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TW: Self-harm
Virgil stared up at the ceiling from the floor of the room, laying sprawled on his back. He'd been there for no more than a few minutes, eyes a soft pink from silent tears, before a loud knock sounded on the cell door. He rolled his eyes, "Go away, Tom."

"Not Thomas." A gruff voice of a guard came from the cell door.

Virgil frowned in confusion and sat up, quickly wiping at his eyes despite them being dry, he approached the door cautiously, peeking through its tiny window, "Yes?"

"We're moving you." The guard grunted, "Finally found you a cellmate, no need of sharing a two-person cell now."

Virgil flinched. Despite absolutely hating Lea right now, and not exactly liking Tom, he had grown used to them as a reminder of...home...in whatever sick way that was possible, "But-" The door opened harshly, sending Virgil reeling backwards and landing with a huff on the ground.

"Come on, you're just down the hall- was going to be your friend with glasses but he's gone." The guard nodded down the hall.

Right, Logan's probably at home with Patton...I hope...I hope so.. Virgil shakily got to his feet, his knees scraped up a bit, he exited the cell, afraid of being knocked down again.

The guard followed soon after Virgil, closing the cell-door before walking directly behind Virgil, "Two doors down." He instructed.

"Got it." Virgil rolled his eyes, stopping at the second door, "Here?"

The guard responded through opening the block's door and directing Virgil in, "Cellmate will be here shortly."

Virgil frowned and headed in, door slamming behind him.

It was the exact same layout as Tom and Lea's cellblock, except the beds were lazily made, which was still an improvement. The desk had less scratches on it- more graffiti.

Virgil hadn't left anything at the old cell, he only had his sharpie, and that was on him at all times. The pen was currently in his right pocket, he'd probably use it soon.

Virgil looked at the bunk-bed and began to grow anxious. He wasn't to choose the top bunk, always afraid that if he slept on the bottom that, in the case of an earthquake, the top would come crashing down on him. However, he wasn't sure how big or how strong his cellmate would be- Virgil was the strongest out of his "friend" group, if you'd count Tom in that as well, and excluded Lea...Lea was mixed at the moment- however, this was a whole new chapter, and person. Anyone from hackers to manslaughter offenders were here, and his cellmate could land anywhere on that chart.

Therefor, Virgil didn't want to upset his cellmate through picking his bunk first— though, that could come off as submissive too, and show that he could be weak at times...
Decisions sucked ass.

Virgil decided that, for now at least, he chill on the top bunk, but not mess it up in anyway. It'd "mark his territory" but in a non-hostile manor.
So, he did so through climbing up there and sitting on the edge, pulling out his sharpie.

It left him alone to his thoughts,
And he began to draw a crown on his arm.

It was a crown with curved points at the top and a gem, a red one- Red was Roman's favorite color. Virgil then wiped his finger off on his cheek, not trusting the bacteria of the bed, so that cut on his finger for the source of red wouldn't get as infected.
This didn't count as cutting, right? Pricking your finger with your tooth to color a representation of your probably dead boyfriend? Nah, completely healthy.

Virgil stared down at the crown, his hands beginning to shake.
Roman wasn't dead...
He couldn't be- right?

Before Virgil's thoughts could materialize, there was a harsh knock on the door, causing him to pocket his pen, so it wouldn't get taken from him by any chance.

There was no need, however, for as soon as the door opened, Virgil was greeted by a familiar face.
He didn't believe it.
He couldn't, after all.

"R-Roman?" Virgil whispered the voice out upon seing the boy at the entrance of the cell.

Roman seemed to stiffen up upon seeing Virgil, door still open behind him from where the guard was droning on about room regulations.

"O-oh, my god, you're alive!" Virgil seemed at almost sob these words out as he leapt from the top bunk and made a running start towards Roman.

However, Roman quickly flinched away, causing Virgil to slow down with a frown, "Roman...?"

"I-I can't room with him." Roman shook his head.

"Too bad, live with it." The guard sniffed.

"He-he's gonna' hurt me—" Roman began to back away.

"Hey, bud, back inside." The guard gruffly shoved Roman in before slamming the door behind him.

"R-Roman?" Virgil fretted.

"P-please don't hurt me again." Roman was shaking and backing away into a corner.

"I- I would never!" Virgil began to approach Roman who quickly fled into the corner and let out a whine of fear.

"Roman, what's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me? What's gotten into you?" Roman shook harder.

"What the hel- heck is wrong?" Virgil tried to be soft, "You know me, Ro..."

"I th-thought I did." Roman sniffled.

This wasn't the Roman that Virgil knew, this Roman was cowering- and from him of all people..

"What does that mean..?" Virgil whispered.

"I thought you loved me." Roman sobbed.

"What are you talking about? I still do love you, sweetie..." Virgil wasn't one to use nicknames, but it always made Roman feel better, so he grimaced through.

"I-I'm not going to believe you again- not like- like last time...or the time before...or any other time! I learned, okay? Now- please- just- don't hurt me, a-and don't hurt Tom..."

"The hell-? Tom? What does he have to do with this?" Virgil winced.

"He's the only one I know loves me."

////Almost like when you beat the boss battle in a video game and then forget to save before closing out...

It took me so long to figure out how I wanted to go about this and I finally figured it out so...stay tuned, folks

-Jay ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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