Reunion Before Battle City

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3rd Person Pov

In Domino City, Yugi, Tristan, Téa and Joey would walk through the town as they would see a shop with registration into Kaiba's Battle City Tournament. Yugi smiles as he looks at the shop.

Yugi: Hey, I think we sign up here.

Joey would be standing in front of a display window looking at cards and the registration sign on the window.

Joey: I'm just gonna play dumb.

Tristan: Play dumb?

Joey: Hey!

The group would enter as they smiled as Joey and Yugi walk up to the front desk.

Joey: How ya doin'?

The shop keeper would turn as he looked at the group.

Shop Keeper: May I be of some assistance?

Yugi: Hi. We came to register for the Battle City Tournament and get our Duel Disks.

Shop Keeper: well then, my young friends, you have entered into the correct place. You are fortunate, since I have three Duel Disks left on my shelf. But first I have to make sure you're qualified to register.

Joey, Tristan and Téa look in confusion along with Yugi who raised an eyebrow before nodding.

Yugi: Okay, I'm Yugi Moto.

The shop Keeper would move over to his computer and begin to type on the keyboard.

Shop Keeper: All right. Yugi Moto.

He would enter the name as a small beep is heard pulling up his file as the Shop Keeper looked at it.

Shop Keeper: Not bad, you've got five stars. That's the highest rank.

Yugi: Hmm. Where does this information come from?

The Shop Keeper would turn his computer so the group could see the screen as it was a picture of Yami Yugi and a picture of the Dark Magician card as his rarest card with five stars underneath both pictures.

Shop Keeper: Kaiba Corp performed extensive research on duelists around the world and compiled the results into a database. This shows your skill level and the rarest card you've ever played in a duel. To ensure only the best duelists enter, Mr. Kaiba has gone through great lengths to learn everything about you and your decks.

The group gasps in shock as a whole database knew everything about them as well as what cards they play in their decks.

Yugi: Everything? Knowing every card in our decks gives an unfair advantage to Kaiba.

Téa: That's not cool.

Shop Keeper: Well, as promised, since you qualify to enter, you get this.

Yugi gasps as the Shop Keeper had grabbed one of the three Duel Disks he had left and held it out to Yugi.

Shop Keeper: Kaiba Corp's new and improved Duel Disk system.

Yugi looks in awe as he takes the box containing the new Duel Disk and smiles.

Yugi: Awesome! Thank you.

Joey: *steps forward* Ahem! I wanna register also. Joey Wheeler's da name.

The Shop Keeper turns his computer back as he typed in Joey's name.

Shop Keeper: Let me see. Joey Wheeler.

A picture of Joey would appear with his Red Eyes Black Dragon card with one star under both.

Shop Keeper: Hmm. I'm sorry. You've only got one star. Your ranking is much too low to enter the tournament.

Joey looks in shock before looking in anger as he thought Kaiba had something to do with it.

Joey: That can't be! Kaiba fixed those results! I came in second at Duelist Kingdom!

During the commotion Joey had started, the door to the shop would open as a boy with black hair and purple eyes walked in with a black sweatshirt and jeans along with a girl with long blonde hair and lilac colored eyes as she wore a yellow t shirt with jeans. Tristan would hold Joey's arms back as Teá and Yugi look in shock.

Tristan: Joey! Just calm down! Quit having a cow.

Teá: It is weird that he doesn't qualify.

???: Yugi? Joey?

Joey would calm down as the group turned to see the boy and the girl as they looked at them as Yugi looked in shock.

Yugi: Y/n! Yang!

Y/n and Yang would smile as they approached the group as Yugi ran up to Y/n as the two clasped hands.

Y/n: Been a while, Yugi. Still small as always.

Yugi: It's good to see you too. When did you guys get back to Domino?

Yang: We got back last night, Y/n got an invite from Kaiba himself to be in the tournament.

Joey: What?! Y/n got an invite?!

Y/n: Yeah, guess that rich jackass wants to lose to me again. *looks at Yugi* But look at you, Yugi, Your the King of Games.

Yugi: *chuckles nervously and rubs head* Yeah, I'm still trying to get used to it.

Y/n and the others would chuckle as during the commotion, the Shop Keeper would switch Joey's one star ranking to four stars so his master could obtain Joey's Red Eyes.

Shop Keeper: I'm sorry, Joey. It appears my hard drive was malfunctioning and you actually have four stars. Congratulations, you qualify.

Yugi, Tristan and Teá look in shock as Joey smiles and looks at the screen before getting his Duel Disk. Y/n would walk up to the counter after Joey as he looked at the Shop Keeper.

Y/n: I got an invitation. Y/n L/n.

The Shop Keeper enters in the name as a picture of Y/n appears with his Cyber Dragon card being his rarest as he had five stars.

Shop Keeper: Yes, you do qualify. Mr. Kaiba has left a special Duel Disk for you.

The Shop Keeper turns and opens the cabinet under him and pulls out an all silver Duel Disk and hands it to Y/n as he takes it and looks at it. Yang and the others look in awe as Yang stands next to Y/n and looks at it.

Yang: Wow, look at that, babe. Kaiba gave you a fancy one.

Y/n: Maybe he's just doing it for his own self pity.

The group would then leave the shop as the Shop Keeper watched them before smirking and holding up a phone.

Shop Keeper: Send over the Rare Hunters, the boy with the Red Eyes card just left.

Once the group had left, Joey had decided to leave as Y/n and Yang would stay with Yugi, Tristan and Teá. The group would watch Joey run off as Tristan looked at his friend.

Tristan: I hope he's all right. Going to that hospital is not an easy thing for him to do.

Y/n and the others look at Tristan in confusion.

Y/n: What do you mean, Tristan?

Tristan: Joey's mother is gonna be at that hospital, too, guys. She was the one that separated Joey and Serenity when they were kids. He hasn't spoken to his mother since.

Yugi: No way. But that means Joey hasn't seen or spoken to his mother in almost 7 years.

Tristan: *stoic* Yes. But I'll make sure that the Wheelers reunite once again!

Yang & Téa: Aren't you getting just a little carried away there, Tristan?

Y/n: That's if he's only being a hero to impress Joey's sister. *chuckles*

Tristan stutters in shock before the others laugh along with Y/n before continuing their walk. Y/n would look at his Duel Disk as Yugi and Téa looked at him.

Yugi: So, how have you been, Y/n? Seeing how your still close to one of the top duelists in the world, I bet you get a lot of challengers.

Téa: And how is Juvia? I thought she was with you guys?

Y/n: She's fine, she's just back at the hotel resting. Our trip around Europe really tired her out, and there were a lot of people challenging me to a duel but, as always, I would beat them. It's not like I have fun beating different people, but as long as it's fun, then I'll duel anyway.

Yugi smiles and nods as Yang and Y/n would soon leave as they head back to their hotel. After they got to their room, they would see Juvia as she was sleeping on the bed in a blue tank top as a blanket covered her as Y/n smiled at her.

Y/n: How did I get so lucky to have to amazing girls like you two?

Yang smiles at her boyfriend as she wraps her arms around him and closes her eyes.

Yang: Your just amazing the way you are. Now, we should get some sleep, the tournament is tomorrow.

Y/n nods as he switched into a pair of basketball shorts and a white t shirt as Yang kept her shirt and put on sweatpants as the two lay with Juvia. Juvia would move a little in her sleep and cuddle up to Y/n as she rests her head on his chest. Yang would smile and do the same as Y/n looked at them and smiled wrapping his arms around them as they would fall asleep together.

The next day

Y/n would meet with Yugi in Domino Square as the two walked with their Duel Disks on their arms as Yugi was looking at a clear card with a small piece of a map on it.

Yugi: This clear card was in the same package as the Duel Disk.

Y/n: Yeah, I got the same thing, maybe it's a map piece, but where's the rest of it?

Yugi would sigh and stop as Y/n did the same and looked at him.

Yugi: It must be another new twist Kaiba threw into his tournament.

Y/n: Maybe, but we will have to see.

???: Yugi!

The two turn towards the voice to see Mai Valentine as she jogged up to the two and waved with a smile on her face. Mai had changed her look from Duelist Kingdom as she changed to a sleeveless light purple vest and a white tank top and wore long white fingerless gloves. She wears a dark purple miniskirt and a Deck holder strapped to her thigh.

Yugi: *Smiles* Hey, Mai.

Mai: Pretty big turnout for this thing. All losers.

Yugi: Well, there's a lot of duelists here I've never seen before.

Mai: *excited* Oh, this is so exciting! I wonder whose but I should kick first in this tournament.

Y/n: Well, it won't be me. My cards are gonna bring me to the finals.

Mai turns as she looked at Y/n who had his attire from yesterday on with his arms crossed. Mai looks at Y/n before looking in shock.

Mai: You're Y/n L/n! The Cyber Dragon King!

Y/n: That's me.

Mai: This just got even better knowing a popular duelist like you is in the tournament.

Y/n chuckles as he looked at Mai before looking around.

Y/n: This tournament is pretty big, all these duelists here and with one goal to win.

???: Y/n-kun!

Y/Mrs out of his thoughts as he heard a familiar voice and turns to see Juvia as she was running over to him as she wore dark blue leggings with sneaker as well as a skirt with a light blue long sleeved shirt and a purse over her left arm. Juvia had straightened her hair as she ran over to Y/n and hugged him tightly putting his face into her breasts.

Juvia: You left without waking me, why are you being rude to me, Y/n-kun?

Y/n pulls himself out from Juvia's breasts before smiling as he hugged her back.

Y/n: Sorry, Juvia. I just didn't want to be late is all.

Juvia looked at Y/n and nods as she smiles holding his arm in hers putting his arm in between her breasts as Y/n looked at Yugi and Mai as he saw Rex Raptor, Mako Tsunami and Weevil Underwood had just came over and started to bicker. The three would soon run off to different areas of Domino City. Y/n would look at them before looking at Yugi as Mai had just left. The three would watch Mai and the others leave not knowing that a rare hunter was watching them from a little coffee shop as he was looking at their deck profiles and seeing their rare cards.

Rare Hunter: Their rare cards will make a fine addition to my master's collection. The only question is, which card shall I acquire first? 

Y/n, Yugi and Juvia would walk around the city walking on the roof of a building with a small park for kids as they Y/n put his hands in his pockets.

Y/n: When is this tournament gonna start? I wanna start dueling already.

Yugi: Kaiba should be announcing the start of the Battle City Tournament any second now, but we can't find a trace of Joey, and we've looked everywhere.

Juvia: Maybe he overslept?

Y/n: Maybe, but I doubt he did if this tournament was starting.

Kaiba: "Greetings, Duelists. Welcome to Battle City"

The three look around in surprise as their heard Kaiba's voice as they look for the source of where it came from. A large shadow would come over them as they look to see a Kaiba Corp blimp as it floats over the city with a large screen with Kaiba on it as he smirked. Y/n and Yugi run to the edge of the roof to a fence as they saw him as he chuckled.

Yugi: Kaiba!

Kaiba: "It's time to put your dueling skills to the test. I hope none of you entered my tournament looking for friendly competition. Battle City's gonna be an all-out war. Before my Battle City tournament begins, I thought I'd let you all know what your in for, in case you want to back out now. Let's begin with my new Duel Disks. Everyone who I decided was good enough to enter received one, with it, you can duel anytime, anywhere. And, they containing a tracking chip that allows me to watch every move you make."

Y/n looks at the blimp before looking back at his Duel Disk as he grabs his deck and puts it in the deck slot.

Kaiba: "Next, let's talk about the most important tournament rule. The loser of each duel is required to fork over their rarest card to the winner. If you don't have the guts to risk losing your precious cards, then I suggest you forfeit now."

Y/n looks up at the blimp as he crosses his arms.

Y/n: Knowing most of these duelists, they'll do whatever it takes to win.

Yugi: Yeah, we are gonna have to be careful in our duels.

Kaiba: "And anyone who's foolish enough can challenge me to a duel, because I'll also be competing in this tournament. But don't get your hopes up, because I intend to win. And there's one duelist out there I can't wait to defeat. And speaking of winning, only the eight best duelists will make it to the final round. And these Finals will be held in a hidden location. In order to find the Final's, you'll need these locator cards."

Kaiba holds up a clear map card which was the same as the cards Yugi and Y/n had obtained in their Duel Disks as they look at them.

Kaiba: "You've each received one with your Duel Disk, but don't get too excited because one's not enough. You'll need six of them to make it to the tournament Final's. Every time you win a duel, you get a locator card form your losing opponent. When six cards are stacked together, they produce a map of Battle City, and activate a global positioning satellite, which will transmit the location to you. But the tournament finals are a long time away and most of you will be eliminated before that. All right, everything I just said and more can be found in my tournament rulebook. Just remember, only one player can win and claim the title of Number One Duelist in the world! Now get ready, duelists. Let the tournament begin!"

Y/n and the others could hear cheers from other duelists down below them as Yugi holds up his hand and looks at it.

Yugi: Well, time to face my destiny!

Y/n: Let's do this!

The three would turn to start the tournament before hearing Joey down in the crowd.

Joey: Where are you, ya creep?!

The three turn to see him down below moving through the crowd with his Duel Disk on his wrists as he had anger on his face.

Yugi: What's he doing?

Y/n: Don't know, but let's go find out.

Down In Domino Square

The Rare Hunter would Sup from his tea as he smiles looking over the other duelist profiles as he smirked.

Rare Hunter: Heh, well, so much prey, so little time. Who shall I hunt first?

Joey: Hey, freak!

Rare Hunter: *looks up* hmm?

The Rare Hunter would see Joey who looked at the Hunter with anger clenching his fists.

Joey: I'd knew I'd find ya!

Rare Hunter: Heh! Didn't you learn your lesson?

Joey: Yeah. Never let an old creep in a cape slap you around!

Rare Hunter: You fool.

Joey: Listen, you got my Red Eyes Black Dragon, and I want it back, so it's time to duel! You ready to duel me so I can win back my Red-Eyes?

The Rare Hunter looks at Joey as he smirks and chuckles softly.

Rare Hunter: I have no desire to duel you. I've already relieved you if your rare Red Eyes Black Dragon. *stands up* My hunt for your deck is over, and my prey's already been captured.

Joey: Well, that's too bad cause I'm not leaving till I win back my Red Eyes!

Y/n, Juvia and Yugi would run over as they heard the commotion as they looked at Joey.

Yugi: Joey! What's going on?

Y/n: Why you screaming like a mad man?

The three stop as they see the Rare Hunter who narrowed his eyes at the two.

Rare Hunter: Yugi Moto. He has the item my master desires! And there's Y/n L/n, if I can get his Cyber Dragon cards, my masters deck will be even stronger!

Joey looks at the three before looking back at the Rare Hunter and pointing at him.

Joey: That's one of the goons who swiped my Red Eyes!

Y/n and Yugi look at the Rare Hunter as Y/n remembered seeing the same kind of people before coming back to Domino City.

Y/n: So this must be one of those "Rare Hunters" I heard about, this could be trouble.

Joey: They call themselves Rare Hunters, which to me translates to "Cape-wearin' card takin' freak-a-zoids"!. 

Y/n: Is that so? 

The others look at Y/n as he walks forward with his hands in his pockets and his hair covering his eyes with a dark purple aura surrounding him. The Rare Hunter looks at Y/n in shock and slight fear as he would see the same aura come from his master as Y/n stopped and raised his head. Yugi, Joey and Juvia jumped a little in fear as they say a gaze of death on Y/n's face as he looked at the Rare Hunter. 

Y/n: So you like dueling and taking your opponent's rare cards when you beat them, and you thought it would be a good idea for you to take one of my friends cards? If you ask me, you just signed your death warrant. 

Y/n reaches to his deck box on his hip on the right side of his body and opens it grabbing his deck and holds it up. He would spread the cards out slightly and pulls out his three Cyber Dragon cards as he holds them up toward the Rare Hunter. 

Y/n: Let's get this tournament started, I challenge you to a duel. If you win, I'll give you my three Cyber Dragon cards, but if I win, you give Joey his Red-Eyes Black Dragon back.

The Rare Hunter would look at Y/n before smirking as he looked at the cards.

Rare Hunter: Beating this fool will be easy with the all mighty Exodia in my deck! I accept your challenge!

Y/n looks at him and nods as the two activate their Duel Disks with holo-projectors shooting out from under them as they activate shining rainbow colors. The two hold out their decks and slide them into the deck slots of their Duel Disks as their cards shuffle and the two draw their cards as the duel begins between the two.

Y/n & Rare Hunter: Let's duel! 

To Be Continued...

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