Chapter 19 - Beating.

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Hey, babes!

Wasup?! I hope you all feeling good and I'm superb good because guess what, I've lots of breaks now!

And that means, I could update more🤩

Happy Reading❤️

Bella's POV:

Liam never leave me after that. He kept on confronting me sweetly and I found that annoying.

He never did done this before but now after they met up each other, he was being so clingy.

I found my peace and comfort in Noah as I hugged him tightly.

Please, don't cry. I'm here. His words still spreading all over my body. At the time, my mind did nothing but to settle with him. I got this radiating calmness and protectiveness from his body yet my fear already swiped away.

I wasn't wrong at first when I said that he is affecting me. As I said, this is clearly undeniable.

"Be careful, okay. I'm sorry again for not noticing anything around. I'm...I'm just confused of my feelings on you. " Liam uttered while walking me back to my car.

"It's okay. " I stated and he took a hold of my hand, stopping me in place while eyeing me apologetically. I wanted to free it at any cost but what if he gets mad.

Right, he is just trying to comfort me after what had happened but I can't felt the same intensity that I felt on Noah.

"Thank you, Liam. Thanks for the lunch. " I said as I smiled a little.

"Ya, but that's it? Just a lunch? " he questioned worriedly and I sighed.

"Liam, I...I had enough today. I'm tired and I needed to get home. Can we do this sometime later? " I explained with a hopeful eyes and he nodded.

I left his hand and walked to my door.

"At least, can who's the guy? I think I saw him at the gathering that day. Do you know him? " Liam questioned as his hand went in his pockets.

"Ya, he is a...friend of mine. " I said and he smiled.

"Oh, that ' he' friend on the gathering is it. Alright, he is too aggressive. " Liam joked and I simply nodded a little as I got the meaning behind his words.

Of course, Noah's aggressive but he only get that way when something angered him. He isn't a bipolar who have simple mood swings. He is different kind of male, something like the alpha male.

And, I admire alpha males.

I was driving but my mind was on him.


I could feel a smile on my lips while recalling moments with him.

I was nearly hurt as he saved me like my own Knight and my heart hummed at the thought.

I was cutting the fruits to make it like my snacks for tonight while watching some Netflix. While cutting, I heard my handphone ringing and I took it with a smile as I saw the caller id.

"Hello. " I answered in a quiet tone while expecting his voice to hear.

"How are you? " he blurted in a drunken voice as I gapped in confusion.

We met earlier today, so why is he questioning me? Is it the incident today that bothering him?

"Noah? A-Are you okay? " I questioned worriedly and he laughed happily.

I'm even more confused now. What's happening to him? Is he's fine?

"I'm fine. How's your new life? " he questioned in a tipsy voice.

What new life he is talking about? Is it because of Liam? Can he be...jealous? My lips automatically came to a smile.

"Noah, what are you talking about? " I softly questioned back after seconds as I'm totally clueless about what was he mentioning about.

"You don't know? Ya, how could you know when you betrayed me woman. How could you simply hurt me? " he snapped venomly and I left out a exasperate sigh.

I seriously don't know why is he yelling at me like that. And, I betrayed him? Did he dialed the correct person?

Even if it's not me, who could that 'woman' be? Is it...Cherry?

"N-Noah...what did I do? " I questioned worriedly while remembering the fact that he never get over Cherry.

"Well, fuck that Cherry. I'm done with this. " he yelled again and shut down the call.

There, I got my answer.

He thought that he was dialing over her while he called me unconsciously.

My heart cried and I quit eating anything at the time. I was beyond sad without knowing the reason and once again, I felt used.

I'm nothing compared to her and for once, I thought that he is kind of liked me.

Well, I can't jump straight to the conclusion. I did that once and he had hurt himself because of me.

What if he doesn't mean about what he said? What if he call me to pour me his feelings about her?

I don't know why but I still denied to believe that he isn't over her yet. I don't know why but now, I'm getting ready to meet up with him?

What if he's hurt while drunk and lost his mind? Who knows, right.

So, I left my house. Walking to my car on my night wear, I drove off to his place.

Reaching the tall building, I quickly parked my car and hopped in the elevator. Landing at the top floor, I exited the elevator while walking up to his house.

I was so nervous already as I shrieked on the hall way. I paced towards his big door and ranged the bell.

I waited for the click sound from the other side and it doesn't heard. So, he wasn't home? And, where is he just now while his calling me?

I took out my handphone, which he bought me, to call him and all the calls went to the voicemails.

My already feared body, trembled as I got no contact with him.

Is he's fine? He was drunk and what if he got into something while being drunk?

No, I don't want to think any negative possibilities now. I just want him to be safe home.

I sighed and decided to wait till he shows up while looking up at the dark sky.

Praying that he should be good at any cost.

I heard foot steps along the hall way and all my feature begging for is, him.

His handsome face twinkled under the moonlight as I looked up at him with a relief sigh.

He is fine. He is all good.

"Noah. " I called out but he refused to answer back.

He gritted willingly as he paced to the door while noticing my figure, eyeing him in confusion.

The look was like a suspicious one as he was debating in his mind whether I'm there for real or not.

"Noah...I'm sorry. " I apologized softly and he frowned. His head snapped in a speed at me as I willingly connected our gaze.

His hypnotizing green eyes is everything that I could always fails for.

"What did he do, Bella? " he questioned through gritted teeth and I flinched a little.

His breath smells alcohol but he look pretty determine and steady.

"W-What...who do? " I asked back again nervously.

"Don't tell me that you don't get this, Bella. You also, please, don't try to test my nerves. " he snapped as a single tear drop down my cheeks.

Why is he doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this tantrums?

I heard him taking in a sigh and I bowed my eyes down to the floor while hugging myself a little. I'm disappointed and targeted now as he simply become mad at me.

As I said, he wasn't bipolar but I'm just confused about what might be the reason for his tantrums on me right now.

"Bella, please just leave. " he uttered more calmly than before as I wiped my tears away.

"Bella....leave. Go back to your date" he insisted angrily and I never barged as I eyed him confusingly.

Date? Is it because of...Liam?

"You mean, Liam? What's...with him? " I questioned and by the time I spelled his name, Noah's already bandaged knuckles balled up in fist.

He got aid himself and that's something weird.

"W-What...did he do, Noah? " I questioned more to get the answer and I could feel him evoking something.

Instantly, his body turned to me fully as he stepped closer to me. Trapping myself in between his arms as my eyes follows all of his moves. I leaned back firmly against the wall by the door and my eyes started to eye him in wonder.

What's happening? he going to kiss me?

"Noah. " I hushed softly and all I could think now was his lips on mine. His lips leaning and craving to be touched.

"You want to know about what he did? Well, this is what he made me did. " he hushed against my lips and in rapid, he smashed his lips on mine.

His hand pressing onto my waist gently to make me fully lean on to the wall as his lips continue it's way to savour me. It's was a toe curling kiss as I counted each seconds of this moment and the minty hints of alcohol was intertwining with mine too. After some second, I found myself kissing him back with the same full intensity that he was giving me and my body curved in shy as I was kissing this man.

My shy gestures doesn't bother him as he boldly molded me with his breathtaking kiss and I could feel his hand roaming all over my curves. Touching and pressing them time to time while kissing me.

My second time was with this handsome man too and I'm not denying it either.

I moaned unexpectedly as he munched on my lower lips and he gradually let his tongue in to taste every bit of my mouth as I gave in simply. I was in heaven while this man savoured me.

His demanding and hungry kiss was too thickening yet I'm already used to it.

I blushed and smiled inwardly as he pulled away unwillingly while our lungs screams for air. Locking my eyes with him, he noticed my blushed in tainted pink cheeks and my eyes were bowed down in coyness.

It's not even an hour before when I thought that this man used me but now, he proved me about my longing.

I looked up at his eyes which was half closed by now and he gave me this sleepy smile that gave me the cue to smile back too.

He took my breath away with this heart throbbing kiss and I could feel my heart beating for him already.

I know...just a recap from Bella but worth it, right?🙌

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