloth or something to hide my appearance 

to be continue.....

the next chapter will be the memory recovery of devil jin and his true name and I will add there more so Just wait for the next chapter and see yah!

Words: 3672 

Date made: 4/5/2020 

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