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Let's switch things up, how 'bout?

Logan stared up at his ceiling with a huff. He'd been back for a week and had yet to see Patton. He was sure Patton knew he was around, but...wasn't exactly sure he was ready to see him.
What the hell is this? Logan winced, Increased Heart-Rate...sweaty...fever, perhaps?
Logan got up slowly, turning to his bedside table and opening his top drawer, taking out a thermometer and placing it under his tongue. He waited a few moments before hearing it beep at looking at it. 98.6 Degrees F...fuck...right on the dot, it's perfect...the hell is wrong with me?

Logan answered his own question when he heard his phone go off with the ringtone that belonged to Patton, Oh..oH-, that's it.

Logan looked at his phone and saw that he was receiving a call for sure from the one and only Patton. Biting his lip, he wasn't sure what to do.

On one hand, Logan longed for nothing more than to snatch up the phone and answer it immediately. On the other hand, Patton might hate him...or worse, he might break up with him. He couldn't risk that...
But there was always the factor that Patton would break up with him for not answering the phone too.
Or, maybe he wanted to come over to break up with him.
Or maybe he would do it over the phone.
Was it even Patton?
Was this just a cruel joke by someone who had taken Patton's phone?

These thoughts cycles through Logan's head every time he got a call from Patton.

Finally, he grabbed the phone on the final ring and answered it, not wanting to risk drowning in his own paranoia.

"H-Hi." Logan cleared his throat, wincing at the crack in his voice.

"Logan? Logan!!" There was a gasp, "Are you okay? You're under house-arrest, right? Can I visit? Did they hurt you? Are you okay!?"

Logan blinked a few times from surprise at how loud Patton managed to be over the phone before opening his mouth to respond, but nothing came out, he couldn't figure out what to say.

"...Logan?" Patton's voice hushed.

"Um- Patton-" Was all Logan could get out.

"Oh dear, I'll be there right away." Patton sounded sure of himself.

Before Logan could respond, not that he could, Patton hung up, and he was left alone in his room.

He looked down at the phone in his hand that dropped to his lap.
What was that?

He'd stalled and stuttered and- shut down- he never shut down- his hands were shaking- what?

Logan wiggled his fingers just incase it was due to circulation, but it didn't change anything and his hands were already quite red and- sweaty? Dear me...

Logan stood up and shook his hands to his side, "Calm down- not that you can listen, you're hands- but Virgil talks to himself when...nervous? Nervous...why would I want to be nervous? It's quite the predicament right now and I'd rather it go away." He hissed the last two words out, again, nothing changed.

Logan groaned and began to pace, the tracker on his ankle irritating his skin as it was the slightest bit loose.

Logan could only pinpoint Patton as the stimuli that caused him to act this way. But why?
Sure, Patton was his...significant other...but, that should be all the more reason as to why he should feel at ease with his nearing presence, he could trust Patton, right?
Could he?

Again, the thoughts began to swirl.

"I should be focusing my nerves on the problem at hand, not— P-Patton.." Logan shook his head.
Virgil was in prison and Roman was- god knows where Roman was but it couldn't be anywhere pleasant.

"Wether considered a criminal or not, he's a patient regardless so he'd have had to have gone to a medical ward- or..." Logan considered the bullet wound and grew pale, "They'd have told us, would they not? No...we're...not his direct family- we haven't a right to know so..." Logan sat down for a moment, rubbing his temple, "Roman surely can't be dead..."

"Roman's dead?" A quavering voice came from the entrance of the room and Logan's head whipped to the side to see a broken Patton in the doorway.

"No, no, no- maybe- no, no, of course not." Logan shook his head.

Patton looked like he was about to cry, "But he might?"

"Patton- please, don't- he's going to be okay, most likely." Logan couldn't bring himself to lie to Patton, even if it were for his own good.

"D-do you know that?"

Logan, for the second time today, was at a loss for words. He didn't know...he didn't know and he couldn't fix that...he didn't know something-

Logan didn't know something.

"I- I don't know." Logan's voice cracked before he flinched at the feeling of something hitting his cheek, and the next thing he knew, Patton's arms were around him and he was being held on the edge of his bed. It all felt numb and weird and— then painful.
Logan let out a cough- no, a sob- and gently leaned into Patton, moving his hands to hold onto Patton's arm that held him.

"Hey, Lo, it's okay..." Patton cooed.

Logan allowed Patton to lean him into a lashing position with his head resting on Patton's leg.

"I've got you, I promise..." Patton removed Logan's glasses and gently cleared the mist that had collected on them off before placing them on the bedside table. He then began to stroke hair out of Logan's face, "You don't have to worry about that right now- just focus on me, right now, and- and I know that's hard, but try."

Logan was good at taking and executing them, he looked up at Patton who had now taken off his own glasses. Logan was fairly sure he'd never seen Patton without glasses and studied his eyes. The fragments of colors that collected into a brilliantly hazy blue, complementing his butterscotch hair perfectly.

"You have interesting eyes.." Logan sniffed.

Patton blushed with a smile before wiping his eyes and bending down to kiss Logan's head, "That's something you know- thank you, dear."

Logan did know that. He knew Patton's eyes were extraordinary, and his smile, and his hair, and his freckles, and his whole entire love for everything- everything including Logan.

Logan knew this.
He knew.

"Patton?" Logan murmured.

"Yes, Lo?" Patton hummed.

"I think that— I love you, is- is that okay?" Logan frowned in thought.

Patton gaped a little, never hearing these words from Logan- or not this serious or intense or...real, he smiled slightly,

"I love you too."


If you can't have a SO, have some fanfiction!
The bell for class just rung so this is cut short but I hope you have a lovely day, sorry for not updating sooner!! I'll try and update more in the near future!!

-Jay ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🌟

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