May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor (AU)

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Inspired by: Uh... I dunno... It kinda just came to me...

  Cywren bolted across the large grassland, fleeting for her life.

  The kids from District 1, Davey and Veronica, and District 2, Sarah and Copper, were on her tail.

  She turned back, hoping to catch a glimpse of her attackers, but instead almost getting a knife to the head.

  She let out a quiet, high-pitched, squeal before she was at a cliff's edge.

  She gazed over the edge, seeing probably millions of tree. And right below her, was a large lake.

"Where you gonna go now?" Davey asked, slowly walking towards her with a machete.

  She turned and jumped over the cliff.

  She had absolutely no clue how deep the lake was, but she was hoping, praying, for the best.

  When she hit the water, she barely touched the bottom with her toes. She pushed them off and swam to the top, gasping for air as soon as she got the chance.

  She swam her way to shore, just laying on the bank.

  She'd escaped them.

  For now.

"Ugh!" She groaned, still inhaling deep breaths.

"Shh!" She heard a voice reply.

  She sat up, looking around for where the voice came from.

Up in a large tree she saw a leg covered in armor. She approached the tree trunk, looking up at the person.


Timebomb is the fellow tribute from District 12, where Cywren had come from.

"How did you make it out here?" She asked, seeing the glint from his red goggles look down at her.

"Same way you did, I guess. I hid. Fled for my life. Prayed for the best outcome. And here I am," He explained, jumping off the tree limb and landing right next to Cywren.

"Well, how many cliffs have you jumped off of to escape the Careers?" She asked, propping her arm on her hip, getting a little angry with her partners uncaring attitude.

"None, but how many injuries do you have," He asked, turning back to her.

She just stared at him blankly as a tear drifted from her eyes.

"What?" He asked, sounding sorry for her.

  Slowly, she turned around and pulled her jacket off, revealing the giant machete gash cutting through her jumpsuit, going from her left shoulder to her mid spine.

"What happened?" He asked with mountains of care and compassion.

"District 8," She mumbled, looking up at the top of the cliff, seeing four heads looking over the edge.

"We gotta move, now," She said, pulling the jacket back over her wound, then averting her eyes back to Timebomb.

"We?" He asked, looking at her with an arched eyebrow.

"My bad. Timebomb, do you wanna be my partner?" She asked, looking at him, trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Sure," He answered with a shrug.

"You ready to travel to the ends of the arena?" She asked, pulling out her lightsaber.

"For you and only you," He responded, grabbing his butcher knife out, smiling at the ginger standing next to him.

She looked up at him, smiling back.

Determination in the glint in their eyes.


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