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TW: Small Panic Attack

Virgil sat in the corner of the cell he shared. He hadn't eaten dinner and had been alone since the others left. He couldn't find himself being hungry after such a day- and Roman was still out of sight and nowhere out of mind. He found himself doodling little stars and crowns on his cuffs, every now and then a few tears would slip, but from nothing in particular, just the overwhelming fact of all this hitting him.

That's when a knock at the door sounded and Virgil sharply looked up.


Virgil recognized Logan's voice immediately, "...Come in!" He called.

The door opened a few moments later and Logan stepped in, the door behind him shutting.

"I'm glad to see you're alive." Logan nodded.

"Barely." Virgil sneered as he continued to scribble along the cuffs of the suit.

"I see...well, I have some good new and some bad news..." Logan nodded.

Virgil stopped doodling, looking up with a hint of dread, "Is...Roman alright?"

Logan frowned, "I'm afraid I have no intel on him- however, I've just been visited by one of the many guards and they've informed me that I've been pressed with minimal charges."

"Without a trial?" Virgil frowned.

"I was an accomplice, but apparently an unknowing one, so it doesn't warrant a trial...they're sending me home tomorrow- of course, I'll be under House-arrest for the next week and then am subject to community service for seven months, twice a week..." Logan shuttered, "Dreadful but- not as dreadful as here."

"Wow, do I feel better." Virgil huffed.

"Well, it's not as if it's not a known fact." Logan shrugged slightly, "But...they're discharging me tomorrow in the morning, before the cells are opened up, I won't see you again for...well, I'm not fairly certain..."

"A life sentence is the worst it could be." Virgil cracked a smile but didn't feel happy in the least.

Logan advances towards Virgil before kneeling down and placing his hands firmly on Virgil's shoulders, "I will admit that it is partially your fault that you're here- and I do indeed think you're somewhat of an idiot-"

"Gee, thanks Lo." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"However, you're my...friend- and, I care for you...please, please don't get hurt..." Logan have a quick, a very quick, hug to Virgil before standing up, "Your cellmates have been avoiding you all day?"


"I see...who are th-?"


Logan stiffened up and looked away, "Oh dear..." His face noticeably paled.


"Please, don't mention that I'm here- o-or that you're friends with me- for your own good, Virgil, okay?" Logan ordered.

"Why? Logan, what'd you do?" Virgil began to stand up.

They were interrupted as the loud-speaker announced five minutes until lights out.

Logan swiftly looked at Virgil. Logan rapped on the left side of his face before exiting the cell as fast as he could.

Virgil was confused in the minutes that followed Logan's departure.

That is, until Virgil saw Tom walk in. And his face. And it suddenly made horrifying sense.

"My god..." Virgil cringed.

Tom glared at Virgil before rolling into the bottom bunk.

Virgil ignored him before noticing that their other cellmate wasn't here yet, "...Where's the shorter one?" He finally dared to ask.

"Lea. His name is Lea. And he'll be here soon, I'm sure." Tom muttered.

"...Okay." Virgil sighed.

There was an awkward silence that followed until Tom spoke up.

"I haven't seen Lea since...earlier- have you?" Tom's voice was reluctant, not particularly wanting to talk to Virgil at the moment but also not wanting to leave more tension that there had to be.

"Nope...." Virgil whispered.

"He'll...show up..." Tom sounded unsure.

"Does he usually?" Virgil asked.

"I never show up before him- or, at least, I rarely do..." Tom shrugged from where he laid, tapping on the frame of his bed to pass the time as Virgil nodded.

"So...where do I sleep?" Virgil asked.

"Top bunk. Throw my stuff down from there." Tom answered.

Virgil cautiously got up and climbed the ladder, blinking at the scattered blankets and pillows before tossing them down to Tom.

Tom grunted at the loud thump that sounded when all the stuff hit the floor.

Virgil then gazed out upon the now empty bed, "Are there...any extra pillows or...blankets at all?"

"You're supposed to pick those up at the newbie center at lunch." Tom groaned, "Don't tell me you forgot?"

Virgil furrowed his brow, "Maybe if someone had some consideration, they'd have known I- whatever, I didn't have time." He leaned down into the bed with a frown at the fleeting warmth.

"It gets very cold here at night, so tuck your arms into your suit if you haven't got a blanket." Tom huffed.

"Noted." Virgil slipped his arms into his jumpsuit, using them to pull the hood over his head. A room made from cement with little to no heat was indeed freezing. Virgil tried feeling tired but his heartbeat would hardly let him. However, as he felt himself begin to relax, a loud announcement call was made over the speakers to announce lights out.

This instantly made Tom let out a choked noise as the door clicked shut.

Virgil awkwardly tried to ignore it and attempted to fall back into a tranquil state, however, with the sound of Tom tossing and turning, he just couldn't find a way to, "Would you mind keeping it down at least?"

Tom responded with a small curse to which Virgil simply rolled his eyes to.

There was silence once more and Virgil shut his eyes.

Alas, the universe seemed to be at odds with Virgil, and he woke up fully again to the sound of ruptured breathing. He recognized the sound of a panic attack when it happened and slowly sat up with a mental groan.

I can't believe I'm actually going to say this but, "Tom...are you...alright?" Virgil winced.

"I-I'm fine." Tom growled in annoyance from the bottom bunk.

Virgil punched the bridge of his nose, "Look, I realize we've got this whole...rivalry shit going on here but- no, no you're not fine."

"We're in the crappiest place in the county, Virgil, what do you expect me to say? That I'm doing fine? Or peachy? Or-"

"You're worried about him." Virgil interjected.

"Wha-?" Tom shook his head, "What do you mean?"

"You're restless because you're not sure where Lea is." Virgil rephrased.

"I don't have to respond to you..."

"You're right, you don't, yet you are." Virgil hummed.

Tom paused, "Why do you figure this anyway?"

"Because...I went through the same thing last night- er, in between yesterday and today sometime that is..."

"What? Your knight in shining armor not following your demise?- how'd you get in here anyway?" The thought dawned upon Tom.

"I don't know where Roman is." Virgil's voice was constricted with pain and concern, "He got shot. I haven't seen him since."

More silence.

"Well...you're right about me...not feeling...okay- without Lea around- he's always on time, always." Tom leaned back against the wall that the bed was pressed to.

"What's different about tonight then?" Virgil asked.

"You, to be honest." Tom scoffed.

"Why would that matter?"

Tom let out a small laugh, "I hadn't exactly spilled the beans on me having feelings for you, my guess is he took that to heart."

"Is there even anywhere he could have gone? Despite the range of freedoms we have, we're still under watch and guarding twenty-four/seven."

"My guess is he paid someone off- despite his situation, the guy has his ways with people." Tom smiled.

"Apparently." Virgil snickered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tom crossed his arms defensively.

"Obviously he's got you wrapped around his fingers."

Tom's face flushed red, "Y-you have no right to waltz into my business like this- especially after what you've done!"

"To be fair, you waltzed into mine first, the only difference is that I won't try and break Lea's legs." Virgil had some edge to his tone.

Tom kept quiet.

Virgil noticed this and let out a dry laugh, "Don't tell me now you feel guilty?"

Tom tapped on the mattress, "Let's just go to sleep, I'm done talking."

"That's not a no." Virgil flopped back down.

"And it sure as hell isn't a yes either." Tom laid back down as well, pausing on his way down to grab Lea's pillow that had been thrown from the top bunk, he held it to his chest before laying down completely.

Both the boys side, their minds on their missing halves, or, for Tom, his missing quarter at the least.

Lea and Tom were...well, complicated was an understatement...

And Virgil being here wasn't exactly fixing that issue whatsoever.

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