Lost Boy (AU/SF)

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Song: Lost Boy
By: Ruth B.

  There was a time when I was alone,
Nowhere to go and no place to call home,

  She held her head up, watching the blurred images of the world that she lived in swirl together.

  Living on the streets was 6-year-old, Cywren Caster's, beginning.

  She despised it in every way imaginable.

  My only friend was the man in the moon,
And even sometimes he would go away, too,

  Hunger chewed at her stomach as she felt the worries of the world rest on her shoulders.

  She had bright red hair that was tied up in two little pigtails, big blue eyes, and vision that was so terrible.

  She probably need some form glasses, but she'd misplaced them long ago.

  Then one night I closed my eyes,
I saw a shadow flying high,

  She looked up as a dark figured towered above her. 

  Probably another one of Butch's friends.

"What do you want?" Her high pitched voice squealed as the boy crouched down in front of her.

  He came to me with the sweetest smile,
Told me he wanted to talk for a while,

"No... I'm not," He said as she could make out the smile on his lips.

"Good... He's mean to me..." She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm Cywren!" She piped.

  He said "Peter Pan, that's what they call me",
"I promise that you'll never be lonely",

  "Timebomb," He said with a grin, looking at her with a smile.

  She isn't totally blind, but it's still difficult and requires a lot of squinting.

  And ever since that day,

"C'mon!" Timebomb squeaked, grabbing Cywren's wrist and taking off towards the cafe.

  I am a Lost Boy from Neverland,
Usually hanging out with, Peter Pan,

  Timebomb and Cywren were having the best time of their lives. Running up and down the streets, playing pretend.

  Cywren would be a princess and Timebomb would be her knight in shining armor.

"Save me, Sir Timebomb!" She yelped with a giggle.

"The big bad dragon is going to get me!" She squeaked, looking at her little mutt puppy; Quasar.

  And when we're bored we'd play in the woods,
Always on the run from, Captain Hook,

Cywren was eight now. Leaving Timebomb being nine.

Her red hair was longer now as she sprinted down a dark alley, backing against a moldy brick wall with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"C'mon Red..." Butch howled, slowly walking towards the scared and cornered girl.

"Run run Lost Boy" they'd say to me,
Away from all of reality,

Timebomb walked around the corner, narrowing his eyes on the bully.

"Butch!" He snapped, gaining all attention on him.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" He asked, motioning his hand towards the cowering girl.

"Don't touch her!" Timebomb barked as Cywren smiled.

Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me,
And Lost Boys like me are free,

Cy looked down at her wrist, seeing the silver bracelet that Timebomb had bought her for her twelfth birthday.

It had her initials engraved into it.


It had her birthstone, the ruby, in it.

She grinned widely.

Timebomb took her to the cafe for her birthday.

"Thank you so much for the bracelet! Like, that was so nice of you!" She squeaked as he let out a chuckle.

"I'm glad. Plus, you're my best friend! So why wouldn't I get you something amazing?" He asked as she shrugged.

He sprinkled me with pixie dust and told me to believe,
Believe in him and believe in me,

Thirteen going on fourteen and she still had the bracelet clasped around her wrist.

"What's up?" She heard Timebomb's voice ask from behind her as she shrugged.

"Just... Exploring..." She answered, looking back at him with a smirk.

"Exploring the alleys at midnight? Since when is that a good idea?" He asked as she giggled.

Together we will fly away in a cloud of green,
To your beautiful destiny,

"Well... It's my terrible idea... So, don't judge too harshly," She said with a smile as he chuckled.

"Well, I'm coming with you..." He said as she looked over at him with an arched eyebrow as he fixed the glasses resting on her nose.

He had just bought them for her last year.

"Why?" She asked as he shrugged.

"Because I don't want you getting hurt," He said as they both blushed.

As we soared above the town that never loved me,
I realized I finally had a family,

Cywren smiled as she skipped over to Timebomb, poking his shoulder.

"Hey! There she is!" He said as she giggled.

"Yeah! It's me!" She squeaked in excitement.

"Yup! Little Miss Sixteen!" He said as he wrapped her into a hug. She grinned.

Soon enough we reached Neverland,
Peacefully, my feet hit the sand,

"I'm so excited for my birthday!" She said as he smiled.

"I am, too!" He said while twirling her.

She giggled, prancing up and down the street with Timebomb following after her.

He smiled, placing something on top of her head.

And ever since that day,

She touched it, feeling that it was a piece of metal. She removed it from her head, noticing that it was a tiara.

"What's this?" She asked, looking at him with question.

"For my princess," He said as she looked down with blush.

I am a Lost Boy from Neverland,
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan,

Sixteen years of her life had passed.

Seventeen years old.

"Cy?!" Timebomb yelled, running down the dark streets in the rain.

"Timebomb?!" She answered, tears falling, but you couldn't tell because of the rain.

She rounded a corner, ramming into his chest.

"Oh thank God!" Timebomb yelled, wrapping his arms tightly around Cywren as she cried into the white t-shirt underneath his leather jacket.

And when we're bored we'd play in the woods,
Always on the run from Captain Hook,

She continued to cry as he placed his head on top of hers, running his fingers through her hair.

"You're okay now..." He whispered while rocking her back and forth.

"He had a switchblade..." She mumbled as he rubbed her back.

"I know... But he can't get you now," He said as she whimpered into his chest.

"Run run Lost Boy" they'd say to me,
Away from all of reality,

Later in the fall, Cywren's best friends, Amata, had died due to a severe disease going around.

"Cywren, I promise you're okay..." Timebomb begged, trying his hardest to reassure her.

Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me,
And Lost Boys like me are free,

"Timebomb! She's dead!" She snapped, immediately falling onto his shoulder, bursting into tears.

Timebomb had never seen her like this before.

She really missed Amata.

So how was he going to break the news to her?

Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy darling,
Even Captian Hook you are my perfect story book,

"Happy Eighteenth Birthday!" Cywren's friend, Veronica, screamed in her ear as Timebomb chuckled from behind them.

"Thanks, Veronica," She said with a grin before looking back at Timebomb and Quasar, who were walking side by side.

"Yes, happy birthday, Princess," Timebomb said with a bow as Cywren giggled.

Neverland I love you so,
You are now my home sweet home,

Timebomb has always called Cywren 'Princess' due to their past.

Cywren stopped in the street while looking at them.

"I'm technically an adult now..." She said as they all smiled.

"Technically yes!" Veronica yelled while Timebomb laughed.

Forever a Lost Boy at this,
Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy darling,

"Hey!" The group heard a voice tell, causing Quasar to start growling.

"What do you want?!" Timebomb yelled back in anger as Butch laughed.

"Just calm down! Happy Birthday, Nerd!" He said with a slight upwards nod while turning around and walking in the opposite direction.

Even Captain Hook you are my perfect story book,
Neverland I love you so,

  The thought that she was finally considered an adult made her beam with joy. She'd always wanted this.

"So, Cy, what are you gonna do with your adult powers?" He asked as she laughed and shrugged.

"Honestly, nothing!" She said, smiling while looking down at her folded hands.

  Her left wrist still containing the bracelet.

  You are now my home sweet home,
Forever a Lost Boy at this,

  Here's where things get deep.

  Cywren walked up to the cafe they had first ate at when they were six.

"Timebomb?!" The now nineteen year old yelled.

  And for always I will sing,

"Cy... We -- We need to talk," He hesitated as her smile faded.

"What's wrong?" She asked with all seriousness.

  I am a Lost Boy from Neverland,
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan,

  He took a deep breath before approaching her and grabbing both her hands.

"Cywren... My family... They're done with this city... They wanted to leave two years ago but I stopped them. They're going in the morning..." He whispered as she shook her head.

  And when we're bored we'd play in the woods,
Always on the run from Captain Hook,

  Ht tears fell down her face as he wiped them away.

"You're gonna be okay..." He whispered as she latched her hand onto the collar of his shirt.

  She looked angry at first, but then she pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.

  "Run run Lost Boy" they'd say to me,
"Away from all of reality",

  They both had wanted this kiss for longer than they can remember.

  Their lips fit together perfectly and moved together in sync.

  They held onto it for the longest time until their lungs couldn't take in anymore.

  Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me,
And Lost Boys like me are free,

  He wiped her tears away as she messed with the piece of metal he hand given her that she hadn't taken off since she was twelve.

  She took one of his hands, placing the item inside of it and curling his fingers around it.

"Keep it... And remember me..." She whispered as he nodded.

  Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me,
And Lost Boys like me are free,


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