AntiSepticEye x Male Reader 🔞 G/T

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I've had a boyfriend who's a demon for a while now, honestly it doesn't bother me.

The only thing I can complain about is his jokes. He can come up with a stupid idea and execute it usually on me. Recently, he had a plan to turn me into a cat just for fun. I still love him after all.

All right, I was in his room lying on top of him. Anti was looking at something on his phone and I was hugging his neck.

Anti... put that phone down and take care of me...- I said looking up at him reaching for his hair.

H̡mm̷. Sur̨e.

Anti reached for me and kissed me passionately.

I ̡hav͟e҉ a͘n idęa ̢w͢hat w͘e̕ ̕ca̛n̢ d̷o..͜.- He looked at me with his black eyes.- And e̢v͟e̶ņ ͡Į'̡ll d́o ít͡ ~

Then it occurred to me that I wanted to play again, I quickly got up from him and quickly ran to the door but he blocked my way.

W̷h̸ere you͡ g͞o̵nna ̴go,̧ ͝bab̕y ̵~̴

I started to sweat a little. I don't know what Anti meant, but I knew it was about to get a lot.

Anti put his hand on my head and used his magic. At that moment I felt a strange unknown feeling, I looked at him but he still had on that sly smile.

I looked at my surroundings but immediately! I was shrinking!!!

Anti shrank me to 10 centimeters. I looked up, Anti towering over me. Even though I knew Anti liked to have fun, I didn't think he'd go that far.

A-Anti... bring me back..- I stepped back when he crouched down smiling.

No͞t͜ yet, ͡baby͜.͟ ́Le̷t͠ m̴e pl͡ay f҉or a ̴w͝hi̧l̷e.

Anti reached over and grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me up. I was shaking so much I closed my eyes.
I felt Anti come to the bed with me and lay down on it and put me on his face.

Yo҉ú ̶smell͏ n͏i͢ce̸,͜ (̀Y/N͞)̶~͘

I blushed.- Da Fuck- I sat on his face looking at him. His face as well as his whole figure was huge. I felt Anti move and ddlically grab me by the shirt and lift me up taking it off me.

I blushed even more, now Anti could admire my almost naked body.

Give me the shirt, Anti...- I tried to reach his hand, but it was high enough for me to reach it.

Then it occurred to me that he was looking at me with such passion as if he wanted to consume me with his eyes.

Don't̶ ̶be̷ ҉s̶c͢a͜r̨ed b͏ab͘y҉.̵.͢. i̷t'̧s͏ j̷u͟s̢t͘ ̧a game.͏.̀.~ - Anti started touching me all over my body, I felt awkward. I felt something wet. Anti started licking my back with his tongue.

I felt him stand up to me, Anti noticed this and moved me delocately to the bed laying.

I started breathing loudly all the while blushing. Anti started pulling my pants down, but I got more excited.

S-Stop... I don't want to please...-.I looked at him all breathless and wet with excitement.

H͏e͟ ̶j͠us̶t͝ l͜ic̸k͞s... a̷n͟d ̀l͟ea̴v̢es͘ ̀y̵o҉u al͜one - Anti started licking my whole body starting from the bottom and I started shaking with excitement. Anti as promised licked it once and for me it's peace.

Anti handed me a pair of pants and a T-shirt which I put on.

Yóu͞ ̶did̴n't l͜i͟ke i̕t͝...? - He looked at me.

.... I liked it.

He grinned at that answer. He put his hand in front of me.

I looked at him questioningly. But I climbed into his hand, which he raised and brought closer to his face.

I leaned over and kissed him, which he didn't expect.

Wh͝a̕t ͞do͟ ̕ýou҉ sa̵y w̷e̕ ́g̨o͟ ͝gȩt ̵s̷omet̶h̴ing ̧t͝o e͟at͢?̷ - He asked getting up.

Well, why not.

Anti put me on his shoulder and together we headed for the kitchen. On the way we passed the other Ego's who were looking at us in disbelief.

We went into the kitchen where Anti began to prepare for us after the meal.

B͟aby,̴ ̛I'̡m şor̀ry҉,̢ bu̡t you'̵re̡ ̴g̨o̡nǹa ştay͡ ͝t͟hi͏s ͘s͝ize̶ ̢f͏or ͏a ̨wh̵ile̛.͞ This̕ spel͏ĺ l̷asts a̡ few ͠ho̕ur̕s.́ - Said Anti looking at me.

I sighed - Well, but at least you had some fun.

We spent the rest of the day playing games or cuddling.
After a couple of hours I finally got back to my normal size, which I was happy about.



We have to do it again sometime~

798 Words

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