27. Jenny Meets Noah

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If someone were to show Jenny a postcard of a park, she would imagine the park to look like this. Stately trees shaded picnic benches atop bright green grass. Perfect sidewalks meandered here and there. A huge playground sprouted from the center of it all, full of shrieking children.

Creatures much larger than butterflies jittered in her belly as she parked her car. They'd arranged to meet at the parking lot. What if she couldn't find her? What if she was at the wrong park? What if Juliana forgot about the date?

No, Juliana wouldn't do that to her. The woman was conscientious and kind. Didn't seem to have a flaky bone in her body. But that didn't mean—

Jenny's breath stopped. There she was. Looking gorgeous. And looking right at her through the windshield. Jenny's heart began skipping like one of the kids in the playground.

Juliana smiled as she guided a large, black dog toward Jenny's car.

Jenny tried swiping her keys out of the ignition and dropped them. Bumped her head on the steering wheel trying to retrieve them from the floor. Probably frizzed her hair rubbing the sore spot on her head. This was not the smooth appearance she was hoping to make.

"Hi," Juliana said as Jenny opened the door. Her faded jeans hugged her in all the right places. Though the black shirt she wore wasn't fancy, it was much more flattering than the gym-issued polo shirt Jenny usually saw her in. Juliana's brown hair seemed almost lustrous as it fell just past her shoulders.

Bats. Jenny decided the creatures doing somersaults through her insides were bats. If Jenny thought the trainer's ponytail was sexy, she wasn't sure how to describe the effect this look was having on her.

"Hi," Jenny said as she climbed out of the car. Was that breathless voice really hers?

At the sight of a new person, the dog whined excitedly and jammed its head under her hand for immediate petting.

Jenny complied. "This must be Noah?"

"Yup. He loves people. And squirrels. And food. He basically loves everything."

"What a sweet boy." Jenny ruffled the dog's ears. "You have no idea how glad I am to meet you."

Juliana raised her eyebrows. "You are?"

"Um, yeah." A rush of heat warmed Jenny's cheeks as she racked her brain for an answer that wasn't the embarrassing truth. Yeah, I thought he was your boyfriend, she imagined saying. Nope. She was not saying that.

"He sounded interesting over the phone." She winced. He sounded interesting over the phone? How was that any better?

Juliana patted the dog's rump. "Admittedly, it is fascinating how much he loves mud. Sometimes he even tries to get me covered in it too."

Jenny chuckled, imagining the exuberant Noah flinging mud everywhere. Then she imagined mud clinging to Juliana's perfect body, and her face grew even hotter. She cleared her throat. "I'm ready if you're ready." She looked at Noah. "Lead the way, Mr. Renfield."

Juliana gave her an affectionate smile and nudged Noah forward.

Jenny locked her car, then realized she had no pockets to keep her keys in. She was used to shoving them into her purse, which she'd look silly carrying while walking a dog. Why hadn't she worn something with pockets?

"Allow me." Juliana held out her hand.

Jenny hesitated a split second before dropping the key into the trainer's hand. Watched as the woman tucked the key into the back pocket of her jeans.

Was it weird to be jealous of a car key?

Jenny followed the two of them as Noah pulled his way to the nearest tree. Stared at the small lump in Juliana's back pocket as she walked. Fantasized about reaching in there later to retrieve her key, her hand sliding along that toned backside.

While Noah sniffed intently at the base of a tree, Juliana turned around and asked, "Do you have any pets?"

Jenny dragged her eyes away from the trainer's butt. "No. I'm not sure I can keep a plant alive, much less a dog."

"I think you'd do great. You're good with Noah."

Jenny smiled fondly at the dog. "He's special. Any creature who makes me look good is special."

The other woman's expression was indecipherable. "You look good all on your own."

Jenny sighed wistfully. "If only that was true."

Juliana reached out and caught Jenny's hand. "It is true."

The swirling self-doubt that always plagued her paused for a moment. Actually stopped in response to the trainer's earnest gaze. Juliana wasn't like Danielle at all. Danielle exuded boldness and practically bulldozed her opinion onto those around her. But Juliana... although she was soft-spoken, her words carried the energy of her convictions. Her inner light reached out and touched Jenny's through their joined hands.

Their gazes locked. Jenny wasn't sure if she was breathing or not.

Noah lunged at a nearby pigeon, yanking Juliana away, shattering the timeless moment.

"Damn it, Noah," the trainer muttered.

After the pigeon flew off, they resumed strolling down the sidewalk. Jenny's hand felt bereft at the loss of contact.

Well. That was easy enough to remedy.

With confidence she never knew she had, she came up alongside Juliana, grasped the woman's hand, and found the light once more.

A vote-worthy moment! May you always find light in your life.

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