Chapter Thirty Eight - Decision

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Copyright Ⓒ 2019 by B. R. Bailey All Rights Reserved

"She didn't want to risk making the Curse worse or spreading it," Arthur admitted. "Nor did she want to allow the Royal Court to continue to abuse their power. Earlier today, when she was at the spindle that controlled the Curse, she attached herself to it, making herself a sacrifice to free anyone involved who would use their position to protect the commoners." 

"When she did that, we had no choice but to bring her into the Throne room. She attached herself to Curse, but she wasn't named in it. Between that and her bloodline, we thought that she would be safe from the effect of the Curse. 

We thought that, if she were crowned, the Curse would approve of her and absolve itself. Then, later on, the real Princess would be able to take the throne and Briar Rose would be free to live her own life.

The Queen wanted to cut out her heart and use it to break the Curse, as a Dragons heart is the base of their power. We couldn't agree with that.

That's another reason of many for us raising her by ourselves in the woods. Before we left Skyfort we cast a spell over the Castle, making it be no blades would be able to harm her within these walls."

Lucinda sighed, leaning against the tower's wall. "We tried to help her. As a Curse Breaker, she would be one of the most respected people in the Kingdom. The High King and High Queen would never waste such talent.

If we had told her the truth, she might have agreed to help. Instead, we lied through omission, leading her to believe that she was the Princess so that she would be scared and use her own will to survive to break the Curse.

We never imagined she would sacrifice herself. We were able to alter the Curse before to save everyone's lives and expressly help Princess Emerald.

However...Briar Rose isn't the Princess and she made her alteration under that assumption. We couldn't get her to reverse it. There's nothing we can do to awaken her on her own."

"The Curse has to be lifted in the manner we and Briar Rose designated," Niall explained, seeing the outrage on King Arthurs face. "And then some. Briar Rose didn't know that she's half Dragon and being half Dragon did influence the intent of her spell. 

She made it clear that a good person has to grant forgiveness and in that hearts acceptance, the Royals would be given redemption.

She meant a good person, but, with her power being what it is, it must be someone with a pure heart to forgive the High King and High Queen for their crimes, wanting the Princess to rule over the people."

"That's it? Someone grants those monsters forgiveness and Briar Rose will wake up?"

The three old women looked at each other. "We don't know," Dolphina admitted. "Briar Rose put herself into the Curse without her name, on the assumption she was the Princess. She intended to be the center of the Curse and redirect the magic into herself."

"That means that, as she is not named or referred to in Galadriel's original spell, the Curse doesn't know what to do with her.

The Curse would have to be completely eradicated for her to wake up. The Royals need to be absolved and accepted into a pure heart irrevocably."

"What does that mean? Isn't saying I forgive you enough? Isn't letting them go with their heads and their lives proof of intent?" King Arthur yelled in frustration. "If you want to say something be forthright!" 

"You are correct about proof of intent. Letting one live when they have committed such atrocious crimes would normally be enough. However...this Curse has now been acted upon by two Dragons. A Dragons power is based in their heart. Therefore, we can surmise that only the greatest of redemption can break the Curse, as it will alter the heart of the afflicted. 

Princess Emerald is the center of the Curse. She is the afflicted."

"Greatest redemption?" Arthur asked, not understanding what they meant. "The greatest redemption...alter the heart?" 

Arthur thought for a moment about what could truly change a person. If it weren't for his good friends in Merlins Keep, he might have gone mad with the loneliness of losing his parents and his freedom to the Curse. 

"That is not something that can be given so easily," Sir Leonard countered, his face hard. "You cannot designate who gives you redemption." 

"You can offer it. It seems that someone who would risk his life traveling in a hostile Kingdom to bring the poorest wretches into his own home would have no problems offering his heart."

Arthur turned to Dolphina. "You want me to give my heart to Princess Emerald? I don't even know her!"

"You would get to know her in time. You could make her a good person. A good Queen, as you are a King yourself. Alagil and Whitewater would be united in peace and the Curse Breakers could help hold off the Dragons with the aid of the Knights of the Round Table." Lucinda explained, nodding to the dead Dragon. 

"He was the first of hundreds." 

Arthur rubbed his face, trying to clear his head.

"You are a King, are you not?" Niall asked, looking him up and down. "You must do what is right. I don't know if there is anyone else in this city with a pure heart."

Sir Leonard raised his eyebrows, turning to the women. "So your idea is to have him wake up the people who just tried to murder an innocent woman and consign their Kingdom to routine human sacrifice?" 

"We need to Curse Breakers!" Niall shouted her bandaged arm lifting. "If you leave people with the Gift in a helpless slumber here the Dragons will surely eat them! I've counted the census and not everyone with the Gift is present in the Court. 

Nepotan was taking some of the Gifted away. I thought were receiving private training and contracts in Brightstone but, with this revelation, it is clear that those poor souls are no longer alive."

"There are too many lives at risk for us to leave the Curse be," Lucinda assented. 

Sir Leonard was quiet for a long time.

"Arthur...they have made a good point. If Nepotan was here and revealed himself as a Dragon, it means that the Dragons are ready for war. If we do nothing, there is no way we can protect ourselves.

Even with the people, we've brought in, the weapons we have can only do so much without other magic to assist the war effort. It will take the might of many Kingdoms to hold the Dragons back."

Arthur held his head high. "I want to save the people of all lands. I forgive High King Henric for his crimes. I forgive High Queen Victoria for her crimes. I forgive the Alagilian Royal Court and the United Magic Defense Force all of their combined crimes!

However, I have nothing to offer the Princess other than my forgiveness and my free will. I will offer my life and my death to defending the lives of others, including her. That will have to be enough." 

Si r Leonards eyebrows rose into his hairline with the force of his shock as he stared at Arthur, wide-eyed. 

The three Godmothers looked at each other in surprise. After a few moments whispering back and forth, they agreed. 

"Very well," Lucinda started slowly. "If that is all you can give, it will have to be enough. You can let Briar Rose know that you give yourself freely to aid all, including hers so that the Curse will free her. Your intent has to be pure for the Curse to break.

As long as you are certain in your heart that you can give up your freedom and your life to Princess Emerald, you may proceed. But only if you are completely certain. There can be no doubt otherwise the Curse will take you too." 

Arthur bowed his head, his shoulders slumping with the weight of the responsibility they were giving him.

He walked through the tower, going over to the table he had Briar Rose laid out on.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save you from the Curse," he whispered. "You saved my life and I failed to return the favor in kind. I won't fail you now.

I promise that you will get to go to the beach. Enjoy it for both of us. I'm afraid that we won't be having any more adventures, Briar Rose. And please, for the sake of all literature, read the book I gave you! It is great. 

I thought that maybe you could outdo him in time. Merlin was so creative and you're creative, just like him. Now that I know you're part Dragon, I guess your right in his league as far as power. Maybe you'll make another Excalibur.

Although, after this fight, I think that you might be better off making magic shields. Swords slice well, but they don't block. Make a shield to stop a Dragon and praises will be sung about you for the next thousand years.

I suppose they might be sung already. I'll let everyone know that all of the freedom they'll have was because of your assistance. I'll always remember you."

He kissed her, letting her know that he was thankful for all of her help and that he wished her the best for the rest of her life, in which she might be free to make her own choices and read The Many Feats of Merlin.

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