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(Y/N's POV)
It's the year 2077, and I'm currently living a shitty life in night city with my mom, she's always been there for me since my dad- who I don't know suddenly left her. Maybe because he didn't know how to take care of children or he just didn't feel responsible. But I've always wondered what happened to him, throughout my entire life I've questioned her over and over about him and she just kept telling me not to worry about it, until one day she couldn't hide it anymore and she came clean- she said that I wasn't meant to be born because that guy who is my dad was a one night stand. Brilliant- just brilliant because after she told me we both got into an argument about it and over this amazing car I wanted until she suddenly gave me attitude and told me to go off myself and which I didn't do obviously since I knew she didn't mean what she had said, but still I stormed out the house and now i'm currently at a restaurant eating with my friends Jack, John, Timothy, Ryan and Cody. I was currently a bit upset due to the arguement, until I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by my friend Jack who is sitting right next to me.

Jack: Hey Y/N what's up man?

Y/N: Nothing......

He knew I was lying as my other friend Timothy piped up and asked me what was really going on.

Timothy: Ok what's really going on?? You look lost in your thoughts. Come on man you can tell us if something's bothering you.

I sighed and looked down as i stopped eating my food and spoke.

Y/N: Alright fine.... My mom and I got into another arguement about something stupid... and it's relating to my "dad" and then just earlier tonight we got into another argument about this amazing car I wanted for my birthday.

My friend Cody suddenly spoke up.

Cody: Dude your mom needs to get the stick out of her ass, no one should be that uptight and especially when it comes to her kid. Plus I thought the car you wanted wasn't too expensive, what exactly is her problem with it?

Y/N: Well that's the thing- the car I wanted was actually something a bit different and new. I bring out my tablet and type in the car info and show them my screen. The Type-66 Hoon.

They take a look at the car until Ryan speaks.

Ryan: Huh that's a decent ride, I would go for it.

John: What's your mom's problem with this car?

Y/N: Well it's a weaponized Vehicle.

Everyone at the table falls a bit silent after hearing the car can be weaponized. Ryan looks a bit shocked and says

Ryan: And I thought you wanted the Quadra Type-66, why do you want this one? What is so special about it?

Jack: Yeah bro- I mean you got a sandevistan, an arm cannon, mantis blades, even awesome guns! Why do you need this car so badly??

Timothy: Yeah, why do you need a weaponised car for? Cause I mean you have cyberware and plus it might be illegal to even own one of those, I've heard they are quite sought after for the wrong reasons...

Y/N: Gee- you guys really don't have good taste huh?

Timothy: Dude even if it is cool, it is pretty expensive and we all know how your mom is when it comes to spending money.

Ryan: Especially since the price is going to be jacked up from the black market.

Cody nods his head in agreement as I just scoffed.

Y/N: What so your saying I can't get it because I'm too good for it??

Ryan: I'm not saying that, I'm just saying it is a big purchase that may be a bit of an overkill for someone like you, I mean you don't need a massive car that can be used as a tank basically plus why not use the money to buy yourself, something else, like a decent apartment or a few upgrades to your cyberware.

Cody: Yeah dude- I mean your mom is pretty against buying stuff on the black market which I have heard this car usually is, so I don't think you'd be able to convince them to do so.

Timothy: Yeah Cody is pretty much right about that, especially if she is is so tight about buying a simple car for you as a gift, no way she'll buy you an armoured car.

Jack: No wait wait- I just had an idea now.

Y/N: What is it?? I asked curiously.

Jack starts to explain as I got intrigued.

Jack: I mean, I am pretty tight with one guy, who is in connection with this black market car dealer we know who is quite reasonable and could probably get this car for you for significantly cheaper then the original price. I mean he is a good friend of mine but it won't come for free, you'd have to do a job for him.

Ryan: What do you mean by do a job?

John: What kind of job?

Cody: That's risky.

Y/N: Yeah- what kind of job? And is this legit???

Jack: It's legit, I mean I can't disclose too much but let's just say it involves, stealing.

Cody: Stealing?! So it'll be illegal!

John: Yeah and you're really thinking about doing it Y/N?

Jack: Well if he wants the car then this is the only way, unless he has a secret stash of eddies hidden from us.

Hold that thought. I say as I check my bank account and see that I have about 307,893 Thousand eddies. How much is the car?

Jack stares a bit, surprised that i actually have the money, he then stutters for a bit until he can speak again.

Jack: 270,000... wait, you have this kind of money to spend on the car? Do you even need me to get the reduced price????? He asked a bit surprised.

Y/N: Hehe, nope. Alright so what time and where????

Jack: So you're really going to do it... I mean the stealing will be tonight, around nine o'clock.

He then sends me the details of the place and everything else i needed to know about the payment and conditions. I receive the location which is in a pretty bad part of night city which is known for its violence and gang wars. This was a little suspicious but I mean for a weaponized car- hell yeah.

John: Don't you think this is the right choice, I mean it sounds dangerous......

Y/N: Oh come on- for a bad girl like this! I say as I point to my tablet screen showing the car. I'd do it for free!

They were all shocked and surprised until Timothy spoke up.

Timothy: You... you really are just gonna jump into the deep end like that? No second thought?
Ryan: we're your friends, we're just worried for your safety.

Y/N: Relax. What's the worst that can happen? Anyways see y'all! I say as I leave excited for my new car.

(Author's POV)
You leave the restaurant, excited about this night ahead of you but then- Jack and the others had an evil smirk.

Jack: This is going to be too easy, he thinks he is getting a car... but really..........

Jack then sends the details to Timothy, Ryan and Cody, who all text back "hehe this is going to be a lot of fun...

After a bit, you arrive at the address. A quiet alley, the place looks like a place that would definitely have no gang activity whatsoever. It is around nine o'clock and all is still as of now, quiet.

Y/N: What the heck....... It's time... where are they...??

You wait for about 10 more minutes but no one seems to be coming - that is until you hear someone speak up.

???: Hey there kid, sorry for being late, Jack said you needed a car didn't he?"

You gasped and turned around quick but sigh of relief.

Y/N: Oh you scared me there sir- you must be jack's guy.

The man gives you a reassuring smile and speaks again with a grin.

Random guy: Now now, I'm not that scary. I'm just here to help you, just come with me now.

He motions his arms towards him but the man seems a bit sketchy, you feel like it is a trap.

Y/N. Uhhhhhh..... shouldn't we wait here...?

The man shakes his head and says

Random guy: Nope, don't worry, it is safer to come with me.

He then starts walking deeper into the alley, you are now getting suspicious, maybe Jack actually didn't get you a person for the job, but they are actually going to trap and mug you. You see the alley slowly get more and more dark, you are a little concerned but then you hear your communicator go off, it's Jack. Jack's voice comes out of it, you can hear him clearly as it is on speaker.

Jack: So, are you at the location yet?

Y/N: Yeah- where are you guys?? What's going on..?

Jack then speaks, his tone seems a bit off.

Jack: We're here but we can't see you, did you see anyone in the alley? A guy with a black trench coat?"

Y/N: Yeah- I'm following him right now.....

Jack suddenly laughs in the communicator confusing you.

Y/N: What's so funny- what's going on-

Jack: Oh nothing, just know that you're going to be in for a shock, just keep following him and you'll find out. He then hangs up, not giving you a chance to reply.

Y/N: Wait Jack- Jack are you there?!?? The hell was that about.....?

No response as the guy in the black trench coat starts walking a bit faster up ahead in the alley.

Y/N: Hey wait up- you shout.

The person in front of you ignores what you say and keeps walking and speeding up, he is walking quite fast, as he keeps getting further from you. You then hear footsteps behind you and when you turn you see two men dressed in all black approaching you quickly.

Y/N: What in the- you suddenly start running the other way until suddenly you see more of them.

It seems they surrounded you, there is no way of escape, except for one way, further into the alley. You hear the men around you snicker and one of them says.

Random guy: We got him!!!! Before they all start to approach you.

You suddenly activate your sandevistan quickly before they could touch you,

you feel the world slowing down around you as you watch the men try and run towards you, you then quickly step out of the way and watch them ram into each other. Two men try and get you each from behind but it seems they are outmatched, they are too slow and you punch one to the floor before kicking the other away from you. One comes from the front and you use your mantis blades to stab them in the stomach and they fall to the ground. You have managed to fend off all the guys. Time resumes as you leave the last person alive and aim your gun at him. The last man is frozen in fear as you aim your gun at him.

Y/N: You picked the wrong person fucker! You shout as your about to pull the trigger until-


Something felt off immediately as his voice sounded familiar.

???: Please, I'm sorry, please don't kill me... He is shaking and cowering on the ground, but it sounds like a familiar voice, although you can't quite make out where you recognise it from.

Y/N: REVEAL YOURSELF! You demanded.

???: Wait wait please don't-

You shot the air once.

Y/N: DO IT NOW!!! You threatened.

???: Wait- wait- okay okay it's me... The guy takes off the black trench coat and to your horror, it is Jack.

(Y/N's POV)

Y/N: Jack........... I say in horror as I put my gun down. w-what the fuck-

Jack: Heh well, you took the bait, you really are just way too gullible" He then laughs a bit, before continuing. I told you you were going to be in for a shock.

I look down and see Timothy, Ryan, and Cody's body including the guy in the coat.

Y/N: all tricked me.......

Jack: Hehehe- yes, yes, we did, and it worked beautifully I might add, the look on your face was priceless! So kid, you really thought you were gonna get a car huh? Jack says mockingly.

I gripped my pistol tightly and started getting pissed. This entire time- these assholes were my friends.... And they do this to me.....

Jack then speaks up again

Jack: Woah, woah, woah calm down, I don't think you really understand here, see it like this, you trusted us, so we just decided to take advantage of you.

Jack says this with a slight smirk then continues

Jack: Now do you understand kid, we are friends right? All friends take advantage of and trick each other all the time...

I started breathing heavy as I stood there not moving while gripping my gun tightly as he was confused.

Jack: Come on kid, you don't really want to shoot me do you? He says this with a slightly worried tone in his voice as he steps back.

I breathed heavy and turned around fast and shouted.

Y/N: RRRRRRRRHHHHHH!!!! I shout as I slam the handle of my pistol onto his face breaking his nose.

He falls on the ground as I get back on top him quickly and started beating him to death.


(3rd POV)
Y/N keeps punching him over and over and over for 3 minutes straight until he suddenly stops and realizes that jack's face was bloodied, deformed, and bruised badly as parts of his head was cracked open. Y/N looks at his hands and realizes what he had just done. He looks back at the other bodies and realized he committed a murder for the first time. As I was overthinking badly with my thoughts I was interrupted when I suddenly see multiple soldiers aiming their weapons at me.

Soldier 1: ON THE GROUND!

Soldier 2: ON THE GROUND NOW!!!!

Y/N immediately held his hands up and got on his knees as one of the soldiers push him down and put him on the ground. Just then a pair of footsteps is heard as Y/N slowly looks up and sees a woman. And he immediately recognizes who it is.

???: Hello Y/N.

Y/N(thoughts): Ah shit............

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