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Logan sat uneasily at his desk chair.

"You're supposed to spin in it, hun." Patton hummed from where he lay on his back on Logan's bed.

"I don't feel like it." Logan shrugged.

"It's okay, you don't often do." Patton chuckled.

"Yeah.." Logan nodded absently.

"You okay?" Patton frowned.

Logan shrugged, "Not really."

"Why's that?" Patton sat up.

"It's just..." Logan sighed, "Patton, what are we doing?"

"What? What do you mean by that?" Patton cocked his head with a frown of confusion.

"I'm never going to get into a college with a prison record and- you're not going to get a good reputation with a guy like me and...it's just, how can you have a future with someone who doesn't have one?" Logan looked at Patton with round eyes of confusion.

"Oh my gosh, Lo, no, don't think that!" Patton gasped, "I don't care about some dumb record."

"Yeah, you don't right now, but what about in the future? When you want a steady home life and- I just- don't think I can provide that...I don't think I can give you that...I'm not going to rob you of a family, I can't." Logan sighed shakily.

"Stop, just...stop." Patton waved his hands in front of his face to gesture for Logan to stop talking before he moved a hand onto Logan's leg, "Hey, come on, look at me.."

Logan paused a moment before making eye-contact with Patton.

"I love you. And I'll say that about a million times until it gets through that smart head of yours," Patton tapped on Logan's temple in an affectionate manor before carressing his face, "And I think I've got a pretty great family in you. Lo, have you met me? I can make anything my family- your desk lamp could be our kid and I'd be happy! I'd be.." Patton took in a meaningful breath, "I would be so happy, Logan, because I'm with you."

Logan moved his hand to his face to hold Patton's hand against his cheek.

"You are just...wow.." Patton giggled, "I can't explain it but please, please don't say you're going to leave me for my own good because I guarentee it, life without you is worse than anything I can imagine." He smiled.

"Uhg, I hate emotions." Logan gritted his teeth as he took his glasses off to defog them, then moved his hand to put them back on.
Patton stopped him, taking Logan's glasses and setting them on his desk, taking his hand instead and lacing their fingers together.
Logan looked down at their hand with a shaky smile.
"I love you too." Logan sighed contently.

"Thanks." Patton blushed, "You make me happy- I'm sorry things are so tough...we've got a split family right now."

"Who even knows how Virgil and Roman are doing.." Logan mumbled.

"They're doing fine, I'm sure...they've got each other- and if Roman's not with Virgil, he's got the memory of him...like I had the memory of you." Patton grinned.

"Had?" Logan cocked an eyebrow.

Patton's face became redder with embarassment, "Well, it was just hard when you weren't here...I'd just remind myself of all the things we've been through- like," Patton giggled mid story, recalling it, this made Logan smile, "When I spilled paint on you during Phantom and you freaked out and- gosh, it was just because I was so flustered around you you were just- this really cutely intimidating guy, my hands got shaky around you...sometimes they still do, so...I'd also remember holding your hand and-" Patton made a small squeak noise, overembarassing himself as he saw the beaming, red expression of Logan.

"I- don't exactly um- know how to- react to that I just- h a p p y." Logan wheezed.

"And like, you also look like reallyfuckinghot without your glasses on." Patton choked.

Logan's eyes widened, "You just swore."

"yOU cAn'T pRovE anYtHinG!" Patton yelped, diving for the bed and covering himself up with the comforter with a small squeal.

Logan rolled his eyes with a wide grin before moving to sit on the edge of the bed, looking over at the burrito of a Patton.

"If I put my glasses back on, Will you come out?" Logan chuckled.

"Please don't." Patton peeked our from where edge of the comforter, his own glasses crooked on his face.

Logan reaches forward to take Patton's glasses off and set them aside, "What do you know, same goes for you."

"sTOP, yOu aREn'T suPpoSeD tO bE smOoth!" Patton screeched, hiding under the comforter again.

Logan flopped down beside the Pattonrrito, "I'll let you speak to Virgil next time I get the chance to talk with him if you come out."

Patton paused, then threw the comforter away from his body, "For one, I'm dating you, I'm so already out,"

"Puns." Logan groaned.

"For two, yOU CAN TALK TO MY SON AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!?" Patton dove at Logan, pushing him down against the bed before realizing he could never actually hit the other in any manor, even if it were just playfully, so he aggressively kissed him on the forehead, "Stop being so darn cute!" He tried at a burn- didn't go well.

Logan was grinning in amusement at this, "You're very small."

Patton blushed before collapsing on top of Logan in defeat, "That may be true but- still, Virgil?"

"He calls me sometimes just to stay posted- I think also because I'm his only friend not imprisoned, besides you." Logan shrugged.

Patton rested his head against Logan's chest, "Well, then yes, I definitely want to talk to him next time."

"It will be a plan then."

"It'll." Patton mumbled.

"It'll be a plan then." Logan sighed.

"It's progress." Patton grinned.

"It is progress." Logan paused before smirking.

"You cranberry!" Patton gasped.


I figured we all needed a bit of fluff and I really enjoyed writing about these nerds, so here ya' go!
E n j o y
-Jay 💙

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