Vinette 3: Randochat

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I open the door, tired from a long day but a little excited to open the DD deck. Usually when I first get home I'm alone. Fred has a job too at a fast food place, which has longer hours then our card store. I sit down in one of two black leather rolly chairs we use when were working on our projects. I take a deep breath, setting the deck box on the desk in front of our coding computer. One of the two coding computers anyway. I decide to check my phone again, looking at any messages I could have got. Nothing... But then I remember my promise from this morning as the sight of a certain app icon comes into view. Randochat... I take another deep breath, closing my eyes as my thumb hovers over the icon. Then I press it, and suddenly the whole screen of my phone is blue, and a moving image of the ocean is the background while it shows the email and password blocks in white. I type them in, dreading every second of it as I already regret this. But then I log in, and then a loading icon shows up in the corner of the screen... Then after only a few moments, a bleep and vibration comes from my phone. It shows an icon of the epic face meme from 2009 along with a white name under it... Cynthia. Before I could confirm anything, it already transitions to the chatting module. I freeze up, sweating nervously as I see a bubble icon that means she is typing... Then another beep occurs, and an image of her words show on the screen:

Cynthia: Hi. My names Cynthia. Nice to meet you.

She says, typing like I do... I thought I was the only person who texts in full sentences. I begin typing, still nervous but somehow less:

Daren: My names Daren. Its good to meet you too, Cynthia...

Gosh, I always have that bad habit of typing multiple periods... It makes me sound sad!

Cynthia: Um... So what are you up to?

She says after a long silence. It makes me feel bad for her for having to deal with me...

Daren: Right now just texting you. Just so you know, this is my first time on Randochat and I'm a little awkward...

At least I'm honest. I hope it doesn't effect her opinion of me.

Cynthia: Oh, don't worry, Daren! I'm awkward too so this should work out.

For some reason I begin to blush at the term this should work out... I'm not sure if this is a dating site or not but I'm not asking what she means!

Daren: Um... Thank you. Sorry if I take awhile to type.

Oof... I'm gonna die of embarrassment if I continue like this!

Cynthia: Dude, its cool.

Alright... I can do this. She seems nice enough. I just need to get a hold of my- "Daren! I'm back!" Is it really already 6?! Shit, it is! "Hello. Give me a second and I'll get started." "Its cool."

Daren: Hey, Cynthia. I need to go for today because I have a bit of work to do. I'm sorry but if you're willing we can talk again. You seem nice.


Cynthia: Sure, Daren. :) See you tomorrow then!

She logs off, and a message shows up on the screen. Would you like to talk to this person again? And a yes and no option appear below the question. I hit yes quickly, scooting over so Fred can get in his chair and help me work on the game. I then shove the phone in my pocket, wondering if I just made a new friend or girlfriend...

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