Chapter 33 - Miracle.

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Okay. So.......

I knew that it's been nearly a month since I updated and I'm super sorry🙏😭

I was focusing on my assignment the whole time and couldn't find time to update lol

As for forgiveness, I made this date longer than expected so ENJOY!♥️

Bella's POV:

"Your cold? " Noah asked as I moved a bit from his lap. He is been pulling me on him from the past an hour and I'm also trying to resist this never ending questions in me.

Like, am I weigh much on his lap? What if his legs hurts but he is also resisting?

We stayed on the air for so long now and at one state he pulled me down with him. His one arm around my waist and another beneath my knees, as if he is carrying me in bridal style while we sat in the wicker basket, cuddling to each other.

I was shocked at first but then, it seems so usual when he comforted me sweetly.

"No. I'm okay. " I replied, inching a little away from his lap but he rushed me closer.

"Where are you trying to go? " he whispered in a hoarse tone as his eyes turned into seriousness. His lips inches closer to me again.

We have been kissing, no, making out like forever and I wasn't complaining. All my whines and denial were paid off with kisses yet I became lost.

Just like now, he is just arresting me with those darken eyes and I'm giving in.

"N-No where. " I replied softly as I sunk myself in his hot stare from my lips to eyes.

"Good then, so let's stay like this for some time. " he chimed as he smiled eye to eye while hugging me closer.

What? No kiss?

I gasped and masked my desperate face away with a frown.

He kept staring at me with a smirk but I gave my attention to the flowy clouds around, pretending like I didn't saw his smirk. Suddenly, the flames over the balloon goes off and the basket started to swing a little. My hands which is already around him was clinging to him even closer and he laughed.

Seriously, he laughs?

"Do...something, Noah. " I quacker in fear and he laughed more.

"Of course, this will happen if we stayed for an hour on the air. " he chuckled as he pulled me closer to him, without making any effort to fix this thing.

I gasped hearing his respond and I became frighten as I felt us landing down slowly.

"N-Noah. I think....we are descending. " I whispered in fear while I looked around us.

"Of course, we will if the gas gone empty. " he teased while chuckling again and I looked him in stun.

My eyes gambling around for tears as I fear my death now. What if we get land at somewhere harmful and there will be no ways to survive.

"I-I'm scared. " I explained as a sob escaped my lips and Noah's firm grip around me became rigid. He frowned and looked me with a vital stare.

I avoided his stare as I peered my head away because I don't know why but my tears started to double up.

"Bella, look at me. " he ordered in a gentle way and I slowly avert my attention to him. His face flashing in seriousness and hurt, at the same time.

"Do you trust me? " he questioned blankly and I nodded a little.

"Then, why the tears? " he asked back again in a gentle sweet way and I battled myself to reply.

"I-I don't know, Noah. " I explained through the sobs and he sighed, loosening his grip around me while standing up to adjust something.

Soon, the basket stabilized and landed slowly in a row. He stood there, watching the sky while thinking something deeply. He exhaled a breath again and walk back to me while helping me to stand.

He closed his eyes before cupping my cheeks and it's as if like he is determining himself for it. My hands hold onto both his as I waited for him to open those lids.

"I'm here isn't it? Then, why don't you believe me in keeping you safe? Bella, I took you up here all alone and I know everything that will happen. Do you think that I will let you suffer in fear? " he countered in worry and it hurts me. Why don't I ever feel that way? For once, I just feared my death but not the moment together him.

Oh my God, I made him feel insecure about believing him again.

"Noah, I didn't me-- " he cut me short.

"I won't. I won't...ever let you suffer like that. I think I should work more to make you believe me fully, isn't it? " he explained and hummed to himself.

I shake my head a little and I whispered a small 'no'.

"I believe you with all I have. But, you know I'm....kind of fear this sudden happening and I usually get emotional over it. " I explained myself softly as I hushed.

"It's okay, Bella. I got this same fear when I had this ride for first with my grandfather. " he explained softly as he engulfed me yet he stopped in middle while recalling the moments.

"I was just thirteen, I guess. I had the happiest journey with him. " he continued with a fond smile and my fear were took over with admiration.

"And, that was my last happiest ride with him. " Noah's fond smile was turn over with sadness and I got the meaning behind it.

"I'm sorry. " I hushed as I caress his back in a soothing way.

"It's fine but sometimes it do hurt while thinking about losing someone close to me. Just like how I suffered when I lost my grandfather. " he talked more and I was listening intentionally.

This man had enough since his childhood and no wonder why he was been so engrossed in lose of Cherry.

I would never leave you at any cost, I was mentally noting down.

"I love you. " I blurt out bluntly without realisation and he smiled sweetly at me. Kissing my forehead while hugging me super close again.

Well, I really do mean that and at least that might lighten up his mood.

We were so engrossed in our moment until we failed to notice the landing. We were few meters away from our first departure spot and we came out of our moment.

"Alright, let's go now. " he kissed my forehead as he whispered to me.

I hugged him for a little longer and we share this happy laughter together before leaving the basket.

We walked towards our car, hand in hand as he pulled me near him.

We hopped in our car and made our destination to somewhere else, where I'm clueless about. To be honest, I'm hungry though with all this overwhelming awestruck ride and the sweet moment this man gave me, but how can I say this to him?

God, why do my insecurities kicking in?

"You hungry? " he asked out suddenly and I looked him in disbelief. I'm sure that my stomach didn't growl or did I blurt it out like just now?

"Hey, why are you staring me like that? " he chuckled and I shake my head in a 'no' while trying not to blush.

"Your hungry, isn't it? " Noah exclaimed softly and I nodded quietly.

He reads me, I guess.

Soon, we arrived in this fine Italian restaurant and we reached inside while sitting in next to each other.

We started to order the food and I was too excited to dig in. Later, the food arrives and I nearly drooled over the overwhelming smell yet we dig in straight away.

The food gave chills and so do Noah's aimless stare on me that made me go rampage. He was enjoying seeing me blushing, that's also in the restaurant.

We had our lunch while he keeps on making me blush and I couldn't suppress it to myself either.

After lunch, he never bother to say a word about where are we going now and I silently waited for the ride to end. For once, I could say that it's a long ride and it's no longer a highway anymore. It's seems trees around us and I was anticipating the moment for the car to stop.

Soon it did and there's some cars along us. I jumped out rapidly and he followed me, eyeing me with a grin.

"Excited? " he questioned and I just got the hint. My God, I literally just never let him to open the door for me and jumped out in excitement.

I innocently smiled and he chuckled while taking my hand as he dragged me into somewhere. It was a lone valley pathway with plants on both sides and the sounds of insects were so undeniable. We were walking yet walking, then in a twinkling we were already near some huge yacht. I looked Noah in surprise and he squished my already 'o' like mouth as he kissed it lightly.

"Let's get in. " he announced in that same hoarse voice and I blushed harder again. We walked in the yacht and I saw a group of family with two small children, smiling and laughing at each other.

There are the visitors also, I guess.

My thoughts were awaken as I felt myself walking on some stairs and the top floor was fully open with some table setting on the right.

Noah take my hand to the end of the boat where it's super open here and my hand landed on the railing. The boat started to move as it makes the way to some area where all long trees were shielding over us and it excites me even more about what would we see next.

(Just imagine with some two leveled yacht)

The sky downed into a little darkness as the sunset processed yet that when Noah closed my eyes gently. His both palms closing my eyes and I smiled widely, eagerly waiting for the palms to open it freely so that I could evident the surprise.

"You ready? " he questioned and I nodded.

His hand moving away slowly as I opened my eyes to be awaken with this admiration while seeing this miracle.

The small insects sat on my palms gently and I nearly cried seeing them flying around with such brightness. It was like, I'm in dreamland with full brights and lights everywhere. Noah was smiling ear to ear while watching me playing with this little cuties and my attention brought back to him when he turn me over to his side as his lips met mine with a gentle kiss.

We stayed tangled afterwards and my body never leaving his with this cuties flying around us.

This moment is a wonder with the man I love. I want all of this man and I want to get to know about him. Suddenly, my head fled back to the moment when he shared me about his grandfather.

Like, he told me that the grandfather was everything to him so what happen to his family? Weren't they supported him? Furthermore, he doesn't provoke anything about the family neither parents at every of our conversation.

My mouth icing to question and to know him fully but am I taking any sort of advantages?

"Your thinking. " he said then chuckled when I release this unwanted gasp.

"So, mind sharing me some? " he asked in that husky voice of his and my cheeks burned pink.

This man surely reads me.

"I..." I sighed as I started, "...never mind. " I pouted a little while giving up my thought about asking him.

"No. That's shouldn't be a never mind. Come on, Bella. Ask me out. I'm all yours, remember. " he confessed sincerely and I nearly gasp again. I mean, is this man for real?

He is been making my cheeks heated more than ever today with just some mere sincere or serious confession that melt my heart.

He is all mine.

"I...I just think about our family. Like, my family and....yours, also. " I started while beating around the bush so that he would get that I'm asking about his family directly. I'm scared, you know.

I don't want him to feel that I'm taking some kind of advantage of him and this is our first date after all.

"Thinking about our family? Why? " he questioned frankly while a hint of annoyance appeared in his tone. So, he isn't comfortable talking about this.

"No, that's okay. I...I was just having this glance about them after seeing that family down there. " I quickly nudged in.

I hope he doesn't think low about me.

Oh my God, his expression turned into worry now.

"Noah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry like this. I-I'm sorry. " I apologised in regret and he quickly denied while connecting his eyes with me.

"There's no need, Bella. I have parents and I'm their only child so I got all the love everyone wanted. I don't know why but I kind of distance myself from them. They just couldn't...get to absorb me. My anger issue seems to demotivate them and once there was a time when I punched a employee for sexual harassing another employee of us yet they said that I'm the wrong there. The bastard that harassed this woman got to leave freely just because he was one of our shareholder's son. You know, my parents weren't by my side that time and their status was the big thing they wanted. And that when I left them and they appoint Mrs Andres again to take care of me, thinking that I'm still that 5 year old boy. Now, I'm living on my own with Mrs Andres of course and I started my business alone yet... here I'm...watching fireflies with the woman who drives me crazy. " he disclosed himself and the last sentence came as a joke, seems like he wanted lighten up my feature because I'm so not happy hearing his story.

A parents shouldn't be like that. They should support him or at least do something to solute their child. But, why aren't they do that? Did status come first before their own child?

"What about yours? For some reason, I could say that you guys aren't close either. Right? " Noah mentioned and I frowned.

Yes, we're. How would he react if I tell that his and mine weren't that difference.

"Mine?....they were the good parents too but you know, the same status thingy made me dismay from them. " I answered shortly with a giggle and he eyed me with enthusiasm.

"Dismay from them? Why? " he questioned softly as he looks up at me.

"Well..." How could I say that it's because of how do I look.

"If your not willing to share yet. Then, you don't have to. " he confronts slowly as his hand clasped mine in a gentle way.

"I-I wanted to share. " I blurt out quickly.

He cleared my doubt so I needed to do it in return, right? I trust him as well as he trust me.

"My parents doesn' the way I look..." I said then smiled awkwardly.

"...they wanted me to go on gyms and work outs to get in a I tried, but I can't. I try to explain this to them, that I wanted to be like myself and all but they refuse to believe in me. They went silent over months from pushing me to get in a shape and that when...suddenly they arranged me to get marry with William. He was my bully and I hated him, so I stopped the arrangement. My parents seems to love him more than they love me so they trusted him by believing that I'm being picky over guys when I look this distaste. And thats when I left them. They are still in touch with me yet those pushes and disregard still remains as much as their love towards William.....that's my story. " I announced as I smiled at him innocently.

He took in a breath as he listened to me. I started to feel uncomfortable as I caught him in deep thoughts.

Silence. Even after I stared him with confusion in obvious, he seemed to be not replying me. Well, I never replied myself when he tells me his story so did he went speechless like me?

Now this is my time to confront him and my hand automatically went to his, gripping it firmly.

"You okay? " I questioned as my palm pressed against his chest and he smiled at me while grasping it.

"I...just don't know what to say. I just wanted to kill that guy for being your bully and to show the parents about how tasteful their daughter is. Remember, Bella. You are no distaste, your beautiful. My beautiful. " he confessed sternly as he inched closer to peck my forehead while embracing me again.

'My beautiful' my heart literally in havoc as he pressed the words.

End of date day, I mean the chapter lol

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