Spider-Man (AU)

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  Timebomb exhaled a strong sigh, fighting his way through the crowds of kids. People were inconsiderate, as always, but what else was new? This is high school.

  He kept his head down. Everyone learned that was the best way to avoid being beaten by the school bully, Copper. And, naturally, the smart kid would know to avoid him.

  Watching his books intently, he took a small glance to the side to catch the slightest glimpse of the best thing in this school.

  Cywren Caster.

  Pure white skin stretched over her small and petite bone structure. Her face was occupied with thick black framed glasses that managed to enhance the sparkle in her gleaming blue eyes. Firetruck red hair laid on top of her head, only going down to her shoulders, but laying perfectly straight. She was dressed in a black sweatshirt with ripped blue skinny jeans, combat boots covering her feet.

  He exhaled another deep sigh, continuing to fight through the crowd until he made it to his own locker. Swinging open the old metal door, he piled his books inside and selected the one he'd need to take him. Only Chemistry. He threw it into his backpack, zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder.

He followed the current of teenagers right out the door of the school, ending up in the parking lot. He glanced around, making sure no one was looking as he pulled himself up to the top of the school building.

He dug through his backpack, finding his red and blue suit at the bottom. He pulled it out like a tissue in a Kleenex box. In a few minutes, he was wearing the suit and his school clothes were buried in his backpack.

Currently, an old friend of his had attempted to reciprocate the venom that the spiders had made and had been injected into Timebomb's bloodstream. His friend, Davey, was dying. He was convinced that the only way to save himself was to use the same venom that SpiderMan had used.

He didn't know something so awful would happen to him.

He'd been mutated. His skin was a greenish tint in some splotches. His pure ebony hair had turned lighter and each strand was becoming thinner. His teeth were sharp and his eyes were pure green. He wasn't himself anymore. He was changed. And not for good.

Timebomb slung his webs from his hands, which latched to the top of a tall building nearby. He swung into the city, quickly making his way down the streets of New York. He found himself on the top of Times Tower, which resulted in him looking down at Time Square.

His eyes scanned the area for Davey, but he realized that it was pointless. He would show himself when he wanted to be seen. But that didn't stop Timebomb from searching. Davey knew a lot about him. He knew about his crush on Cywren Caster. He knew he was SpiderMan. That only made him more dangerous.

The night had quickly turned to day, resulting in Timebomb going back to school to fetch his backpack. He threw on his old clothes, except wore a different shirt he had stuffed in the bag. The suit went back in the bag as well.

He hopped off the roof, hearing a soft gasp once he landed on the ground. His eyes widened and he looked up, seeing Cywren Caster standing there with a concerned look on her face.

"Timebomb? Are you okay?" She spoke with a ton of concern in her voice.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," He breathed out with slightly red cheeks. She stepped closer to him and gave him a confused look.

"Why were you up on the roof?" She asked as he shook his head.

"I was just... Curious," He responded a lot slower than he wish he would've. Now she'd be skeptical.

"Well, don't jump down. You scared me," She exhaled with a deep breath.

"Will I see you at lunch?" Cywren asked him as the boy nodded.

"Yeah. Of course," He responded, giving her a small smile.

Cywren and Timebomb were best friends. And it was rather obvious that they both had crushes on one another. At least, it was obvious to everyone but the two of them.

Timebomb took a small glance over Cywren's shoulder, seeing Davey ominously standing back behind her. Timebomb carefully and slowly grabbed the small redhead's hand, beginning to pull her inside.

This couldn't be good.

"Timebomb? Where do you think you're going?" Davey asked, making Timebomb's grip grow tighter.

"Go inside..." He whispered softly to Cywren, who was staring at Davey with wide eyes and her mouth gaping open.

"What happened to him...?" She asked, but Timebomb didn't have time to answer her questions. He pushed her towards the door, which she grabbed the handle of.

"I still need her..." Davey's deep and eerie voice echoed through the air, making Cywren freeze up.

Davey was her friend, too. And she was completely oblivious that this had happened. She felt scared. And, suddenly, she felt frozen. She was too horrified to move, her eyes locked on Davey.

"No. You don't," Timebomb snarled, walking closer to Davey to ensure that he wouldn't touch Cywren.

"You've taken my happiness from me, Timebomb! Allow me to return the favor!" Davey boomed, quickly flying past Timebomb, who shot a web at him. One of Davey's feet was now tethered to the wall.

Cywren looked to Timebomb with wide and shocked eyes.

Davey growled, pulling his foot out of the webbing and scooping up Cywren. She yelped, struggling as Davey carried her up to some of the tallest buildings. Timebomb followed, perching himself up on the first rooftop behind an air duct.

  He needed his suit.

  He fished it out of his backpack, his eyes glued on Davey and Cywren. Davey set her down on the top of Times Tower, her body trembling from the height.

  Timebomb had changed rather quickly, deciding that sneaking up the large screens on the side of the building would be his best bet.

  He crawled up the wall, sticking to it perfectly. His hands and feet acted as though they were sticky, though they weren't.

"Cy," He whispered, making her look back at him as Davey wandered around aimlessly, searching for Timebomb. Cywren's blue eyes widened.

"Timebomb?" She whispered back as he stiffly nodded. He shot a web at her, which wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to the edge and him. He pulled her down and onto his back, which she tightly cling onto. Her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist and her arms were around his neck.

  Timebomb lifted one of his arms, shooting a web out towards another building.

  He'd escaped Davey. For now. He knew he'd have to deal with him. But not today. Today, he had to answer all Cywren's questions.

  He took Cywren back to school, dropping down and placing her gently on the sidewalk. Students that were within range clapped, cheering for SpiderMan.

"Are you okay?" Timebomb asked Cywren, looking at her with concern. But the mask hid his expression.

  The girl slowly nodded before looking up at him.

"Can we talk..?" She asked as he nodded. He wrapped an arm around her waist, shooting a web up towards the top of the school. He pulled the two of them up to the roof, placing her down.

  She slowly pulled his mask off, which resulted in his dark hair messily being thrown in every direction. His light hazel eyes seemed to glow as they looked at her.

"Why didn't you tell me...?" She softly asked as he shook his head and looked down.

"I couldn't. No one is supposed to know..." He whispered as she slowly nodded, pulling one of his arms up and looking at his hands.

"That's so cool..." She breathed out with a small smile. He smiled back at her.

"Your secret's safe with me..." She promised as he smile.

"Thank you, Cy," He breathed out as she nodded.

"Of course. Now, c'mon. We have school," She spoke as he groaned in annoyance. She laughed at him, grabbing his hand.

  After getting Timebomb changed, the two walked back into school. Their fingers were intertwined. And no more huge secrets were being hidden from one another.

  They stayed close the whole day. Because no one was stealing Cywren Caster again. He couldn't stand the idea of being responsible for her death.

  But his thoughts didn't matter at the moment. What did was the adorable girl that was smiling and holding his hand.

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