tournament of fighters

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Ragnarok's POV:

I woked up and still have bandages all around my body and like I feel no pain or have a slight fatigue and I think I'm okay now, thanks to devil jin's technique and then I left my room saw the three on the table waiting for me.

Devil jin: overslept sir

I can feel like his anger or something else to me but still were  three going to register today.

Ragnarok: sorry.... I forgot that the tournament is today.
Devil jin: it's okay, let's eat now we have to register today.

Then we eat our breakfast and then pack something's then we're ready to go.

Devil jin (flare): ready guys?

I saw devil jin is now a Flareon and his wearing a jet black scarf and then a red cloth for something I don't know why he wear it.

Ragnarok: yes we're ready.
Night: ready.
Psy: good to go honey.

He knodded then we start our walk to the arena

A while later....

I'm still thinking of what happened last 3 days ago that me and night....



I'm in the bedroom thinking everytime that I always wake up and thinking should I confess to night even that I don't have the confidence to say it but then thinking for about five minutes then I have a great plan that I can confess to night perfectly.

I try finding night then I ask devil jin where is she then he said at the backyard looking at the flowers and trees there and then I go to the backyard saw night then I'm a little nervous still it's my first time to confess at night that I love her.

Ragnarok: night

She turn around and looked at me

Night: yes?
Ragnarok: after w.....we train this day...... can we..... meet later at the entrance?
Night: sure, and I don't have something to do this day.

I'm so happy that time that she agreed.

Ragnarok: cool, I'll meet you later at the entrance.

Then she knodded then she looked again to the flowers and trees like a normal girl will do Everytime they wake up to see it.

Later after the training....

After the training I walk back to the entrance and then I saw night.

Ragnarok: you come, I thought that you would not come here because your tired or something.
Night: hey, did I say this morning that I don't have something to do this day, and you don't remember it, do you?
Ragnarok: .....sorry, I forgot that ( scratching my back like always when I forgot something or words that said)
Night: so what are you gonna say or you just let me here for something?
Ragnarok: oh yeah, ah..... Can you come with me, I'll show you something cool?
Night: sure... I guess I haven't saw something cool this past days.

Then she followed me to the near by Cliff and then I cover her eyes with my paws and she a little bit confused too then I released and she saw a beautiful view of the stars and the moon is white too like her eyes.

Night: wow, (her eyes are shining like a diamond) how did you find this place?
Ragnarok: I found this place couple of days ago and thinking that I should bring you here since you like the view of the stars and the moon clearly and then.....

Then I unexpectedly she hug me and I blush.

Night: thank you for bringing me here (hug Ragnarok)
Ragnarok: (blushing) yeah... Sure no.. problem.

Then I snap out of it and then I confess.

Ragnarok: night
Night: yes?
Ragnarok: so this couple days ago, I'm trying to hide this.........
I'm trying to hide this called......
Night: just say it, how hard could be?
Ragnarok:......... I......I (silently)
Night: (blushing) what?
Ragnarok: I said that..... I love you! ( Right shout that like in some movies)

then later she kissed me at the lips and made me stop and she said

Night: I love you too Ragnarok.

She said it with a smile and she accept me then I kissed back then.......

( This is my words guys I will not say some private stuff happen there and after that the curse has been started)

End of flashback

Then later on someone Pat my shoulder.

Night: hey, it's okay (smile)

I smile too then later devil jin talked...

Devil jin (flare): hey love birds, I know what happened last 3 days ago

After he said that we began to blush and thinking how did he know that we..... there and confess too...

Psy: we know what happened

Even Psy know it....

Devil jin (flare): she read your minds after you two got home that last 3 days ago....

Blush and embarrassment is on our feelings right now.

Psy: we're a little bit angry to you 2 but we know that you two will do that one day.

Wait night will confess to me but different time I guess.

Devil jin (flare): so you two stop thinking of that and we have a register and a fight to do.

Then we two knodded but still there is blush and embarrassment but later on it will disappear..

Later about an hour.....

Devil jin (flare): we're here guys.

We have arrived at the arena and enter and register to the counter and it's a Raichu

Raichu: welcome to the arena of the champion, how can I help you gentlemen and ladies?

Devil jin (flare): we would like to register for today's tournament and only three of us my wife will not join

Raichu: okay sir, please sign your name and the other two names too.

Devil jin's POV:

When I about register our names and I saw there are three sections.

Devil jin (flare): by the way is there new to the tournament?

Raichu: yes sir, this tournament at the finals will be 1v1v1 sir so there are three sections.

Devil jin (flare): thanks

Looks like this is gonna be fun

I wrote may name on the section A, Night at section B and Ragnarok at section C

Devil jin (flare): there, done

Raichu: okay sir please follow me with your two players too were going to your waiting rooms.

Devil jin (flare): by the way when is the tournament gonna start?

Raichu: in 50 minutes the tournament will start sir.

Devil jin (flare): okay thanks, you two let's go and Psy you can come too.

The three knodded then followed me and I followed the Raichu

Raichu: here we are sir your waiting room and I'll bring the other two to there waiting room too.

Devil jin (flare): okay

Then they follow the Raichu and the room is quite good has a bed and  restroom and some snacks too.

Night's POV:

After we arrived at Daddy's waiting room we looked a bit then we leave to go to my waiting room.

Raichu: here we are mam your waiting room.

Night: thanks

Then we looked for a bit then Ragnarok and Psy and the Raichu leave and go to Ragnarok's waiting room.

Ragnarok's POV:

After we looked at night's waiting room, then we go to my waiting room leaving night at her waiting room.

Raichu: here we are sir your waiting room

Ragnarok: thanks

We looked again and then Psy leave with the Raichu to bring her to the guest room.

That's pretty much it for now, school is killing me and making me wake up early and see yah!

I changed it it will not be parts now because the next one will be her death

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