Chapter 12.1 - Daughter

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Caught in the margin between abyss and wakefulness, my numb mind floated without direction. There was a kind of peacefulness here, but it was not my place, and I knew I could not stay. Slowly, the grayness faded away.

Bliss blossomed in my heart as my eyes fluttered open to a familiar setting: aboard the Freebird and laying in Zach's bed. No, our bed.

As I rose to my elbows, dizziness surged, and I plopped back down, closing my eyes and pulling deep breaths while a chill swept up my neck.

"Hi." Zach's voice said.

My heart soared as he sat down beside me. When he took my hand, a pleasing warmth flowed up my arm. "Hi, yourself," I said with the brightest of smiles. "You saved me?"

Zach's eyebrows narrowed to slits. "Why didn't you run like I told you?"

Taken by surprise by his chastisement, I adverted my gaze as my chest tightened. "I... I couldn't do that. I might have lost you."

"And you might have lost everything we worked for." Letting out a breath, Zach put a hand on his forehead. "I'm sorry. That was unfair. Truth is, you saved us both. A brilliant scheme, putting their ship AI under my control."

A smile appeared on my lips as my chest relaxed. "So, it must have worked?"

"Yes, but it almost didn't." Zach put on a boyish half-grin. "You were a boring date, by the way. Slept through the whole party."

My smile faded as I reached up and placed a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry about your friend, Spade." I searched my mind for more comforting words, but what else could I say?

Dipping his head, Zach said. "He was avenged."

"Tell me everything that happened," I said, raising to my elbows again, fortunately this time with only minor dizziness. "But first, I need to do something."

"Anything," he mewed, bringing his lips closer to mine.

"Yes, I want that," I said, putting a finger to those beautiful lips. The uncomfortable pressure pulsing in my lower abdomen required a different priority, and I grimaced. "But not before you help me to the head — I really gotta pee."


The planet Panchaia, named after a Greek mythological island paradise, nearly lived up to its billing. Viewed from above, it was stunningly beautiful with turquoise-blue seas surrounding lush green lands. But being warm and steamy in equatorial regions, the world also brewed infamous tropical cyclones. Temperate latitudes were more ideal, though. The world lacked metals or other marketable commodities, other than specialty agricultural products, but became popular for tourism and as a retirement destination. Flint lived in a retirement villages that catered to former Federation soldiers.

"Are you sure we can trust Flint?" Zach asked. "I mean, he is ex-marine..."

"I trust him," I replied. "Yeah, he's hardcore military, and when I ran away, it was technically desertion. But he didn't report me or even try to stop me. We... We had a big disagreement, though, and I have always wanted to make things right between us." I wrapped arms around myself. "Maybe he won't want to see me, but at least I will have tried."

"That happened before the Federation purge of the cybernetic enhanced. Surely, he will understand why you left now?"

"I hope so."

"But won't the Federation be watching Flint in case you return?" Zach asked, his fingers nervously fidgeting on the pilot's seat arms.

"I'm on wanted lists everywhere, but I know how to get around them. And Gideon's spy network would have ended when he did."

Zach's lips tightened, and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, but there's another thing. Since Flint was like a father to you, hardcore ex-military, and given that I'm your boyfriend... Umm, should I be worried about meeting him?"

So that's why he seemed so flustered. "Maybe," I answered with a grin. "You should treat me extra nice."

"Extra nice. Got it," he said, blowing out a breath.

A woman with short, dark hair appeared on the forward display. "Lancelot Honor, you are cleared for landing at Delphi Spaceport using the attached approach course. Welcome to Panchaia."

Zach spun around in his seat and glanced at the control panel. "Course received. Thank you, Panchaia control."

The posh-sounding ship name I had created matched our assumed persona as two Elite tourists.

Zach agreed we should land on the planet surface, rather than at a space station dock. That way, the ship would be readily available if we needed to make a fast getaway. Also, since the space elevator terminal was located at the equator where temperatures were uncomfortably hot, it was not unusual for tourists to avoid it.

"While we are here," Zach said as he turned to me, "you can upload those Omni-Corp documents to the Federation info-web."

"Oh, Zach," I said, smirking. "I already had before we even met Spade, just in case something went wrong."

Zach let out a laugh. "Why am I not surprised? Uncle Darius is probably swimming in deep shit now."

The ship AI guided us smoothly through atmospheric entry, except for a few bumps when we passed within a turbulent cloud layer. Below the cloud deck, a sweeping panorama of forested hills and sparkling waters revealed itself on the forward viewscreen.

As we descended, I accessed the planet info-web, connecting via a nearby satellite, and searched for any reference of me. Sure enough, my name appeared on the watch list, and now, so was Zach's. I hacked into the database, which was woefully unprotected from the likes of me, and changed our facial recognition and biometric parameters so the system would no longer identify us.

We landed on the spaceport tarmac beside various other starships, all lined up in neat, orderly rows. A well-dressed android concierge with formal manners met us, but after he delivered us to the port arrival hall, we dismissed it, explaining that we wished to explore on our own.

An auto-taxi wound through roads shaded by tall, stately trees, taking us to the retirement community where my cyber intrusion told me Flint lived. The world-developers apparently took efforts to maintain peaceful, natural settings, avoiding the flashy tech and fast pace of most other-world cities.

Comfortable, rounded bungalows flanked the pebbly beach of a pristine lake, each with covered verandas occupied by two wooden lounge chairs that looked out across the clear water to green forested slopes. The rhythmic splash of small waves created a relaxing ambiance. I understood why Flint might want to retire here.

Coming to bungalow number forty-two, I raised a finger to the door com, but paused as old doubts rose from my mind's depths. What if he still despised my departure? What if he wished never to see me again? What if...

"We've come all this way," Zach said as my finger wavered. "Might as well see it through."

"You're right." I pushed the com button.

But nobody answered, so after a moment, I pushed it again. "Well, this is anticlimactic," I muttered to myself.

"Y'all lookin' for Flint?" came a voice from behind. We turned to find a tall, spindly man with bushy gray hair wearing swim trunks and sandals with a dark towel draped over one shoulder.

"We are," Zach answered before me.

"He's in the rec-hall," the man answered, pointing. "Probably tellin' more of his tall tales."

The wooden door creaked as I opened it, revealing a large room that buzzed with activity and happy vibes. Rows of windows, open to let in warm breezes, provided a scenic view of the lake. Various games, from old-fashioned pool tables to modern holographic sims, took up most of the interior space. A long, polished wood bar, with an android bartender, and several round wooden tables occupied the rest. There were perhaps thirty people within, all apparently retirees, and all engaged in games or boisterous conversation.

My heart raced, and I squeezed Zach's hand while scanning for Flint. There he was, grasping a mug of ale with one hand while motioning with the other to four others seated around a table. He looked like the Flint I knew years ago, but older — still the same military-style buzz haircut, but grayer, and still the same strong jaw, but more wrinkles. One pronounced difference was the dark-gray prosthetic that replaced his left leg below the knee. The others at the table, two women and two men, were of similar age, and everyone was casually dressed as I might expect here.

Flint glanced past my way, then in a double-take, locked eyes with me. He froze, expressionless, and his eyes widened. 'Avia?' he mouthed. His companions noticed the abrupt change in demeanor, eventually also staring at me.

"Go ahead," Zach whispered to me, releasing my hand.

My heart lodged in my throat, and each step toward Flint was an act of will. He rose to meet me, and for a moment we gazed at each other in silence.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the only trembling words that came out were, "Flint, I..."

"Avia," he muttered, then rushed in, encasing me in the same powerful arms that protected me long ago.

My eyes watered as I nuzzled against his shoulder, reveling in the fatherly-like embrace.

"I had hoped to see you again, kiddo," he said, releasing me. A familiar grin rose on his lips.

"Me, too," I answered as my heart soared. "I've been on the run for so long."

Flint swung around, leaving one arm tightly around me, then announced with a smile, "Everyone, this is Avia, the girl I told you about from the Border Wars." He introduced each one, pointing. "Avia, this is Bulldog, Amber, Haze, and Shade."

Bulldog, a grizzled old man with wild, silver hair, perhaps the oldest here, remarked, "So you're really the Aberrant he handled?"

Amber, a petite, freckled woman with long, gray-streaked auburn hair to his left, smacked him in the arm. "Now Bulldog, you be nice! Those kids were true heroes."

"I served with Flint in the Cyber Assault Force," I answered. "He saved my life so many times."

Shade, a dark-faced woman with short, gray hair, raised an eyebrow and asked, "So all those stories Flint told us were true?"

Grinning, I looked up at Flint's face. "Can't promise he didn't embellish a bit, but yeah."

Flint turned his head to me. "We have a lot to discuss, kiddo. Let's go to my bungalow."

Haze, a stocky, tan-faced man with a bushy white mustache, lifted a mug. "Pleasure to meet you, Avia."

"Likewise," I replied with a wave.

Coming up to Zach, I said, "Flint, this is Zach. He is with me."

Gulping, Zach stiffened like setting plas-steel while extending a hand. Color drained from his face. "Honored to meet you, sir."

Flint chuckled as he shook the hand. "Relax, Zach. No need to address me as sir." Flint's steel-blue eyes narrowed, blazing. "That is, as long as you treat Avia right?"

"Umm, absolutely."

"How did you two meet?"

As Zach hesitated, I couldn't help tormenting him a bit more. "He was a bounty hunter, chased me down and captured me." When Flint gave Zach the disapproving father-type glare, particularly menacing given his large stature, I stepped between them with my hands held up. "But he didn't turn me in. Zach treats me right."

Zach shot me a scowl — I deserved that.

Flint wore loose fatigue-green shorts, a white t-shirt, and one sandal — fitting for a retirement community, but not something I would have envisioned for this tough, career marine. As he walked with an unnatural gait, favoring his artificial leg, I asked, "What happened?"

"Got my leg shot off during a hostage rescue," he replied with a growl. "Then they made me retire."

Flint's bungalow was furnished in spartan style, orderly and functional like him. While we shared a meal of bread and stew around a small round table, I told of my adventures. Zach remained silent.

"Took down Omni-Corp a peg or two, did you, huh, kiddo?" Flint said, lifting his chin as if proud. "Serves them right." Then his expression darkened, and he glanced down. "Avia, I'm sorry I came down so hard on you when you left. I didn't realize the Federation would turn on you like that, or fully understand the hell you went through as a child soldier. To me, it was all about duty then."

I placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned my head against his muscular arm. "I understand. Neither of us knew I would be deemed Aberrant."

Flint wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "If I was to have a daughter, I would want her to be like you."

Water blurred my vision. "Flint, you protected me, you raised me, you were always there for me. I am your daughter, if you would have me."

He drew me tight against his chest, nearly upending me from my chair. A line of tears traced weathered cheeks, something I had never seen before from this strong, resolute man. My heart lifted to the stars.

Releasing the embrace, Flint flicked away his tears as if to hide them. "I don't suppose you can stay very long?"

"No," I said, glancing at Zach. "We are both wanted criminals, especially by Omni-Corp."

"Where will you go?"

"I connected with Damon and Lael. They are still free. Remember them?" I asked, to which Flint nodded a reply. "They have a safe place that--"

I froze, eyes losing focus as my cybernetics raised an alert to my conscious mind. As we entered this world, I secretly connected to the Panchaia Space Control to watch for anything suspicious. It came.

Zach wrinkled his forehead, noticing my alarm. "What is it, Avia?"

"Two shuttles without registries just entered the atmosphere. Omni-Corp uses these types of ships."

Flint jumped up and pulled his com-viewer from a side pocket, touched the screen, then cast a connection to a wall-mounted viewscreen. The image of a dark-haired woman appeared, the same one who previously cleared our starship's entry.

"Flint, what is it?" the woman asked.

"Hanna, did two shuttles just make atmospheric entry?"

"How did you know?" Hanna said, furrowing her brow. "They just blew by without clearance or ID. I had to reroute other traffic." She glanced down, then continued. "Looks like they are coming your way."

"Thanks, Hanna." Flint disconnected the call, then narrowed his eyes.

Zach shook his head and spoke the question on my mind. "How did they find us so quickly?"

I sucked in a breath as the back of my neck prickled. There had been nothing prior on the info-web or security networks I monitored with my cybernetics that indicated a threat. Yet here they came.

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