Chapter 4 : Peace.

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Your POV

Right now, me and Marion are in my room he had his back againts my bed since he's sitting on the floor. I was laying on my bed, our heads were close because we were listening to music from my eraphones.
Turns out he likes music, alot...

Mom and Dad are out grocery shopping and Jeff went along, Mike unfortunately is still here .-. Just go to hell man.

The atmosfere was calm and peaceful, I had my eyes closed as I listen to the song by Alan Walker called Force one of my many songs. Marion seems to like it. I could get use to this kind of company, its calming and its not annoying me in anyway. And Marion... he looks like he's been trough something bad.
That look on his face, the fact that he doesn't seem to show any expression, and that the other animatronics don't really like him. I know something's up, I know...

Wait. Why do I care? Why the motha flippin' hell do I even care? As I thought of this I could feel my cheeks heating up, goddamnit .-.

Marionette's POV

This is nice, I thought as I sat there.
Its been a while since I've been this... happy.
For some reason I'm happy, not in the 'I got a new thing' way but the relaxing atmosfere is very calming. I may get used to this, besides the music's great. I like it.

I wonder though. What are the others doing right now? They might be having a party for all I care, its their buisness so I'll leave them to it. But I can't help but wonder... well whatever then.

I decided to take off my scarf since its hot, and I couldn't bare the heat so I got no choice. As I do this I had to take of (Y/n)'s earphones so I did, I then took off my scarf and put the earphone back on. Good thing she's facing the other way or sh-

"Hey, you took off your scarf." (Y/n) said. I sighed at this.
"Yeah... you want to put it back on?" I asked. I usually don't show my face around, probably why I always wear a mask or my scarf almost all the time :l
"What? No! Its alright, I just wanted to see your face..." well... flip this shib.
"Alright," with that I turned to face her...

Your POV

Marion turned around and our faces were that close, our noses barely touching each other. His eyes widen a bit at this, I could feel my cheeks getting warm so I faced away from him. But, he was kinda cute '-' damnit the feelings are getting to me.

To some people, I was seen as a cheerful, smart, and kind kid. To others they think I'm selfish even though I'm not, and the haters think I'm an ugly b*tch... none of them are right. Behind that smile I wear is an empty expression. But I'll save that for later then.

"Hey (Y/n)," Marion called. I turn to face him and the next thing I knew our forheads were touching each other. I backed away in an instant, my face is probably as red as a tomato =|
"(Y/n)," he called again.
"Sorry, didn't mean for that to happen." With that I turned to face him again. Goddamnit why is the air so dense? o///o

This time there was some distance so I didn't had to freak out, he had a confused look on his face. We locked gaze... this is not a romance scene people .-. Silence took over and I couldn't bare it anymore.

"What?" I asked.
"I gotta go, to the pizzaria I mean." He said.
"Okay, you know your way right?" I asked again making sure.
"Of course I know the way. Welp, see you tomorrow night." He stood up and I followed in suite. I opened my room door and walked out, him following.

As we got downstairs Mom and Dad are already home... craaaaaap how am I going to explain this :T oh welp.
Marion and I were just on the bottom of the stairs when my parents saw us, Mom squealed like a little girl filled with excitment.

"(Y/n)! You didn't told us you had a boyfriend!" I blushed in embarresment at this.
"Mom! N-" just then Marion cut me off ._.
"Its nice to meet you Mrs.(L/n) and Mr.(L/n)." He said in a rather laid-back yet cheerful tone. I looked at him in confusion and yes anger, good thing he noticed.
"Its better to keep a secret or their dead, alright?" I wisphered.

Wtf so I have to pretend to date him? Well f#&$&&**/#%£~¥

"What's your name kid?" Dad suddenly says, crap he's dead.
"My name is Jack-" just as he finished my dad trew another question.
"How old are you?"
"I'm 17, sir I-"
"Are you my daugthers' lover?" This last question is death it self ._. God help us...

"No, sir. We were working on a school project," Marion said in the calmest voice I've ever heard, teach meh .-.
"Good, good to know you have a friend from school (Y/n)." With that, Dad continued to carry the groceries to the kitchen... did we just survived?

"C'mon" I said. With that we both left the house and onwards to the pizzaria.


The sun was setting and a variety of purple and orange is seen in the sky, me and Marion walked to the pizzaria since he said it was only 5 blocks away .-.
We were walking for a while now, in silence. Calm and peacefulness filled the air and I've never felt that before, it was nice... reminds me of something... oh well :T

"I think this is far enough, you can leave me here." Marion said as he stopped walking me following.
"Alright, I'll get goin' then." I turned around and as I do this I heard a faint wispher,
'Be careful'

I quickly turn around to see Marion yards away from where I am, back facing towards me and his hood was up. I shrugged and proceeded to walk home, this walk isn't like the other... its peaceful now.

Marionette's POV

Back at her place. When our forheads touched why did I feel my face getting warm and it felt like I had butterflies in my gut, what was that feeling?

I shrugged as I pulled my hood up and hands in pocket, thats when I heard a faint wispher ;
'You cant'
I looked around rapidly, no one was there at the empty street and (Y/n)'s probably already off. That must be... no. No no no no NO.
He cant still be... no.


The walk home was quiet and eerie, really eerie. I look up and saw the orange/yellowish building up ahead, so I quickened my pace.
I finally arrived at the back door and went inside only to see Chica rumagging around some spare parts, she's in human form. Shrugging, I walked pass her and to the prize corner but in order to go there I have to pass the show stage where everyone is at .-. Craaaaaaap this shib.

As I walk by. I could literally feel daggers on me, the gang are glaring at me. Like I care.
On the stage. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and their counterparts are sitting there just looking at me like I'm some freak. I look away and proceeded to walk untill...

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Gold. Of course he's here, he lurks in the shadows.
"The prize corner, now leave me be." Unfortunately...
"You owe BB an apology" TB said. Hell no.
"Do I look like I give a damn?" I glare up at them, as of now. My eyes are black with white iris and black pupils.
"You know you're not accepted here r-" before Freddy could finish I interupted.
"You know I don't care anymore right? So, just leave me alone and none of you would get hurt." I always say this, and to be honest. I don't care.

With that I continue to walk, so what if they hate me? So what if they don't even frickin' know that I gave them lifes!? I don't care.

Not anymore...

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