Alternate Dimension (Pt. 1)

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"Cywren, are you sure that this is a good idea?" Timebomb asked as I shrugged, looking at the main console of the TARDIS.

"I mean, we're both curious how this is gonna look, aren't we?" I asked as he nodded as I continued to flip switches and pull levers.

"But, I mean, what if it's not something we want to see? What if it's not as happy as we both think?" He asked as I finally pulled my glare away from the technology that I had been staring at for over ten minutes now. My eyes found his as I let out a deep breath I had been holding in.

"Then we don't let that effect the relationship we have now," I answered as he nodded, finally seeming a little on board with this plan.

"Alrighty, Red. Let's see what our future has in store," He spoke as I smiled, looking up at him and locking our hands as I pulled one final lever, making screeching noises and alarms blare.

"Um, Cy?" He asked as I opened my eyes, seeing red lights flashing and an alarm blaring.

"That's not good..." I whispered as we landed with a thud, both of us being forced to the ground, still death-gripping each other's hands.

"Hey! You alright?!" His voice yelled once everything stopped. I sat up and nodded, looking over at his worried hazel eyes.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm alright," I spoke, looking over at him as he smiled, pulling me up to my feet after he stood up.

"C'mon, let's see where we are," I spoke as he nodded, both of us walking out of the box.

Nothing looked different.

"Um? Are you sure we went anywhere?" Timebomb asked as I looked out farther in the land, then up at the sky. The sun hadn't moved or anything.

"I don't know..." I whispered, feeling him grab my hand as I began walking back towards Megaton.

"We're about to find out..." I mumbled, looking back at him as he nodded.

We entered the city that we had learned to call home.

"Howdy, Folks. Nice to see you're--" He froze as I did the same.

"Lukas Simms...?" I whispered in disbelief as his jaw fell.

"Do y'all have radiation poisoning? What's wrong?" He asked as I arched an eyebrow and looked over at Timebomb.

"Nothing's wrong," I answered as he shook his head.

"Oh, something's wrong," He answered as I opened my mouth to protest, but my shrilled voice came from somewhere else.

"Daddy! It's not fair!" My voice shouted, but? I didn't? Huh?

"It's okay, Sweetie. I can--" What is happening? He's dead.

"No!" My voice snapped, making me slightly jump.

"Timebomb...?" I whispered, seeing his light eyes staring at me with just as much confusion.

"Oh look who it is. Miss-Complains-A-Lot..." Timebomb's voice spoke, but his mouth never moved.

At the same time, we both tightened our grips on each other's hands, scared to death.

"What's happening...?" I whispered as he shrugged.

"I have no clue," He answered as we both heard a gunshot and my screech.

"Timebomb! What the heck?!" The other me? I guess? Complained, and quite loudly to be frank.

We both watched as the two walked into the hole where the bomb used to be.

  Other dimension me was dressed in a clean blue dress with red buttons and a red ribbon around the waist. Her hair was perfectly straight and her eyes... She didn't need glasses?

  Other dimension Timebomb was adorned in a black leather jacket with a red t-shirt beneath it and dark jeans. He wore a .32 pistol in his holster. And there was something about his eyes as well. Something about both their eyes when they met.

They were full of hatred and anger.

"We hate each other..." I whispered, slowly pivoting my head to look into his eyes as he shook his head.

"We don't hate each other. They hate each other," He spoke as I nodded, feeling his hand tighten it's grip on mine.

"Oh cry me a river, Caster!" He snapped before slapping her across the face, forcing my jaw to fall. I glanced back over at Timebomb, seeing that he had the same expression.

"Hey!" A female voice hollered. It was vaguely familiar.

  A woman stood up on the balcony, anger in her eyes as she stared at the boy. She had long dark hair with crystal blue eyes. Her skin was unnaturally pale with no marks whatsoever.

"Is that--"

"Oh my God..." I whispered, staring up at the woman, quickly realizing who it was.

"Oh, gonna go cry to Mommy?" Alternate-Timebomb mocked as I felt my heart ache.

"Shut up!" Alternate-Me shouted as I felt the urge to collapse in Timebomb's chest and cry.

"Nice to know that Alternate-Me is a snobby brat..." I whispered as Timebomb nodded.

"And that Alternate-Me is jackass..." Timebomb added to my comment as the two's eyes somehow drifted to us.

Their eyes widened as they both stared directly at our hands.

"Why the fuck are you touching her?!" Alternate-Timebomb screamed as they both stared at us in disbelief.

"Why are you such an asshole to her?!" Timebomb shouted back as I looked down at my feet.

"Have you heard of a shower, Hun?!" Alternate-Me yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"Have you heard of survival of the fittest, Hun?!" I yelled back as Timebomb chuckled.

"So who are you guys?!" My Alternate-Dad yelled as I sighed, looking down as soon as my eyes hit his.

I've wanted to see him for so long, but I didn't want this.

"Were them from a different dimension..." I answered as he arched an eyebrow.

"Why should we believe you? Are you some kind of genius?" Alternate-Timebomb snapped as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I am, actually!" I barked as Alternate-Me ran up to me, giving me a confused look.

"So you're me?" She asked as I nodded.

"I am, indeed," I answered as she gave me a smile.

"C'mon, I'll get 'cha cleaned up," She spoke as I smiled and nodded, having her grab my hand and pull me towards one of the houses.

  I got one glance of Timebomb being drug off by his Alternate-Self, slightly building a wall of worry from not having his hand in mine.

  The door opened as she shoved me inside, leaving me in the eyes of a little girl.

"Who's this?" I asked as my Alternate-Self looked at me in confusion.

"Wait? You don't have any siblings?" She asked as I shook my head, seeing the girl's beautiful long dark hair.

"No, my mom died when I was born and my dad died saving the Wasteland," I whispered as her eyes widened.

"This is Olivia," She spoke as I nodded, watching the little girl run off as she began pushing me up a set of stairs and into the third door on the left.

"Now! Time to help you look cute!" She spoke as I grew a slight pang of worry in my chest.

~ To Be Continued ~

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