Chase Brody x Tiny!Winged!Reader

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Chase was sitting in his apartment on the balcony reading the paper. It was a quiet day.

Today his kids went back to his ex-wife's house. He loved his kids but sometimes they just tired him out. He corrected his hat and panted at the sight around him. he lived on the side of the mast so he had no big buildings in front of him, just woods and fields.

He saw that it would be dark soon, so he got up from his chair and headed for the apartment. Before he reached the balcony door he saw a bird fly out the window of his suite.

Oh... are you okay, bro...?- He was just about to pick up the bird when suddenly he stepped back and couldn't believe that instead of the bird he saw a tiny man with red wings.

Impossible... what is he..- He was about to reach for it when the little man started moving.

Owww, what did I hit...- The figure grabbed his head lifting himself up...- The wind must have carried me here.

What are you...?- Chase couldn't believe his eyes.

Tiny looked at Chase...his face was realized..- Wait... can you see me... ? People can't see us. Then how come you can see me.- The little man got up, stretching.

Ah umm I have no idea... what's your name dude... I'm Chase... Chase Brody-- My name is (Y/N) and i'm an aviator.

(Y/N) wanted to spread her wings but they couldn't... she bent over in excruciating pain from one wing..- Oh no my wing... I can't move it... that means I can't go back, that means I'm going to die here... - She started to get nervous and walk around in circles.

Hey, take it easy, (Y/N). You'll be fine. I'll take care of you until you heal that wing...- Chase gently prodded her. Only now did he notice how soft her wings were. They were neat and beautiful.- Your wings are beautiful (Y/N).

It blushed a little. Chase took me to his apartment and to the kitchen where he put on the countertop.

Chase took a piece of cloth from one of the cabinets and gently set my wing and tied it.- Here you go, it should heal pretty quickly...- Chase smiled at his work.

Thank you, Chase... I really thank you.

394 Words

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