"Hair Twisting"

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Inspired By: Uh... Creativity?? I think?? Or was it someone?? I don't remember what I ate for dinner last night, so don't expect me to remember anything... Sometimes I'm amazed that I can remember my own name... Anyways, enjoy!

  Cywren stopped at a hilltop, scanning over the land.

  The only thing she really saw were dead trees, rocks, abandoned buildings, but shimmering blue water...

  She sat down and stared her achievement right in the eyes... She still couldn't wrap her head around what was going on...

"Isn't it great, Cy? You did this," Timebomb said while sitting next to her.

  She shrugged.

"Do you ever have those moments when your life feels... Fake? Like, a dream? And you never want to wake up from it? Or is that only me?" She asked as he smiled and shook his head.

"Cy, we all feel that way... It's like some of those pre-war movies that I've heard of..." He said as she smiled, watching a pack of mutant dogs play in the water.

"It is," She said with a grin.

  Timebomb glanced over at Cywren's hair, watching the strands dance in the wind.

  He began running his fingers through the strands, picking up pieces and placing them over another.

  He ended up with a flawless French Braid.

"Timebomb? What are you doing?" Cywren asked, handing him the hair tie he asked for.

"Hair Twisting," He said as he stood up and stretched after he put the hair tie in.

  She ran her hand over the twists and overlaps, feeling the perfect braid.

"You mean braiding?" She asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know," He said as she smiled.

"You did better than Veronica does... Who taught you?" She asked as he looked at her in confusion.

"Taught me? Taught me what?" He asked as she rolled her eyes.

"How to braid," She said as he shrugged.

"No one... It just kinda happened," He said as her eyes widened.

"I can't braid! And this was your first attempt and you did outstanding!" She squeaked in shock.

"Thanks," He said with a smile while playing with the end of her short braid.


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