Chapter I

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"Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment"- Zig Ziglar

Florence Olympi stirs her soggy cornflakes in her bowl, creating a whirlpool in the middle with her room temperature milk. Sunlight peers in through the large bay windows, a reminder that she has in fact woken up and needs to go to school. She bites her lip, her appetite not showing up. Her phone buzzes with a new text, the sound emanating through the rich wood of the table. Florence barely glances at it, already knowing who it's from.

Mom: I'll be home by 9 tomorrow. Just order out. Money is on the card.

Florence rolls her eyes, accompanying it with a loud sigh. Her mom is always leaving or is always busy. "Never home" are the two best words to describe her. Florence doesn't even know what she does, all she knows is that it is entrepreneurial. Yet, Florence doesn't even know what that means. She puts her bowl in the sink, the spoon falling out and collides with the harsh sound of metal on metal echoing throughout the large house. With another dissatisfied sigh, Florence makes a beeline for her room, her footprints being left behind in the plush carpet of the stairs.

Florence swings open the door and takes in the soft greys and light blues of her bedroom. She got to choose the colours when she was seven and has never looked back. It just works. She walks straight over to her reading and studying nook; a cozy alcove bed with a large, picture window. With a soft bed, a bookshelf built in one wall and a mini desk space in the other, she curls up and stares out at her luxurious yard. The never-wilting flowers reach up towards the sun, their colourful petals dancing in the slight wind. The grass, seemingly greener than yesterday, sways along. Their yard is a majestic sight, and the alcove is the best place to view it.

"It's eight. I have school at nine. That means I have an hour, or two half hours, to get ready. If I leave a quarter to nine to walk, I'll get there at 9:05. If I drive, I'll have to leave at 8:50 to get there at 9 exactly." Florence leans her head back after doing the daily morning calculations. She is known for being very good at time management, which keeps her on track, but does come off a bit odd. But, her grades and attendance are an impressive thing.

Her phone buzzes once again, in a habitual manner. Mia: Hurry over to my house. Right! Now! Her best friend sent with such urgency, it's impressive Florence could even make out a sentence. Florence slides out of her nook and walks into her closet. She scans an assortment of jumpers, feeling like it's that kind of day. She finds her favourite, a floral pink one with a paper-bag waist, and slips on her scuffed, white sneakers. She brushes her hair in the vanity, carefully applying makeup afterward. She wasn't a huge fan of it, but her mom said it "enhanced her natural beauty." Considering her mom was the prettiest women she'd ever seen, Florence took her word for it. Checking the time, she scrambles downstairs, heading towards the door to the two-car garage. Florence yanks off her car keys from the hanging hooks and hops into her little, blue Toyota. With one turn of the engine, she was off.

"Oh. My. God!" Mia Fowler squeals, hugging Florence. Her dark chocolate eyes scan over her and she hugs her again. "You look gorgeous!" Florence rolls her eyes, flushing at the compliment.

Mia and Florence have been friends since forever, and they've both been known as "the pretty and smart ones". Florence begs to differ as she wants to look like Mia. With her hourglass body, smooth, olive skin, and a wild hazel afro, she's hard to miss. Florence, on the other hand, is tall, standing at a staggering five foot eight inches, has creamy pale skin, classic blue eyes, and white-blonde hair, making her an alien standing next to Mia. But, as it usually goes in life, Mia has always wanted to look like Florence.

"So, why'd I need to come over?" Florence sits on Mia's small bed, resting her head in her hands, watching Mia pace her purple room.

She runs her fingers through her mess of curls, an anxious habit. "Ok. So. You know how me and Jake Thompson are like an on-an-off thing, right?"


"Well, he just asked me to Homecoming! Do you think it's official?" Mia stares at her expectantly.

Florence nods slowly, swallowing, thinking of the right words. "Yeah. Totally. I've seen the way he looks at you when he passes us between our History and his Geometry." Mia squeals and Florence grins. She's never really been as boy crazed as Mia. But, she's never had a boyfriend either.

"Really? You think so? I think we'd make a cute couple!" Mia examines herself in her floor-length mirror. She adjusts her purple crop top and shimmies in her black, ripped jeans.

"You already are a cute couple! I mean, come on. You're drop-dead gorgeous and he's one of the hottest guys in school, not that I like him though." Florence turns on her phone, checking the time. "We should head to school now. I'll drive." Mia nods.

"I wonder what he'll say to me today," Mia contemplates as they head downstairs to the car.

Mia hooks arms with Florence, a regular occurrence, as they head to their lockers. Pushing through the crowded hall, they spot Jake and their mutual friend Scarlet Bowney standing by their lockers, scrolling on their illuminated phones. Scarlet smiles when Florence cracks open her locker and a small pink note, scented with something like cherries, floats out. Florence catches it with a quick hand. She looks at Scarlet and opens it, scanning over the secret words of the day, a small smile pulling at her lips.

That is Scarlet's job in the school. She is the gossiper and she's the one everyone goes to with their secrets and stories, which are usually just lousy rumours. With her soothing, sweet voice and rose gold hair, she just oozes with the look of a person anyone could trust with their innermost thoughts.

Florence smiles more, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear as she folds the secret note. Scarlet holds a finger to her lips, her lime eyes sparkling with many more hidden treasures. Florence nods, opening her mouth to say something before Mia slams against the locker, Jake's mouth planted on hers. Florence rolls her eyes and shields them from the public's eye. Scarlet joins her, pocketing her phone and flipping off people who stare. Students move around them and the first bell screams, forcing Jake to remove his tongue from Mia's mouth. Florence grabs her wrist and drags her to the first period before Jake can get another kiss. Scarlet follows behind them, collecting notes from people pushing past them.

"That was gross," Florence mutters. Mia giggles.

"Ok, Class!" Mr. Hiler hits his ruler on the whiteboard. "Today, as you can see, we are doing Greek Mythology, in particular, the Gods!" He struts across the front of the room, tapping his ruler at the large, blue scrawls on the board. Florence copies the title down in her neon blue pen, her writing neat and in line. Mia scribbles little flowers in the margins and Scarlet hides her phone, entering the new rumours onto her blog.

"Now, can anyone tell me who the two rulers of all the gods are?" Mr. Hiler gestures to the rows of students. Florence's blue eyes light up, her brain getting shocked by a bolt of lightning-like thoughts. Her hand shoots up, nearly pulling her entire body up with its force.

"Yes, Ms.Florence?" 200 pairs of eyes turn to her and she smiles.

"Zeus is the God of all Gods. Hera, his wife, is the Goddess of all Gods. They both controlled other aspects of life and live at the top of Mount Olympus. Zeus made all the other gods and half-gods!" Florence smiles again, this time matching the confused look on everyone's face. A lump forms in her throat.

"Very good! Thank you!" Mr. Hiler nods, a sign that Florence should sit down. She plops back into her warm chair and Mia taps her shoulder.

"How'd you know that?" Mia whispers.

Florence shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe it was in one of the books I read." She copies the notes on the board and Mia taps her again.

"You're now one of Mr. Hiler's favourites." Florence stifles a laugh and Mia faces forwards again, clearly jealous of Florence's new fan as she could never do history as good as Florence.

Class drags on, Mr. Hiler piling on more notes and facts. Florence feels as though she already knows most of them, however. She brushes off the feeling, writing them down anyways. When the bell rings, people stare as she, Mia, and Scarlet walk out of class.

Florence leans back onto her elbows in the soft grass, the slight wind tickling her skin. Mia and Jake share a cupcake, kissing between every bite. Scarlet is hunched over, her hair blowing into her face, her elfish ears poking out. Florence takes a deep breath, allowing the air to fill her lungs and erase the weird feeling that filled her during History class. 'Why did I know that?' She shakes the thought out of her head. She just read it somewhere and her mind absorbed it. It does that sometimes. Scarlet gasps and Jake and Mia stop their makeout session. She dramatically gasps again.

"What is it, Scar?" Jake asks, his mouth full of soggy chocolate cupcake.

"Hear this! It's a new article on Greek mythology that Mr. Hiler posted to the class forum. Listen; 'Zeus is reported to have had a daughter recently with a mortal human. She is told to be tall and have striking features that are light but bold. She could be anywhere in this world. Look out!'" Scarlet smiles and Jake laughs.

"You don't believe that, do you? That's not real." Jake's glance slowly moves towards Mia who's too busy taking a selfie. Florence could practically see the drool.

Florence's stomach knots. 'Tall. Striking, bold features. ' Scarlet's voice and repeats in her mind. 'Tall. Striking, bold features. '

"You alright, Florence?" Mia asks. All their eyes shift to her. 'Can they read my thoughts? Who knows.' Florence stares at her best friend. Her head feels so full. Like it would explode any second now.

"Yeah! Just nervous for Homecoming, even though it's in two months!" She forces a laugh and Scarlet gives her an uneasy smile. Florence scans over Scarlet. Her rose gold hair is striking, but not exactly bold. Her ears are elfish but so are her younger brothers. 'Anywhere in the world.' The words repeat, filling her head like a crowded bucket. 'Anywhere in the world.'

"Is it about the Father-Daughter dance, Flo?" Mia's brow furrows, clearly in concern for her best friend. That brought a new anxiety to Florence.

"Yeah... kinda. I was actually thinking of asking my mom about that tonight." Florence lies, but it is a good excuse. She can hardly think straight as Scarlet's voice and the article keep ringing in her skull. Maybe calling her mom will free up that space. The school bells ring once more.

Florence calls her mom, biting into a gooey piece of cheese pizza. She pulls it from her mouth, enjoying the stringiness. Her mom's voicemail picks up and Florence hangs up, dialing again. Her mom picks up.

"Hi, Sweetie!" Her voice rings with false excitement. Florence could tell she is tired. She truly does work hard, she's the only one providing for this lavish life Florence lives.

"Hi, Mom! I have a really important question to ask you!" Florence fakes sounding happy, hoping to coerce her mom into telling her who her dad is. Florence has never met her dad. Her mom said he was dead; dead to her anyways. And Mia posed a good question.

"What is it?"

"Who is my dad? The school is planning a father-daughter dance for Homecoming and I thought if maybe I contacted him, he'd come for just one night." Florence holds her breath, waiting. Her mom sighs into the phone, mulling over her words.

"Homecoming is already being planned? It only the second week of school! And Florence, Honey, we've talked about this. Your father is a nobody and a scum bag. He wouldn't want to come to some school dance with a daughter he left alone! It's just facts." Her mom sighs once more, giving the same lines as she has always given Florence. "Is that all?"

"Yeah... I guess." Florence wishes her mom is there, because in that moment, she needs a hug. Her head feels so full, it's a full-blown migraine. Her head hurts and she just wants her mom.

"Ok, then, I have to go. I love you." Her mom hangs up before Florence could reply.

"I love you, too." A knot forms in her stomach again. An all-knowing knot of fear that she doesn't understand as her head continues throb. She heads up to her room, seeking comfort from there. She jumps onto her queen-sized bed, burrowing herself in the vast, blue blankets. They're cooling and their rustling soothes her, like the sound of a calming ocean wave. Florence closes her eyes, picturing oceans and clouds. Slowly, the image in her mind fades as she drifts off into sleep, with Scarlet's voice still repeating 'Tall. Striking, bold features. Anywhere in the world.'

Arriving to first period, Mr. Hiler holds a huge smile on his face. Once everyone is seated, he taps his ruler on the whiteboard, calling their attention.

"Did you all read the new Greek mythology article that scientists have found?" Mr. Hiler smiles and the class erupts with chatter. It fills Florence's head, replacing Scarlet's voice. 'Something is wrong with you.' She thinks. Mia smiles at Florence, poking her, dragging her out of her thoughts.

"Who do you think it is?" Something swirls in Mia's chocolate eyes. It's almost as if she wants to be an ancient god's daughter. She certainly looks the part.

" It could be anyone in the world," Florence murmurs, trying to hide a creeping sense of worry. "After all, it is just mythology."

Mia nods, her smile widens. "But.... they had to have some sort of truth, right? Like, no one can just make up stuff like this without some truth..." She rambles on, getting a few agreeing nods from Scarlet, who types furiously on her phone, trying to update the blog.

Florence tunes her friend out. The classroom quiets, Mr. Hiler waiting. He rambles on, saying things like "mystical" and "new with the times", sounding exactly like an old person trying to fit in with the younger generations.

"Just some food for thought," He finishes, as the bell cuts him off. Everyone hurries out of class, but Florence sticks behind, like gum on a railing.

"You coming, Flo?" Mia asks, grabbing her things.

"I just need to talk to Mr. Hiler. I'll be right there. Go on." Florence brushes on Mia and Scarlet, but they leave her be. As soon as it's just her and her history teacher, Florence breaks down into tears. Her head hurts so much, it comes out of her eyes like an overflowing bucket.

Mr. Hiler looks up in surprise. He tilts his head, but makes no moves closer to her. "Everything ok, Ms. Florence?" He tentatively asks.

"No!" She cries. "My head hurts, it has been hurting since yesterday. I miss my mom! She's never around! And, I have no dad for father-daughter dance! Everything hurts and I don't like it..." She chokes on the last words, not being able to breath. Mr.Hiler sighs as he saunters over. He rests a hand on Florence's, crouching to face her.

"I understand. Let me call the office. You are dismissed, as far as I'm concerned." His voice is calm as Florence sniffles. She wipes her eyes, staring at her history teacher; a man she never really thought of having a personality other than bland-coloured khakis and books.

"Thank you," She manages through hiccups. Another bell rings, starting class two as Florence gathers her books off the floor. She waves at Mr. Hiler as he talks on the phone.

Florence's mom loads up the dishwasher, humming a tune Florence has heard so much but doesn't quite know what it is. Florence shoves the cold slice of cheese pizza, leftover from last night, into her mouth, smudging the lipgloss she applied earlier today. She watches her mom shut the door and turn around, her smile brighter than ever.

"It's so good to be back home!" She smiles at Florence, her eyes full of love. The bags under them wrinkle, her hair still slicked back professionally, and her yawns getting bigger each time. 'It's good to be where you can sleep comfortably,' Florence thinks.

"Yeah. I did forget about the pond and flowers, now that I'm looking at you, but they seem ok." Florence glances out the glass doors, out into the clean yard; the flowers not wilted and the pond still clear. Florence's mom smiles, not entirely confused but still in question about her daughter.

"For the entire three weeks I was gone, you didn't do anything? I told you repeatedly. Like, twenty or more times a day while I was home. And I even sent you texts! I repeated it over and over and over-"

"I forgot!" Florence shrugs, cutting off her mom and eating the last bite of pizza crust. Her mom just shakes her head, disappointed but not surprised. She heads over to Florence, taking her face in her hands. They were cold to Florence, but she leaned into the touch. Her mom plants a kiss on her forehead and holds her only daughter tightly.

"I don't care anyways. I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Mom." Florence hugs back, relishing the moment. Her mom is never home for too long, and when she is, she is never awake for long. "Want to head to bed?"

Her mom sighs, rubbing her back and then letting go. They stare at eachother, a mother and daughter. "You read my mind."

Florence listens to the ocean waves coming from her white noise machine. They almost sing her to sleep as she pictures their depths enclosing her. The sweet smell of honey and flowers floats up from her sheets, her mom's favourite laundry detergent. Florence looks at the stars on her ceiling, their light almost as bright as the sun, winking and twinkling, pretty cool since they are only stickers. Florence closes her eyes, the darkness calming her mind.

A faint, golden light envelopes Florence, gentle hands lifting her from her bed. She stirs, only looking through the tiny slits of her eyelids. A large man with broad shoulders, golden brushed skin, and electric blue eyes holds her close to his chest. She feels the warmth and listens to the steady, slow beat of his heart. 'This is just a dream...'

She jolts awake. Her alarm clock flashes, the only light left in the room. It's dark.

"What the hell. What? Huh!" she rubs her eyes, surprised by her own imagination. Florence tries to conjur up the strange dream, but her mind clouds over. She feels dizzy with sleep once more, trying to fight it. She yawns, standing from her bed, hoping to make it to her mom's room. Her eyes close against her will. Her eyelids heavy like weights. Her limbs hardly move. 'I need my mom.' With shaky legs and another sleepy yawn, Florence takes a step.

As the carpet appears closer and closer, Florence tries to call for her mom. She is just so tired she can't seem to make any noise. Her yawn gets cut off as she hits the floor, already asleep.

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