Valentines Day (AU)

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"Alright, now, it's time for recess!" Mr. Frye yelled, making the class storm outside.

  Little Cywren Caster skipped down the sidewalk to meet up with her best friends; Sarah, Copper, Veronica, Davey, and Timebomb.

  She was the youngest of the group, only being seven. Everyone else was eight with the exception of Timebomb and Copper, who were both nine.

"Cy! Over here!" Veronica yelled as Cywren smiled brightly, sprinting over towards them. She was knocked off her feet, on the way over, and was shoved to the ground.

"Hey!" Timebomb snapped, seeing the three who did it.

  Butch DeLoria, Paul Hannon, and Wally Mack.

"What? Little ginger lost her way?" Butch teased as she looked down at her bleeding knee.

"Back off, Butch!" Sarah screamed as Butch threw his head back to chuckle.

"She's pathetic. And sure ain't worth our time. C'mon, fellas! Let's get outta here!" Butch screamed, taking off as Timebomb dashed over to help the small, injured girl.

"You alright, Cy?" He asked as she nodded, sitting up as he took her hand to help her stand.

"Cywren? Are you okay? What happened?" Mr. Frye asked as Cywren gave him a smile.

"Nothing, Jordan. I just fell," She lied, turning to Timebomb who helped her limp away.

"Why'd you lie?" Timebomb asked as she shrugged, looking forward at the rest of their group that was playing on the swing-set. 

  Veronica was being pushed by Davey while Sarah and Copper were hanging on the support beam.

"It's Valentines Day, Timebomb. I can't turn anyone in. Not today, anyways," She spoke as he nodded, feeling a question pounding inside of him.

"Do you like him?" He asked as she shook her head.

"Goodness no!" She yelped as he let out a light sigh of relief.

"Do you like anyone?" He asked as she shrugged.

"Maybe? Why does it matter to you?" She asked as he shrugged, both of them sitting on the swings to talk.

"I don't know. Answer the question," He spoke as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe I do..." She whispered, her whole face was glowing red.

"I knew it! Who?" He asked, looking at her with a bright smile.

"That's not important... Do you like anyone?" She whispered as he nodded.

"I do, indeed," He spoke with a nod, light pink was splashed on his cheeks.

"Is she pretty?" Cywren asked, tilting her head.

"Beautiful," He answered dreamily.

They sat in silence for a few seconds before Timebomb looked back over at the redhead sitting next to him. Her brilliant blue eyes were focused on the overcast sky as her red hair danced in the wind.

He wouldn't use the word pretty. Pretty didn't even begin to explain what he was looking at. He'd use beautiful.

"If you're not gonna tell me who he is, can we at least play Twenty Questions?" He asked as she nodded.

"I don't see why not..." She answered, situating her body so she was facing him.

"Is he cute?" He asked as she nodded.

"Yes he is," She replied.

"Do I know him?" He questioned.

"Yes you do," She answered as he looked up at her.

"Um, does he have dark hair?" He asked as she nodded.

"Yep," She replied.

"Dark eyes?" He asked as she shook her head.

"No, his eyes are this pretty frost blue mixed with a stunning minty green," She spoke as he nodded, seeing her bright eyes gleaming as they looked at him.

The look she was giving him made a smile spread across his lips.

"Is he sitting in front of you?" He asked as she nodded without any thought of it. He smirked as her eyes widened.

"Wait what?" She asked as the bell rang, both of them standing up and walking towards the doors.

Cywren had her head tilted downward, making her look at her feet. She was so embarrassed and she didn't want to look back at him.

"Don't worry, Red. You're not the only on with a crush on your best friend..." He whispered, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Both their faces turned bright red as she watched him run off to join up with his class.

A shy smile crept on her face as her friends came up to join her.

She then realized that she'd liked him for entirely too long without saying anything.

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