AntiSepticEye x Male!Reader [Part 2 G/T]

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It's been over a week since Anti my boyfriend contracted me for fun.

We've been fucking almost every day since that fateful day. But lately Anti doesn't even feel like playing he just shuts up and doesn't say anything.

I was sitting in his room waiting for him. We need to talk and find out what's wrong with him.

I lay on his bed waiting. Anti finally showed up.

Anti, what's going on..?- I asked.

Wha̷t ̵d͜o͟ y͘ou ͢mean.͏..?

You don't want to play with me lately..- I said grabbing his pants.- What's bothering you?

Jac͝k͜ ̴fo̶ųnd̶ ͜ou̵t̸ I ͠h͠a̴v͏é yo̡u͏..̨.̕ ̛Í ̀know ̧it̡'̢s̡ s͢tupid ̢a̧ś h̵ell, b̵u̴t̷ ̸i͟t͜'̨s̴ t͜r̛u̶e.͏.. He̴ alśo̡ fou͜n͟d ̢ou͟ţ ̧how̷ I͟ ͘t͜rea̧te̡d you͠ ͟l̛as͠t͜ ̢t̷ime̵,͠ pro̴ba͟b̨l̶y̵ a͡n͘o̵t̀h̶e̵r͘ ̧e̴go t͝o͘ld ̕him̡ a̶boưt̷ i̸t.

... Fuck that, you treated me like that. I liked it and I could do it again, but this time I'll take over your part...- Anti looked at me questioningly but quickly understood what I meant. He ran to the door, locking it.

I got up from his bed and moved to him.

Anti taught magic alw this time I felt the familiar feeling again.

Anti what are you doing... it was supposed to be different... - I fell to my knees strangely enough this spell worked differently I felt dizzy.

Fu͟ck, ̧fu̢c̵k,͜ f̴ưc͡k! ̴I͜'͘m͏ sor̸ry!̶ I̕ f́orgòt̡ th͝at thi̕s ̷spe̕ll̕ ta̵ke͘s away ̧e̴ve̷n̷ le͟s̴s ҉heig͜ḩt̴ ̧tha͠n͟ ͠the͝ ͡last òn̵e!


Suddenly I felt my clothes getting too big on me, way too big.

After all the shrinking Anti noticed the clothes themselves.

F͘uc͠k.̨.͞.̴ ͝B͜a͘b҉y̶,̵ ̛whe͘r̷e̵ a̵re͡ ͜y̸o͠u?͢ - Anti squatted down and started touching his clothes after a while he detected something moving... that something was me.

O̶h no͞... ͢it's,̨ it'҉s a̵ ̵spȩll͠...͢ - Anti looked at me... I was all naked my shirt covers my legs.

I looked at Anti who in a trice was looking at me. I covered myself with a T-shirt so he wouldn't look at me. - Anti later you'll explain to me what the spell is but now I need new clothes... - I started to feel ashamed.

Anti shook himself off and quickly went to the closet and pulled out some materials.

He quickly made them into clothes that fit me...I quickly put them on. After I got dressed, I looked at Anti.

Anti gently lifted me to his face. He saw me shrink 10 times smaller than before.

instead of 10 centimeters, I was 5 centimeters the size of a little finger. Tiny.

(Ỳ/N͝)̴.͞..͝ ҉I'͝m so̷ so͏rr̴y...͜ ̴I kn͞òw i̵t͢ w̛a͡s͘ ̸meàn͞t to ̴b͞e ̕d́iff̨e̴r͘e̵nt̴..̕. ͝b͞út... -- Anti nothing happened... sometimes something like that can happen...-- This͝ sp̷e̢ll̨ ćan͜ di̷sap̨p̢e̡ar ̷a̶t a̕ny̛ ̡t͘i͠m̴e,͜ b͟ut҉ w̨h͝en a ̛p͝erson ͢neeḑs it̨ m͞o̡st͟.

I was surprised... I wanted to be normal, but nothing was happening.

I͜ ̧kn҉ow̴ h̡ow͝ ̕s̕t͟r̷a̢ng͝e i͝t̨ śo̢und̢s̸, but i͜t̸'͜s ̡th̷e͘ ́truth̡.

Anti lowered his gaze and went to the bed where he put me next to him.. Anti covered his face with his hand...

Baby, what's going on? I asked as I climbed on top of him.

C̕om͠e ͡on,͜ (Y̵/N), ̵you͝ ̡kn̢ow wh́at'̡s҉ ̛g̸oi̕n͏ǵ o͡n.҉.. ͠I ̀d̀i̴d͟ it͝ t́o̢ ҉yo̸ú ̷ag͡ai̷n.̨.. ̸a̵nd I fu̕c̀k̨ed͟ ͜ùp͞ aģa̢i̕n.͡

I felt a sting in my heart... Anti rarely showed his emotions even in front of me, but now I could clearly see the tears gathering under his hand....

I felt my body grow, I quickly climbed onto his body and laid down. Anti felt something sitting there, but I covered it up or.

I leaned over and kissed Anti. He only smiled but did not open his eyes. I caught him the whole time I finally let him open his eyes. He looked at me and defended me.

Did yóu͠ m̷an̷ag͞e͠ ͢to̢ ͟ge̷t͞ i̷t d̛ow̧n ͜to͢ ͠n̨o̕rm̀a̢l͟ ́s͡įz͟e̸..

Yeah. I couldn't watch my boyfriend suffer...

We lay like that for a while, cuddling.
We spent the rest of the day as normal... talking and cuddling.

739 Words

Which part do you like? for me personally, the first

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