Sun and Moon

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Nobody's POV

"And that's why, the people of the moon kingdom are connected to the earths waters."

Lucy groaned and slumped in her seat.

She already knew this and about half the other stuff her supposed teacher, Aquarius, was teaching her.

It wasn't her teachers fault that she was re-teaching things to Lucy. You see, when Lucy was small she used to go into the palace's library with her mother and read all different kinds of books.


Lucy's head shot up.


The teacher sighed.

"Lucy were you even listening?"


"Then what was I talking about?"

"Why our people are connected to the water."

"Hmmm, than I'm guessing you could tell me why."

"I could.....but I don't want to."

"Lucy that wasn't a question, meaning you will tell me why. Now."

Sighing, Lucy sat up straight and opened her mouth to begin her explanation when a soft chiming sound was heard.

A wide smile broke out in Lucy's face and she jumped up.

"I wish I could finish my explanation but as you can hear, it's time for me to raise the moon. See ya tomorrow Aquarius."
Lucy said sprinting out the door.

"Tsk. Brat." Aquarius muttered as she watch the princess sprint out of the door.


Lucy sprinted through the halls, hopped down a flight of stairs, practically flew through the garden but when she reached a bridge, she slowed down to a walk.

At the foot of the bridge stood two guards who were chatting with each other but when they saw Lucy they immediately stopped and stood at attention.

Lucy giggled and waved them off.

"It's fine, I don't really care if you were talking and I won't tell. Also please don't ever stand at attention when it's just me, I'm not my father and I hate it when you guys do it, alright?" Lucy asked with a smile.

The guard smiled in return and nodded.

"Alright then, I must be going. Have a nice day." Lucy said running off.

"You too, Miss Lucy!!" The guards shouted at her.

Lucy turned around in mid run so she was running backwards and yelled,

"Call me Lucy!!"

The guard laughed and yelled back.

"As you wish, Lucy!!"

Lucy rolled her eyes and turned around only to run into someone.

Lucy immediately backed up and bowed her head.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Please forgive me."

Hearing a chuckle, Lucy looked up only to see the person she had bumped into was Gray Fullbuster, her childhood friend.

"Oh, it was only you. Never mind then, I'm not sorry about it at all."
Lucy said with a smile.

Gray put his hand to his heart and made a hurt face.

"I'm deeply hurt Princess."

Lucy scowled.

"You know I don't like to be called that."

"Called what?" Gray asked with a smirk.

"You know what." Lucy said getting slightly annoyed.

"I really don't, Princess."

Lucy huffed and looked away.

"Sure you don't, you damn Ice Princess."

The raven haired man scowled and glared at the blondie.

"Shut up." He muttered while a smile appeared on Lucy's lips.

"Whatever. Anyway I gotta go, bye." Lucy said turning and running off.

Gray just chuckled and waved.

Probably just excited to her sunshine.

Gray thought with a smirk.


Lucy ran through the forest, sprinted through the door and halls of the temple and stopped and a huge wooden door.

Calming her breathing, Lucy proceeded to put her hands out and say a chant to open the door.

"I call upon the power of the moon's light. Heed my call. Charge me with your power so that I may protect this world and all its creatures. Grant me access to your holy room. Door to the Sun and Moon, Open."

Not long after the big door slowly creaked open, revealing a large light purple crystal and boy with pink hair and onyx eyes standing next to it.

As soon as Lucy saw the boy she sprinted over to him and jumped on him, giving him a big hug and a peck on the lips.

The boy wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

Pulling away they rubbed they noses together, in a cute little eskimo kiss.

"I missed you Natsu." Lucy breathed.

"I missed you more Lucy." Natsu breathed back.

"I missed you most." They both said together.

"Jinx!!" Lucy said.

"Double Jinx" Natsu countered.

"Joker Jinx" Lucy finished.

Natsu laughed and set Lucy on the floor.

"You know I love you, right?" Natsu asked the blondie.

"I know. And you know I love you as well, correct?" Lucy responded.

"Correct." Natsu replied, a childish smile on his handsome features.

Lucy laughed but then became serious.

"You know we're not supposed to be together, right?"

Natsu nodded.

"Just because we're not supposed to be together doesn't mean we can't."

"True. True." Lucy said smiling.

Natsu smiled in return, bent down and kissed her.

It was a slow passionate kiss but both parties melted in, giving just as much as intensity and emotion as the Sun and moon do. Although it only lasted a few seconds, to the couple it felt like minutes and when they finally pulled away, the two were slightly out of breath.

Gently pulling out of his arms, Lucy smiled and turned around.

"Come on Lover Boy, we still gotta do what we came here to do."

Natsu grunted in response but followed her anyway.


Years passed and the two of them continued to meet in secret.

Everyday they would go to raise and lower the sun and moon and everyday they would hang out for a while and then work and hang out and leave.

Life wasn't the best for the both of them but they had each other so it didn't matter.

The two of them, were like the sun and moon. Even though they were from two different worlds and were opposites, they still fit perfectly together.

Eventually their relationship was found out and of course their parents were furious and told them to never see each other again but regardless the two continued to meet and each time they fell more and more in love with each other.

It might have been shunned by some and forbidden by culture, but one day their love would save both of their worlds and many others.


It's been three year, sorry about that. But I am happy to say I am back and I plan to update this book once or twice a week. I really hope that you like this one shot, which I started three years ago and apparently never finished or posted. Any hoo, let me know if y'all liked them and if you have requests. Thanks for reading.

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