Ch. 15: Meeting Her Children

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Eda turned and saw her sister, covered in the potion she used to rig the box.

"Heya, Lily!" Eda said.

"When I get my hands on you-"

"Don't you have kids? I'm sure they're more of a handful." Eda said, trying not to laugh.

Lilith looked and saw Luz.

"You." Lilith growled.

"In my defense, she never told me that it would do that." Luz said, "I thought it was just a package."

Lilith stepped forward to Luz and glared deep into her eyes, seeing if she was lying or not.

"Ummm,...." Luz said nervously.

"You're not lying, so I can't hold you accountable." Lilith said as she stepped away before glaring at Eda. "You on the other hands."

"Getting a kid to do your dirty work? I thought you couldn't sink any lower!" Lilith said, "Where did you even get a Human? There's only one-"

Lilith cut herself off before she could spill a secret, but Luz got curious.

"Only one? What do you mean by that?" Luz asked.

Lilith had to think of something quick or else this could be bad, very bad, if Belos finds out.

"I'm talking about an old legend my mother told me once. She said a human once lived in this realm hundreds of years ago." Lilith said, speaking a truth and using it as a cover.

'She's lying.' Luz thought, 'I didn't install a lie detector in my brain for nothing. Keep your secret Lilith, I'll let you play for now.'

"So, I heard you have kids." Luz said, "Can I meet them?"

"You want to meet Lily's kids? Well, temporary kids until she adopts them for real." Eda said with a shrug, "She's had them for a year and hasn't yet."

"It's a long process!" Lilith said.

"Not for me, I just stole one from the Human Realm." Eda said, putting her hands on Luz's shoulders.

"That's not how it works but....I strangely like how that sounds." Luz said.

It had been years since she had a second parent and Eda had quickly gained a place in her heart.

"Edalyn, you can't just steal a Human." Lilith said.

"Well, technically, I ran away." Luz said, "She found me in her tent."

"There, see? So I was free to take her in as I pleased." Eda said with a smile.

"Titan, you are unbearable." Lilith said, "Fine, Human, I'll introduce you to my children... after I shower."

Lilith walked to the Owl House.

"Hello, Hootsifer." Lilith said.

"Hello, Lulu!" Hooty said with glee!

"It's bad when your security system becomes buddy buddy with the enemy." Eda said.

"But she's not entirely our enemy, she's your sister." Luz commented as Lilith entered the owl house.

"She's also the law that wants to capture me." Eda said to Luz.

"So, I'm guessing you have a rocky relationship?" Luz asked.

"Well, when your sister gives you a curse that turns you into a mindless beast, you don't really get along." Eda said.

"Curse?" Luz asked in surprise.

"Why else would people call me the owl lady?" Eda asked Luz.

"I... don't want to know."

"Well, now you know. My sister cursed me, thinking it would just take my magic away for one day, and now I transform into an owl beast every now and then." Eda said with a shrug. "The curse also effects my bodily age, I'm actually much younger than I look."

"Like 40?" Luz asked on reflex.

"Exactly." Eda said to Luz.

'I wonder if I can find a way to help her.' Luz thought.

"That is possible, but it could also be risky since our grasp on magic is still new." The nanobots said to Luz.

'Scan her, see if there's anything that we could isolate.' Luz thought.

The nanobots did as Luz said as Eda turned her back to them, scanning Eda's body through her eyes to try to isolate the magical source of Eda's curse inside of her body.

"There's nothing in her." The Nanobots said.

'So, this will be harder than I thought.'

"Luz! You still haven't told me what this is!" King said, rushing over to Luz with the missile still in his hands.

Luz and her nanobots were SO thankful she already disarmed it. After Lilith re-emerge from the house, she looked at Luz.

"Come along Human."

"Luz." She replied with a finger up.

"Right, sorry. Come along, Luz." Lilith said, correcting herself to say Luz's name.

"And just so you know, because I've meet a few people who under estimate my power, I can do magic... among other things." Luz said.

"A human that can do magic?" Lilith asked, "Incredible."

"That's one word people use to describe Luz Noceda." Luz said.

'Noceda!?' Lilith thought.

That hit the nail on the head! This girl was Nathan's daughter, his supposedly cybertronic daughter that he had to save about 7 years ago. While Lilith had only met Nathan a handful of times since Nathan came here, he was one of the few people Lilith respects.

'I can't let her know about Nathan, not yet. I need Belos approval to reveal it.' Lilith thought.

"So, Ms. Lilith, can you tell me a bit about the kids you're looking after? Not much but just a bit to expect." Luz said to Lilith.

"Well, the oldest are twins, one boy one girl, both are kind of trouble makers. The youngest is a girl, right around your age, she's fairly shy around new people, mostly because of the mental and physical abuse from her parents."

"Oh god. that's terrible." Luz said with a sad frown.

"Yes, I was too blind to see the signs that my former friend was abusing her own daughter. I was Amity's mentor but I couldn't see how much she was suffering at the time." Lilith said sadly.

"But now you have her, which means you're doing something." Luz said, "You're already a better mom than their birth parents."

This made Lilith have a tiny smile as she remembered the day she told the Blight children she would be taking care of them from now on. The twins looked shocked and happy while Amity almost broke down in tears, like a long time nightmare was finally over before she hugged Lilith so tightly.

"Thank you... Luz."

"I just call 'em like I see 'em."

"I suppose I do too, but you're a much brighter girl that I assumed since you stayed with Edalyn." Lilith said.

Luz felt weird, no one usually is this nice with her. Aside from Eda and King, yet it felt so good at the same time to have another person that was nice to her.

'Who knew that witches and demons could be nicer to me than humans?' Luz thought.

"Perhaps they aren't as easily intimidated and jealous of your intelligence." The nanobots said to Luz.

"Now, what about you?" Lilith asked, "You said you could do magic?"

"That's right. It's different then how witches do it but it's just as effective." Luz said to her.

"Can you show me?" Lilith asked, intrigued.

"Sure." Luz put her hand out and a green spell circle formed, "I can scan magic, then replicate it."

Luz slammed her hand on the ground, making a tree form a few feet away.

"Incredible." Lilith said.

"Unfortunately, I can only do basic plant magic right now. It's the only one I've gotten to scan." The spell circle disappeared, "And it's still a work in progress."

"And you did that with just one glance at a plant spell?" Lilith asked in awe, looking at the tree Luz formed. "Have you ever thought of-"

"Enrolling in Hexside? Principal Bump suggested that but Eda is against it with the whole magic system thing. I can kind of agree that being in one coven limits the amount of magic you can learn." Luz said as they almost reached Lilith's house.

"But do she tell you that the Emperor's Coven allows you to learn all types of magic legally?" Lilith asked Luz.

"No much, but I know enough to know that she's wanted by them."

"She's wanted for not joining a coven and a few other things but main not joining a coven." Lilith said to Luz.

"Well, that's kind of stupid. Honestly, I would be seen as a wild witch, because my magic is artificial, so they couldn't stop me from doing other kinds of magic." Luz said.

'Maybe she doesn't know about the coven stamps, but I can tell her later. I'm interested in this "artificial magic' she used.' Lilith thought.

They came upon Lilith's house.

"You know, I didn't get the chance before, but you have a very nice house." Luz said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Lilith opened the doors and let Luz inside.

"Children, I'm home!" Lilith called out to the Blight children.

The oldest went in front of her.

"Hello, Mama Lilith." They said.

Behind them, Luz noticed a girl around her age, trying to hide from the new person.

'That must be Amity.' Luz thought.

"So, who's the girl?" Emira asked.

"Did you adopt another one?" Edric asked.

"No no, I didn't. She's here for another reason." Lilith said to them. "She's actually the girl that just delivered that prank package."

"Wait, really?" Emira asked, looking at Luz, "I like her already."

"Already?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, we can tell these things. You seem like an interesting gal already." Edric said, looking over Luz as well.

Lilith looked at Amity.

"Don't worry, Amity, she isn't going to hurt you."

"How can you be sure?" Amity asked in a low tone.

"Because she destroyed a Blight Industries robot that tried to ruin Hexside by herself." Lilith said.

"Blight." Amity growled, "Of course those two would do something like that!"

"But why attack the school itself? It's the weekend." Edric said in confusion.

"They must still think Amity is following their schedule." Emira replied to her brother.

"So, who exactly are the Blights?" Luz asked.

Amity still didn't trust Luz, but she was comfortable enough around her now to tell her about her FORMER parents.

"They are the scum of the Isles." Amity said, "They run a security company that specializes mostly in weapons and show them off for countless investors in secret. They....even used me to show them off without care of getting hurt."

"What?! They used you for target practice?!" Luz said in shock.

"Target practice? It wasn't that easy." Amity said, "They tied me to the stage and had me..."

Amity turned around and closed her eyes.

"If you don't want to talk about it anymore, we don't have to." Luz said to Amity.

Luz had no choice but to scan her and see what type of injuries she had.

"Dear god. The damage is worst than we theorized." The nanobots said, picking up burn marks, scars, and fractured bones that barely healed properly. "She's lucky to not have an extensive internal damage."

'Damn.' Luz thought, 'I... I don't even know how to approach that.'

"Maybe it's better to wait until you're friends to ask." The Nanobots suggested

'Agreed.' Luz thought as she approached Amity, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Amity flinched from the touch before she calmed down, seeing it was Luz giving her a soft smile.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me anymore if you aren't comfortable. I won't force you to do it." Luz said to her.

Amity nodded.

"T-Thank you." Amity said, slowly smiling at Luz.

"Now, children, this girl is very special." Lilith said, "She's a human, that can do magic."

"A human?" They said, finally noticing Luz's round ears.

"Yep, I'm a human. Mostly human, anyway." Luz said to them as she held up her hand, summoning a spell circle.

"How are you doing that?" Emira asked, "You just held up your hand and the spell circle was made in your palm."

"For now, that's my secret of how I do, just know I can scan magic and replicate it. Any spell I see, even once, I can do it." Luz said as she made a small tree grow in her hand.


The Blight siblings had to admit, this did sound amazing and they wondered if there was a limit to how many spells Luz could copy and use. Though Amity was all curious about one thing Luz said.

'Mostly human?' She thought.

"That's awesome!" The twins said.

"My twin and I practice Illusion magic, do you have that yet?" Emira asked.


"Well then let's fix that! Watch closely now." Edric said as he and Emira held up their fingers, drawing blue spells circles.

"Scanning spell circles now." The nanobots said to Luz.

Luz held up her hand and a light blue spell circle formed in her palm.

"Okay, so what do I do with it?" Luz asked them.

"Anything you can think of, really. Illusion magic is all imagination, just imagine something for yourself or becoming something else." Emira said to Luz.

"Okay, let's try.....praying mantis." Luz said as she was suddenly covered in smoke and turned into a giant praying mantis.

"Aaah!" Everyone said, looking at Luz now as a strange create!

Luz's magic glitched again and the Illusion faded.

"Oh! I guess I need a better understanding of illusion magic to get the hang of it." Luz said as she looked normal again.

"Better understanding?! That was incredible for a beginner! What was that thing anyway?" Edric asked Luz.

"It was an insect from my world called a "praying mantis." Really fierce for a little bug." Luz said to them, "Of course the one I made was a giant one."

"But still, that was a very impressive feat, learning and performing an illusion spell from just a glance at the spell circle and small explanation. You really do have great potential." Lilith said with a smile and a nod.

'Nathan is going to be surprised when I tell him this.' Lilith thought.

"Perhaps you and Amity could train together." Lilith said.

Amity glared at Lilith.

'I'm sorry, but I need to get you out of your shell.' Lilith thought.

"As long as it's fine with Amity." Luz said, gesturing towards the shy girl. "I don't want her to do anything she's uncomfortable with."

"It... it's fine." Amity said, quietly.

Luz could tell she was forcing herself to be social but this would be a good chance to bond with her, he'll her come out of her shell.

"If it helps, we can train someone private. No one else will be around to bother us or make you feel uncomfortable." Luz said to her.

Amity nodded.

"I....I like that." Amity said with a tiny smile.

"Miss Lilith, do you have somewhere secluded?" Luz asked.

"I do, actually. It's just about a mile away from the manor." Lilith said as she pointed to the back yard. "A dried out large stone ravine. I discovered in the way home from work a few years ago. It should be perfect for the both of you."

That will be great, thank you." Luz said.

'Wow, she's so polite.' Lilith thought, 'I better keep an eye on her, mostly because Belos will be interested, but also because I don't want Edalyn to taint her pureness.'

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