Ch. 11: Humble Abode

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"Mind telling me where we're going?" Luz asked Eda.

"Somewhere safe from the fuzz, where you'll tell me exactly how you did what you did!" Eda said to her.

"Well, lead the way."

"Gladly!" Eda said as she grabbed Luz by the arm and jumped into the air! "Woooo!"

Her staff's owl unfurled its wings and began flapping as Eda and Luz sat in the handle!

"Well, this defeats all logic." Luz said.

"Agreed. Yet this world and its people defy all logic we know, so maybe it's time to open our minds a bit." The nanobots said.

"What you see before you, Luz, is the Boiling Isles in the demon realm. Every legend or fairy tale you human have has been a bit of our world leaking into yours." Eda said to her.

"Wait... so-"

In Luz's head she was scanning every cryptid report on the internet.

"That is a lot of things getting through." Luz said.

"Yep. There's vampires, werewolves, giraffes." Eda said as she counted off.

"Wait, giraffes?" Luz and the nanobots said in confusion and surprise.

'Nanobots, look for everything involving giraffes.' Luz thought.

"On it." They said.

"We banished those freaks a long time ago." Eda said, "Good riddance if you ask me."

Eda landed her staff in a clearing, just in front of rather unique house.

"Nice house." Luz said to Eda.

"Thanks, it good at hiding from cops... and ex-boyfriends... and Ex-girlfriends... and my sister... and-"

"I get it." Luz said.

The two walked to the house and saw an owl face inside of the dare.

"For engrave to this house you seek, answer my riddles three!" The owl face said befofe Eda poked its eyes! "OW!"

"Just let us in, Hooty." Eda said.

"Never want to have any fun." Hooty said.

Hooty opened his mouth to reveal the inside of the house, letting Eda walk into the house.

"Are you coming, kid?" Eda asked Luz.

" long as this thing doesn't eat me." Luz said to Eda, slowly walking inside.

"Don't worry, Hooty won't eat you... maybe."

"That's not reassuring." Luz said as she walked in as Hooty closed his mouth.

The door demon burped a bit like he did eat Luz and Eda but never did.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Eda said.

Eda snapped her fingers and magically made all the candles in the house come on, illuminating the house so Luz could see a mixture of this world's decor and multiple human world items. There was also a large wanted poster of Eda on the wall, like a prized family picture.

"Welcome to the Owl House." Eda said dramatically.

"A little on the nose." The nanobots commented.

"Wow, this place is pretty cool."

"Thanks, I was going for that." Eda replied as she set her stand in a bag down.

"So do you live by yourself, or do you have a roommate?" Luz asked.

"I have a roommate."

The house began to shake as a large shadow was approaching a doorway.

"Luz, we are ready for combat. Just say the world." The nanobots said to her.

'Get on standby.' Luz thought.

The figure walked through the door... and was the cutest thing ever. Luz couldn't resist how cute he was.

'Nanobots! Picture mode!' She thought.

Luz looked at King and a flash came out of her eyes.

"Weeeh!" King whined from the flash before Luz suddenly hugged him!

"You are just the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" Luz said to him.

"I am not! Eda who is this monster!?"

"This is Luz, a human or at least I think she's a human with all the crazy stuff she does." Eda said before pulled King away from Luz. "Which reminds me, how the heck did you do that thing from the market and the eye flashing thing you do to King?"

"Well, I'm not fully human." Luz said, "I... am a cyborg."

"A what?" Eda and King asked.

'Of course they wouldn't know what a cyborg is.' Luz thought.

"Then let us help you explain, holdup your arm." The Nanobots said.

Doing as her nanobots suggested, Luz held up her right arm and saw it enter battle mode to look metallic.

"A cyborg is a human that is flesh, bones, and advanced technology." Luz said as her eyes changed away, becoming black and gold, "I was in an accident, and my dad decided to make me into this to keep me alive."

"When was this?" Eda asked with interest and slight worry.

"I was around seven."

This surprised Eda greatly. Seven years old? So Luz has been this metal human hybrid for seven years. Though she seemed to be in control of it, it had to be like a curse at times.

'Curse, huh?' Eda thought as she watched Luz change her arm and eyes back to normal.

"So, how did you find my portal?" Eda asked.

"That...was an accident actually." Luz said as she looked at the floor, sad. "Something.....happened last night and too scared to talk about it with my mom. I was too afraid of what would happen, so-"

"You ran out of fear." Eda said.

As Luz nodded, Eda could see a younger version of herself appear over the cyborg as memories of her own youth flashed before her eyes.

'This is kid is kind of like me.' Eda thought.

"Hey, don't worry, that's a normal reaction." Eda said.

"I guess." Luz said with a shrug, still sad.

"Anyways, aside from the sad story, why is she here?" King asked rudely.

"Well, I figured she could be of use."

"Of use?" Luz and King asked.

"Yeah, like for your crown." Eda said with a small smile.

"My crown!? Yes! Yes!" King cheered as he began hurling with excitement.

"A crown? Can someone please explain this to me?" Luz asked the duo.

"Well, he had this crown of power, which was stolen, leaving him as... that." Eda said, "It's currently behind a barrier that only humans can get through."

"And you need me to get through it to get the crown." Luz said to them.

"Yep! Do this for us and I'll send you home if you want." Eda said as she reached into her hair and pulled out the portal key. "What do you say, Luz? You scratch our back, we scratch yours?"

"I mean... I can try." Luz said.

"Great!" Eda said, "Let's go Scrap Metal!"

Eda picked Luz up and started carrying her over her shoulder.

'Please don't let Scrap Metal become a thing.' Luz thought.

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