Chapter 7 - Hurting.

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Double UPDATE!

A little glimpse back to Noah again is a must😂

Happy Reading❤️

Noah's POV:

Eyes were on me the whole time and I couldn't get off with that sympathy look.

No women has done this to me.

Even if they aren't willing to come, they would had informed me earlier. But, what happened today is different.

This woman clearly ditched me.

What if she forgets the date as I did today but still, my messages and calls should be replied also, right?

I groaned in pain as I unclasped my hands around the steering wheel, it's already aching.

Its not even an injury so no need of bandages and so I get my way back home.

Entering my house, I plopped on the couch after taking out a beer.

My maid, Mrs Andres came up to me and started to console me but I refused to listen. She's as if like a mother to me and she would see me as her son too. She came in on the evening and after finishing her work, she would return back home.

I'm just too not good for her right now.

I urged her to leave me alone and after multiples of hesitation, she left. She have a family too, after all. I don't want to burden her more with my problems.

I started to gulp down all the liquids and in minutes, the beer was empty.

I still, couldn't keep the anger in me and the beer bottle meet the ground while it scattered all over.

How can she do this to me?

I'm just a useless fool, isn't it?

I stood up abruptly, taking my keys again and I leave my house.

I wanted to see her. What if she's not okay or troubled on the way to the date, I don't know why this idea never showed up.

But, I still need an explanation.

Once, I let a woman go without an explanation and I'm not going to repeat it again.

She owe me one.

I rushed to my car and sped away to her do I get to know her home?

Well, it's from Cherry when we were coming across an apartment after a date while she informed me that Bella's there somewhere and I don't know why but I mentally took a note about it.

Luckily, it's helping now.

I was infront the apartment in minutes and I was confused about which house is Bella's.

I stayed in the car while predicting a 'maybe' she's in thats house or this house. I finally gave up until I randomly got to a floor and soon, an old security guard stopped me.

"Young man, who are you finding for? And, your drunk? " the old man asked as he noticed that I'm drunk. I nodded and decided to make up a thing to let me in yet I could know her house easily too.

I straighten myself to not show him that I'm pretty drunk so that he could believe for what I'm going to say.

"Urmm...sir. I needed to see Bella, she never answer my calls and messages. I want to know that she's fine. " I mumbled quietly and prayed silently that he should catch my words.

He got a confusion look and he began to think.

"Are you referring Miss Oborn, young man? " he questioned and I nodded eagerly. Luckily, he catch the hints.

"Well, how do I know that you know her? And, you kind of drunk right now. " he exclaimed and I became frown.

I quickly showed him my handphone that displays her number and I urged him to let me in. He checked the details and number yet quickly agreed to let me in.

"Alright, go ahead. Seems like, she knew you. " the old man says as he smiled back at me. Okay, now which one is her house.

I went to the elevator and randomly chose on the third floor. I don't want to risk by letting him stopping me again.

"Hey, she's on the second floor, right? Why are you going to the third? " he approached suddenly with a laughter and I faked a laugh with him along.

"Oh, ya...I'm just so confused and worried about her. Sorry. " I replied giddily and pressed on the second floor, acting as if I knew it.

The elevator came and I let a relief breath out to fade away from him in the elevator. It dinged instantly and I'm on the second floor while walking to the corner.

There's this name plat on all the doors and I was searching for Bella's.

Bella Oborn.

Yes, right here. Just the look at her name and anger fueled me again.

I banged the door vigorously. So much of bangs until I, myself, started to wonder about how could this old man wasn't here yet.

Guess, he isn't a good security guard then.

My banging became so loud and I started to worry whether if she's okay in there. I lean onto the door while banging again, expecting to see.

Then, it happens. She opened the door and looked me in shock.

She's all fine so, she ignored me in purpose.

How dare she?

I started to aim her with yelling in anger and punched hard on the wall beside her door. Her eyes became wet and tears stream down her eyes.

She approached me for an explanation but I don't need that anymore. I'm too angry to even listen to her.

I couldn't keep my anger to myself and I'm in the need to suppress it.

I targeted her with my anger again and she hugged herself as if thats the usual way to protect herself.

I don't why, I kind of feeling this wrongdoing right now. Like, I'm repeating something that I promised not to do again.

Her tears sharpened the pain in my chest rather than my knuckles right now.

And that when I glanced around, to only saw many of her neighbours watching us and I could say right away that they already started to judge us because of the look of confusion yet acknowledgement in them.

How can I do this to her again? It''s her living place.

Damn it, I have been such an idiot to embarrass her right now. I'm not even angry at her but at myself now.

I left the place with a heavy heart and return back to my car. I could feel the wondering eyes of the security guard on my knuckles and I knew that it's a overflowing pool right now.

I could careless about it.

I jumped into my car and I drove off while ignoring the ridiculous pain on my knuckles.

This is usual for me, hurting myself to compress my anger.

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