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TW: Screaming and panic attacks
In which Virgil decided to release hell's demons

Virgil looked at the two boys he saw before him in absolute disbelief as the slam of the door behind him echoed through the now silent room.

It was a cubical cellblock, a desk located in the back, right corner with a phone and some crumbled papers, one chair that was bolted to the ground along with the desk. The phone was hung up at the moment. There wasn't much else but the bunk bed located to the left, back-center of the corner, a few feet of space between it and the wall. The beds weren't currently made, a sheet hanging off the top bunk and...on the bottom bunk...

Virgil's mouth felt dry and terrified was an understatement. Confusion too, was a present feeling. Tom...was right there...

Tom sat on the lower bunk- but, he wasn't looking aggressive, not like Virgil would have expected him to be- no, he looked...afraid? And...broken. He had his hand covering his mouth and his pupils were round with- oh god- oh dear god, his face- Virgil felt like he was going to get sick.

It was all scarred up on the left side, a bright red that looked like it hurt. The whole right half of his lips were gone, leaving exposed teeth that, surprisingly, looked well kept. And Tom's eye...it was a scarlet fever yellow and the pupil was inexplicably small- it didn't look like he could see out of it, or, if he could, not well.

"Y-your face..." Virgil choked out.

Tom answered by looking away, covering that portion of his face.

This is when Virgil noticed Lea.

An averagely built boy, from what Virgil could tell, with sunglasses he pushed up on his forehead, eyes flowing a threatening, muted color, lips curled up in a menacing smile that seemed to hold a lot more hatred than Virgil could account for.

Great. I've been here for less than five minutes and they both already hate me, I'd love to hear the lies Tom told to him to get him to look at me like THAT.

"What's wrong with his face?" Lea stood up, getting suddenly defensive, and, lookin at Tom's confused expression, this must have been uncharacteristic of him.

"His...face is...scarred..." Virgil muttered as Lea advanced towards him.

"Who's fault is that?" Lea stopped before Virgil, towering over him by a head.

Virgil shrunk down slightly, "I-I don't know." He glanced over at Tom as if he might help somehow. However, Tom was simply looking away, still holding a hand over the scarred portion of his face.

Virgil shook his head, taking a step back, Lea didn't look too threatening, he could...speak his mind- right?

"Wh-what kind of sick lies has he been feeding you?" Virgil's eyes narrowed.

This seemed to further provoke Lea, but he seemed to consider this for no more than an instant before responding, "For your information, none."

"How do you know? You're only getting one point of view." Virgil crossed his arms over his chest.

Lea looked back at Tom for a second and then back to Virgil, "I can trust him more than you."

Tom looked moderately surprised from where he sat, mixed with confusion and hurt.

"Whatever." Virgil looked at the ground.

"Of all the people to have been picked to room with us." Lea rolled his eyes.

Virgil toon this to offense, obviously and clenched his fists, "It's not exactly pleasant for me either." He gritted his teeth.

Lea turned his eyes back towards Virgil and chuckled slightly, "What? Did you expect it to be in any way?"

"I've been through shit today, I don't need this- which bunk is mine?" Virgil huffed in defeat, completely ignoring Tom.

"Accepting things so easily, at least you've got one thing down." Lea smirked, "And who says you get a bed anyway?"

"Well, obviously you two have been sleeping together it looks like." Virgil tried, narrowing his eyes with a sarcastic smile and folded arms.

Lea stiffened up before nodding, "Yeah, because unlike you, I don't pass up good offers."

This caused Virgil to then grow stiff in turn at Lea's words, looking at Tom suddenly who wouldn't meet his gaze, "What did you tell him?"

Tom didn't answer.

"Thomas." Virgil growled.

Lea turned, a hateful lust in his eyes, however, before you could advance any further, Tom stood up.

"How long are you going to be here for, Virgil?" Tom asked quietly, looking at the shorter boy.

Virgil was taken off guard by this, "E-excuse me?"

"How long. Are you going. To be here."
Tom spoke mockingly slow.

Virgil glared before rolling his eyes, "Hell if I know, until I get a trial."

"Ah, so not very long- if you play your cards right-" Tom took a few steps forward and Lea gave him a concerned glance that was well-masked with a chill aura.

"Yeah...?" Virgil took a step back.

Despite Tom being larger than Lea, Virgil knew Lea was stronger, however, he also knew he was more afraid of Tom.

Tom continued to walk towards Virgil as the younger boy backed up, and then was against the wall.

Tom stopped, giving a polite smile.

There was a silence with nearly tangible tension.

Then Tom's face contorted and he balled up his fists, "DO YOU KNOW THE UTTER HELL YOU'VE PUT ME THROUGH?!" He screamed in Virgil's face.

Virgil instantly fell to the ground as air left his body, "Y-you brought this on yourself!"

"I'd hardly say it was entirely my fault!" Tom glared down at Virgil who was still cowering.

Meanwhile, Lea watched with a shocked expression from the bed, leaning against the frame.

"I-It wasn't my fault that y-you loved Roman!" Virgil curled into a tight ball.

Tom finally snapped, "I never loved Roman!"

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