Chapter 25 - Horrifically.

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Cheers for the road to 2K viewers, buds!🙌

Enjoy Reading❤️

Bella's POV:

2 days had passed on this vacation and we executed our routine by all the beach activities here. Somehow, I had settled myself within the beach as Noah was always there with me and the surfer guy kind of angered him more. I was enjoying the moments with him and also the time when he got jealous but now, seeing them together made my happiness lessen.

Stomach grumbling and chest heaved. I'm definitely not hungry.

Cherry had ripped us away by requesting an alone private talk with Noah and I never protested because it wasn't like his mine. He was okay with it so I needed to accept too.

They weren't exaggerating anything but their looks were full of anger and disappointment. I wanted to peak for once to hear their conversation but why should I?

Just because his been treating me nicely, doesn't mean that I owned him.

I'm...the one who's growing feeling for him but not the reverse.

My eyes unncessarily went back to them and I saw them staring each other blankly.

Oh my God, what if they kiss? Where's her husband now?

I can't see that because I could already feel my heart going rampage in my chest.

I was in the seating are, half laying on the chair while they were in this heated staring competition. I resisted to see them longer and my eyes willingly went to the wide blue ocean.

I tried ignore everything and I only wanted to focus into the sounds of waves. It's truly calming as Noah said, no wonder he loves beach.

Rapidly, there's this figure plopped beside me and I noticed that it was the same surfer guy.

He never give up, didn't he?

I smiled at him as he was smiling at me too.

"Hey. " he cheered and I waved back with, hey.

"So.....his not around? " he questioned a bit scarily as he glanced around us and I shook my head. They had this bad connection since the first day and Noah kept on firing him with angry glares but Ronald seems to not care about that.

", Miss Oborn? " he playfully asked while adjusting himself to my eye level.

"Yes, Mr Dennis. " I replied as I smiled at him. I just knew his name on the second day of our meet up and he kind of interested in me. Of course, I came up nervous on the spot while this guy flirted with me and Noah was there in seconds to shove him off me.

And, I love it when he gets mad like that. Just because he was jealous.

Even now, I could feel a pair of eyes burning at my side while I was smiling at this guy and I straight away recognise the person.

"I really wanted to talk to you from earlier but that guy seems to be bothered. " he announced and I nodded, staring everywhere while concluding about where's this topic going.

"Ya....he is kind of..." I trailed as I got caught up with words to merge. How can I tell him that Noah's jealous?

Wouldn't he acknowledge something like we're together and it's not like I don't want anyone to think us that way but still, we are not even really together.

God, what happen to me? Why am I confusing my own self?

"Jealous? " Ronald said as he smirked and I quickly gasped with widen eyes.

Did I thought it loudly?

"No. No. No. He isn't...jealous. " I denied in rush while shaking my head in disapproval and he chuckled at my coyness.

"Then, what do we call that act around you? Prote-- " he was saying laughingly but cut down shortly when he looked up at the figure behind me.

He plastered this awkward smile as he scratch the back of his neck.

It's a loud clearing up throat and my eyes quickly went to the person. It's none other than him, Noah. He was staring, no, glaring us obviously and I shifted my body with uncomfortable.

I was in the middle by this two men again and I don't know what would they do now.

"So, where are we just now Bella? " Ronald questioned back as he cared less about this figure beside us and I was stuck to speak any longer.

Noah's dagger like eyes keeping me in place.

"Come with me, Bella. " Noah firmly ordered as he glared at Ronald and this guy was smirking at him.

"She was talking to me. " Ronald exclaimed as he looked at him with a simple shrug.

"She's with me so I don't care. " Noah snapped and instantly, my palm were engulfed by the huge hand while making me stand yet dragging me away.

I was both amazed and compressed at his simple confession yet I'm still confused about what do that mean.

Is he saying that I'm with him as if I'm 'really' with him? Or is it like, I'm here at the beach with him?

I looked up at the infuriating man now and saw him pulling me near the sea shore.

Is he going to dump me in the sea? No, I wasn't in a appropriate clothing now.

My boho dress will surely soak up death if I ever got dump now.

"N-Noah. " I whispered unconsciously as my hand tighten around his while my eyes going shut.

Suddenly, we stopped. My eyes still shut and my ankles were dawned by the waves. I opened my eyes and saw this beautiful sunset, shining perfectly along the horizon of ocean. My eyes soften and melted at the scene.

My tightening palm, loosen instantly and he interlock our fingers. I stood close to him while I groped my hands around his arm and my head unconsciously laid on his shoulder as I was still entrapped by the view.

It's feels so magical to evident such view with someone who I love and my eyes shifted to him. Surprisingly, he was already staring me and neither of us looked away.

"Bella. I don't...mean to behave that way. " he explained as his voice showed genuineness and I blinked my lids, staring him with dumbfound.

Why do he explaining me things? He never did that before. Does he have the same feeling that I'm having towards him?

"I don't know why I'm like this. " he snarled as he looked away from me, locking his orbs with the wide ocean.

"I'm sorry. " he whispered as his eyes came back to me with worry.

"It's okay. I...don't mind you being like this. " I responded coyly as I looked him then bowed my eyes inwardly. I could feel my cheeks heating up in red.

"You don't? " he questioned as his eyes fully covered mine in a sensual gaze. His face scrunched a little while his eyes widen a bit.

"I...don't. " I hushed and his flickery eyes shifted closely from my eyes to lips. His body facing slightly to me as his free hand came up to my cheeks, caressing it with his thumb.

"So, you don't mind me doing this too, right? " he asked in a deep husky voice and I couldn't help but to nod, accepting for whatever this man asking for right now.

We both knew about what's going to happen and I'm already waiting for it to happen.

He lean in hesitatingly as our eyes grazing each other's mound. My toes already digged in the cold sands as the waves hit me and my brain storming in anticipation.

His lips moving closer to me and in a swept, he placed his lips fully on mine. My eyes closing itself while I'm enjoying this moment right now.

Suddenly, the resonance of waves were bothered by some sounds of gasps and whispers now.

I pulled away quickly while he insisted to continue but as soon as he realise the surrounding, he pulled away unwillingly.

My eyes landed horrifically on Cherry and her friends while his arms around my waist, never push me or let me go.

It turns out to be a short kiss lol

Thanks to Cherry🙄

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