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Stay humble, stay focused, have faith in God, have faith in yourself, keep in contact with your friends. That's very important. It's not about the money & have fun doing what you gotta do. Just be happy. Love & loyalty will get you through.
-Joey Fatts

• Free •

Long Beach, CA.

I sit in the court room next to my mother, my Aunt Edna and Dyme waiting for the jury to come back at Marcel's trial. The jury had left two hours ago and they were already calling us back to say they made a decision. As long as it wasn't a hung jury like the last trial that made this process start completely over, I was fine with that. This had been going on for two long years. We honestly weren't expecting them to end the deliberation so quickly, so Matika had left to take a meeting. She was expecting this to take at least a day to a couple of days like the rest of us. This is a murder trial after all. Is the jury making a decision so fast a good thing or a bad thing?

I called Matika to let her know they're about to make the decision, but she didn't answer. She must've had it on silent in her meeting. I have to commend Matika for not wallowing in pity while Marcel was gone and making sure she got to the money for the sake of their kids. I watched her singlehandedly triple their net worth through charities and businesses. That made me erase every thought I once had that she was using Marcel for his money. If that was the case she would've spent all his money and left him once things got rough, but she didn't. She held him down like she's supposed to.

I can see Marcel turn around looking at us and I give him a hopeful smile. I'm pretty sure he noticed Matika was no longer here. When the judge says court is now back in session he turns around and we all pay attention. "The jury has made a decision. Please, read it," the judge says.

I can feel MarceI's mother grab my hand tightly. I look over at her seeing she has her eyes closed with her head down. I knew she was praying. That's all you can do at this point. A white, middle aged woman stands up then says, "We, the jury, find the defendant, Marcel Young, to be "not guilty" of first degree murder." It was like the whole room stopped holding their breath in unison as we gasped.

"Thank God!" My Aunt Edna says with a wide smile on her face. After two years it was over. I look over at Detective Reed who's sitting on the opposite side. Not only did he lose his job, but he failed at taking me or Marcel down. I smirk as he looks pissed off turning his head away from me. If it was the old me, I would've gotten his ass killed or did it myself, but sometimes you gotta be strategic and play dirty like these white people. I hope it was all worth it for him. I took the power out of the laws hands and into mine to protect my family.

I watch as Marcel stands up in his suit shaking his lawyers hand patting his back. Marcel comes towards us and the first person he hugs is his mother. As they hug tightly I realize that Marcel is actually crying. I've known him my whole life and I've only seen him cry twice and that was when his brother died and when his best friend, Jabari was killed. Compared to Marcel, I'm the emotional, in my feelings one. I didn't blame him. He's been fighting for his life for two years. Jail is no joke. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. You see and have to deal with a lot while in there. The thought of never getting out is a scary one.

"You're free," I hear my Aunt Edna whisper as she holds Marcel. They part then Marcel sucks in a long breath as his Mom wipes his face.

"Alright, let me get it together. G up," he says clearing his throat then hitting his chest making us laugh. We dap then we pull into a hug.

"I told you it would all work out," I say as we pull apart.

"I know. Where's Matika?" Marcel asks while hugging my Mom next.

"She left to go to a meeting. She thought the deliberation would take longer. I have an idea though...You can surprise her."

"I'm down. I gotta take a long shower by my damn self, alone with nobody watching me or next to me and change clothes first. Clothes that's not a jumpsuit, county blues or a court suit then we can surprise her," he says making me chuckle.

"I got you, cuh." As we left the courthouse my phone began to ring. I slide it out of my pocket seeing it's Matika calling me back. I answer putting the phone to my ear saying, "Hello?"

"Hey, you called? Did something happen with the trial?" She asks.

"Naw, they're still deliberating," I lie.

"Good, I thought they were already done. I'm done with this meeting, but these white people wanna have dinner now," she slightly whispers making me laugh. "I would've said no, but they just gave my charity a whole bunch of M's, if you know what I mean."

"I understand. Where you at though? The family gon' meet you ova there."

"I'm at this restaurant called Cannery Seafood of the Pacific here in Long Beach."

"Alright, we'll meet you there." She says okay then we hang up. I get into the backseat of the car then we leave for our house here in Long Beach.

Dyme and I ended up selling our house in Laguna Beach and buying a house here in Long Beach to be even closer to everyone. We literally lived a block away from Matika 'n them in the Naples neighborhood. I never thought I would be living in a multi-million dollar home, but I did. I had my successful clothing line, my label, my music, my production and Dyme had her books.

We had achieved everything we dreamed of including our kids. I even legally adopted Jodie. It was only right because I've looked at her as mine since birth. Instead of being Jodie Taylor she was now Jodie Vercher. We were a real family with all the same last name. For once in life everything felt complete, especially with Marcel now home.


Everybody had already left to meet Matika at the restaurant while I stayed back at Joey's house to take a shower and change. Once I was done I left getting in the UberLUX they had waiting for me. After about a twenty minute drive the car pulled up in front of restaurant stopping. I sigh then take my seatbelt off hopping out closing the door behind me. I pull my pants up then start for the entrance.

I don't know why I was nervous to see my own wife. It's like you get used to being apart from someone while in jail and you start to think like you'll never see that person again. It feels like you'll never get to hold, kiss or touch that person ever again and the thought of it is a farfetched one. To be honest, Matika and I weren't married long before all this started. What if things aren't the same?

I tell the person who works at the restaurant who I'm looking for then they show me to where they are. They're all sitting around a table and my eyes immediately land on Matika who's talking to Dyme not even noticing me. When she does she lowers her head as I stand there staring at her..

She holds her head down and that's when I notice she's crying. "You better say hi to your man," Dyme says shaking Matika by the shoulders. Matika uses the napkin in her lap to wipe her tears then she gets up from the table. She walks around the table and I meet her halfway wrapping my arms around her hugging her.

"Why didn't you guys tell me? I thought I was seeing shit. My heart almost jumped out of my chest," Matika says in between sniffles. "It's finally over?" She asks looking up at me.

I nod my head saying, "Finally over. We finally got over the hill." I kiss her forehead, her cheek then her lips. When we pull apart I ask, "Where are Marina and Riva?"

"They're at the house with the nanny."

"Damn, we're ballin' enough for a nanny? What happened to just baby sitters?"

She laughs then says, "It's all the same thing. I was actually supposed to be going to something after this. It's an activity day with the kids from your YMCA program then I was gonna go home."

"Well, I'm coming too. It's my charity. I haven't even been able to do anything with them, but give them money since all this bullshit started. I need to show them I still care then we can go home, so I can see my kids."

"Alright, let's eat first." I nod my head sitting at the table with everyone. As the waiter takes peoples order I look around the table just smiling. I honestly couldn't be happier, but something was missing...Maurice. I haven't seen his face or heard his voice in two years and it's driving me crazy. I'll never forgive Char for that.


After eating I sit in the backseat of the car with Matika as a man drives us to our location. I dial Char's boyfriend, Dominic's number putting my phone to my ear. It's a shame I have to go through him just to have an adult conversation about my son because his Mom can't cooperate. When he answers he says, "Hello?" sounding confused. He was probably used to me calling collect from jail and didn't know who it was. "Who is this?"

"It's Marcel, Dom."

"Marcel? Woah, what number is this your calling from?" He asks.

"My new number. I got out today."

"You're kidding me?" He says sounding shocked. "I heard from someone you were found not guilty, but I didn't really believe it. Wow! Congrats on beating that charge. I know it's been a long road."

"A very long road. Congrats to you too on getting engaged to Char."

"Thanks, bruh. Just trying to decide on a date for the wedding. There's just one thing holding us back...Her stubbornness in regards to you and your son, Maurice. I told her I can't marry her if she's gonna keep him away from you, but she does what she wants to. It's not right."

I sigh saying, "Yeah. I was calling to see if you could set something up, so I can see him because Char isn't answering my phone calls." I tried calling her as soon as I walked out of that court room, after I got out of the shower and two other times with no answer.

"Of course! That's no problem. We're actually going to a Los Angeles Dodgers game tonight. You think you can meet us at the Dodgers stadium in L.A. and surprise him."

"Yeah, fasho."

"Aiight, I'll text you what time and everything."

"Hey, thanks. If had to pick anybody to be the stepdad to my kid, it would be you. I really appreciate this."

"It's nothing. He's your child. You have a right to see him. Char may be my woman, but she's not always right. I'll see you later." I say okay then we hang up.

I sigh dropping my phone into my lap when Matika asks, "What did he say?"

"He told me he'll help me. That's a good dude," I say looking at Matika.

"Yeah, he is. Char has a good man. Sometimes it feels like she's trying to replace you with him though. She fails to realize you can't replace someone's blood father. She'll soon realize not only does Maurice have good step-parents, but a good father as well." Matika grabs my hand smiling as I do too.


After spending an hour with the students of the YMCA program we left driving home. As we drove I looked out of the window tapping my foot fervently. I drum my fingers on my thigh to the beat of the music as a Snoop Dogg song plays. "What are you thinking about?" Matika asks grabbing my attention.

I shrug then say, "I don't know. Just about the girls. What if they don't like me? I mean, they don't know me like that, like that. It's been two years. Marina was a baby when I left. Riva wasn't even born yet. She doesn't know me at all. Not as her Dad. This is me and my Dad all over again."

"They definitely know you. From the phone calls and visits. You should've saw how excited they would get when you called because I made sure they knew who you were to them. Also, that you loved them very much. This is nothing like your Dad because you're not going back."

It grows quiet until I ask, "You think Maurice remembers me?"

"I'm sure he does."

"I haven't talked to him or seen him in almost 2 years, Matika. It doesn't matter because I'll go through hell and high water to be in his life. I don't give a damn what she says or does," I say looking back out of the window.

When we pull up to gates of a gated community I sit up looking around. "You really moved to Naples. I was just playing when I said I wanted to live out here. These are million dollar houses, Teek. Let me find out you've been funneling money from your charity illegally. How did you-"

"I haven't just been sitting on my ass knitting and waiting for you to come home the past two years, Marcel. I wasn't just about to let your money sit stagnant with nothing coming in. I invested in some businesses. Just know your money is good. My money is good. You said you wanted to teach the white folk about Gucci Mane and damnit, you're going to."

I laugh then kiss her saying, "And this is why I fuck with you." We pull up to a house in Naples, which is a neighborhood in Long Beach. The house was right on the water.

I get out of the car and so does Matika. She grabs onto my hand as we walk up the driveway. When I see Riva run out of the house I smile. I was surprised when Riva ran right to me instead of her mother. Once again I couldn't help, but shed a tear. Your kids will do that to you, especially your daughters. They turn you soft. Marina rushes into my arms too making me smile even more. I stand up straight with them both in each of my arms. Marina plants a kiss on my cheek then Riva does the same making me smile even bigger.

This was the moment I was waiting for...being back with my kids. Maurice is next.

The Next Day...


To celebrate Marcel finally being home we decided to have a dinner at our house. I stand in the mirror doing my hair when Joey walks into the bathroom. "My Momma is here. Marcel said they're on the way. They said that twenty minutes ago when they live right around the corner." I laugh when Joey comes up behind me wrapping his arm around me. "You ready?" He asks.

"I guess," I say putting lip gloss on my lips.

He kisses my cheek saying, "Better get ready. I'm gonna go check on the steaks." He leaves the bedroom then I walk out into the bedroom sliding my feet into my Puma Fenty bow slides. I grab my phone off of the bed then leave our bedroom going downstairs. The first thing I do is go to the kitchen to check on all of the food when I see Joey's Mom already fixing herself a plate.

"What are you doing, Miss Shellie?!" I say making her jump and clutch her chest.

"You scared me, child."

"Serves you right. Why are you in here fixing a plate when everyone isn't here yet?"

"I'm hongry. They're taking too damn long," she whines.

"If we all have to wait, you do too."

"Don't I get some sort of senior citizen pass?" She asks licking her fingers after putting some barbecue chicken on her plate.

"You are nowhere near a senior citizen. You're not even 50 yet. You're still a young, fine tenderoni," I say smacking her butt making her swat my hand away.

"I am fine, huh?" She says poking her hip out making me laugh.

"If you're gonna steal a plate go to the other living room and hide. You know Uncle Gary don't play about that not praying before eating," I say to her. I wink then she scurries off with her plate as I chuckle shaking my head. I peak out into the backyard seeing Stevie back there with Joey. "Where's Jodie?" I mumble to myself. "JoJo!" I yell as I walk down the hallway. That's when I find her in the front living room by herself. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Waiting on Marina to get here."

"Oh, your favorite cousin."

"Yeah, that's my best friend," she says smiling.

"I thought I was your best friend?" I say pouting.

"You are. You're my best mommy friend and she's my best best friend."

"Well, okay. I'll take that," I say laughing to myself. "Is your room clean for your best friend?"

"Kinda," she says screwing up her lip.

"I take kinda as a no. I saw all those toys on the floor. Put them where they belong. Okay?" She nods her head hopping down from the couch going upstairs. I shake my head sitting on the couch. She looks just like Shameik to the point it's sometimes painful to look at her. Sometimes it gives me flashbacks, but it's something I just have to get over because that's her real father. I'm still debating on if I should tell her Joey isn't her biological father when she's older. That conversation is a long road from now, but I still think about it.

When the doorbell rings I get up from the couch going over to it. I swing the door open and when I don't see anyone I look down to see Maurice. "Reese!" I nearly scream hugging him tightly. I haven't seen him in so long.

"I can't breathe," he says as I loosen my grip.

"You're so big, oh my goodness," I say in shock looking at him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. You still pretty," he says touching my hair that's in a bun. I laugh kissing his cheek making him smile. I'm his wife in his head.

He walks into the house as I stand at the front door seeing Marina walking across the grass. When she waves at me saying, "Hey, girl!" I laugh waving back. She's something else. Same personality as her Momma, Matika.

"Your best friend is here, Jodie," I yell looking over my shoulder to see Jodie coming down the stairs. As soon as I say that her head pops up with a wide smile then she hops down the last few steps rushing towards the door. She pushes past me running outside into Marina's arms as they hug. You would've thought it's been a year since they've seen each other. They're more than cousins. They're pretty much twins with them being months apart. They're in the same pre-k class and do everything together. I smile to myself then when I see Miss Edna carrying a tray of food I meet her halfway taking it from her.


We all sit around the dinner table when both Joey and Marcel stand up at the head of the table. Joey taps his glass with his fork trying to grab everyone's attention the polite way. That didn't last long. People were still talking, so he sticks his fingers into his mouth whistling loudly making everyone look at him. "Shut up. Y'all always talkin'. We have an announcement," he says making a couple of people mumble insults under their breathe.

"Yo big ass know you need to sit down. Who you think you tellin' to shut up!" Uncle Gary rebuttals.

"As you all know, Marcel has been fighting a case for the past two years and he is now out-"

Joey gets cut off when Uncle Randy starts clapping. "'My boy free. Fuck them pigs!" He yells as all the mothers glare at him. Miss Shellie nudges him as he looks around confused. "What?"

"He said a bad word," Jodie whispers to me.

"Why y'all actin' like you've never cursed? I stand by my statement. Fuck those pigs! Fuck those crackers. Fuck the D.A., the judge, the C.O.'s, the LBPD. Free Big Fatts, free Boy-e, free Smallz, free-"

Marcel cuts him off saying, "Alright, back to what we were saying..." I see Miss Shellie snatch a cup from Uncle Randy's hand and I laugh inwardly shaking my head. Already drunk and we haven't even finished dinner yet. "Joey and I have decided to open a restaurant. Well, more than decided. We are opening one. Already bought a location and everything."

Everyone looks at each other funny and me and Matika exchange a look. We both looked like we didn't know about this. Don't husbands talk about this kinda stuff with their wives. Marcel continues by saying, "It's going to be called Big Fish Theory."

Kaine raises his hand like he's in school then asks, "What kinda food?" He looked confused as hell when it was kinda obvious what the answer was.

"Big FISH theory. Fish, stupid. Seafood," Joey's sister, Kamaya responds.

"Oh," Kaine says nodding his head. And he's in college? I'm a bit worried.

"Yeah, seafood. We already bought a location right off of Mother's beach, so it's close to home."

"Why the hell y'all telling us? We're not getting any of the money," Uncle Randy says smacking his lips.

"Actually," Joey says. "We want it to be a family business. Anybody who wants to be apart of it can."

"Well, shit, count me in. Y'all the rich mutha fuckas in the family, so I know y'all know what y'all doin'," Uncle Randy says as I chuckle.

Once Joey and Marcel are done with their announcement Joey comes and sits by me. "What do you think?" He asks.

"I wish you would've told me sooner and actually let me be apart of the decision. Why not invest in a restaurant first to see how the restaurant business works?"

"We rather have something that's all ours. We have an expert investing in it as well. If it fails, it fails because of us. No one else will be the reason we lose money. It's not gonna fail though. Marcel is the marketing voice and face behind it. It fits his whole theme for his new album that the restaurant is named after. Then I just got him his own radio show on Beats 1. We gotta put in that work to get Marcel back on track after being gone so long."

"Alright, I know you have a vision, Mr, entrepreneur. My thing is, you have so much going on to the point you can't help me with the kids. The clothing line, your label, your label artists, your music, your production for other artists, now this. How am I supposed to get back into my work if I'm always with the kids? I still have books I need to write to fulfill my publishing deal and I haven't had the time."

"I told you, get a nanny like Matika. You write from home anyway."

"My thing is, I don't want you to get too busy chasing the money you forget what's important. I get you're a hustler, but we're fine. The money isn't going anywhere. We live very comfortably."

"If I stop, the money stops. You can never be too comfortable."

"I know your biggest fear is losing it all, being broke or homeless again, but you still have a family. Don't drown in the money and work to the point of no return. That's all I'm saying.."

"I'm not. I'm just trying to give you and my family the life you deserve."

"I deserve a husband who enjoys everything he worked so hard to get with me. I don't want to be enjoying it alone. Slow down. You hear me?"

"I hear you, Mama," he teases.

I chuckle then kiss him when I hear, "Ma! Ma!" I turn to see Jodie struggling to hold Stevie on her side. His feet were dragging on the floor and everything. I couldn't help but bust out laughing.

I come down from my laughter grabbing him from her saying, "Now you know you can't carry SJ's big behind. My big boy!" Jodie is three and Stevie is almost two yet Stevie was almost the same size as her. I guess that's what happens when you have babies back to back.

"I'm strong too. Can I get more juice?" She asks holding up an empty plastic cup.

"No, water." She pouts, but says nothing as I get up from the table following her to the kitchen.

It feels good to have the family back how it used to be. Sometimes it gets hard realizing I don't have my side of the family around, but I couldn't ask for better in-laws. They treat me like they've known me my whole life. It's great to see everyone happy and moving on with life after all the chaos...

This story will be done by chapter 60, so 5 more chapters. Thx for sticking with me through this long ass story😂

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