Chase Brody x Tiny!Winged! Reader (Part 1)

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I spent most of the day patrolling the forest where the other fairies live. They picked me for this because I'm the fastest flyer in the whole camp.

To be clear, fairies do not resemble how people portray us. We remind you of bird hybrids as well as bat hybrids. In my case I'm the other one, my color is green so I have light green bat wings.

There was one very important rule: you must not show yourself to people or you will be expelled from the camp and it will result in death.

For most of the day nothing was happening anyway, I was sitting on a branch eating berries that I had packed in my bag and resting watching how the camp was functioning.

At one point, from behind the bushes, I saw something move, and it was a big... At first I posted that it was a bear, which would mean there was nothing to fear. Bears don't usually pay attention to us but this time it wasn't even a bear.... Just a Kids.

I quickly got up stretched my wings and flew to the camp to tell them to hide and take cover. I also flew to hide, hid behind one of the leaves in the tree and watched.

The kids were the worst. You never know what they'll do.

I watched them come close to our camp. I had to react and I came out of hiding showing myself to the kids. They quickly spotted me and tried to catch me but I was too fast for them. I went on to draw them away from the camp. I ran as fast as I could but I didn't notice that there was another child in front of me, a girl, who was holding a big jar in her hand.

Unfortunately, I reacted too late and flew right into the jar. The girl quickly capped the jar.

I got her!!!- The little girl shrieked with joy showing joyfully.

Quick, brother, we've got to show it to dad this time. He'll believe us...- A girl turns to a peasant. The boy put me in the backpack leaving a small hole from the zipper. The jar was firmly closed and I had to use my powder, which I always have with me in my bag, to blend it into the background. I gave a lot of that pollen on myself now it looked like the kids were carrying an empty jar in their backpack.

After a while, I heard kids shouting to someone and throwing their backpack on the ground.

Dad, Dad... We caught a real fairy... you have to see how beautiful she is. The girl snatched the jar from her brother's hands. See only....

Chase Brody POV

I looked at my kids and they were all dirty when they got home from court. In her hand my daughter held the empty jar.

What fairy... all they know is that you're filthy from the mud...- I put my hands on my hips steaming at them annoyed by their appearance.

But how?! I saw her lock it in a jar. My son tried to snatch the jar from my sister's hand but she wouldn't let go.

That's enough! Give me that jar and go dig yourself out right now. - The kids handed me the jar and quickly headed up the mountain to get cleaned up.

I set the jar down on the kitchen counter and leaned against the counter myself. My children have a vivid imagination... but fairies don't exist.

A few moments passed and I heard something behind me knocking on the glass. I turned around and I couldn't believe what I saw... It was a little fairy trapped in a jar trying to break free.


I had to get out of the jar, but I didn't. The powder stopped working and I became visible to people. I tried to unscrew the jar, but I couldn't... i was also running out of oxygen, so I was slowly losing consciousness.

Amazing my kids didn't lie...- i turned around scared and saw a huge man steaming right at me. I tried to back away as he lifted the jar, but it was my chance to finally get out of the jar.

The man unscrewed the jar with ease and I quickly flew out of it. I was looking for an escape route and finally I saw that there was a big hole so I flew into it but I quickly abandoned it by some unseen force and I fell to the ground.

Chase Brody POV

I ran quickly to her and crouched down beside her to catch her but she immediately got up and tried to fly into the air but couldn't because I saw that her left wing wasn't moving as well as her right.

Hey, hey, relax, I don't want to hurt you... - I reached for her but she immediately covered her hands with fear. - I don't want to hurt you... i just want to get to know you better...

Yeah, sure, you'll put me back in the jar and lock me up forever... just like your kids...

I jumped aside, she can speak our language...?!-- You can speak our language... but how... and why do you look like a bat hybrid? - It surprised me, it's the first time I've seen a fairy and I'm talking to her.

You people have always pictured us as sweet magical creatures who help... but that's just your idea. We fairies don't have to look like insects... we look more like birds than bats, and that's what sets us apart from your fantasies...- She got up coming towards me...- and if you think you and your kids are gonna keep me here, you're wrong. i'm the fastest of all the fairies. I'll run away from you.

I'm sorry for my kids, they often don't think what they're doing and act rashly. And how are you gonna get out of here if your left wing doesn't work so well... - he raised his hand, pointing to my wing .

I looked at my wing and it actually didn't look good... i quickly pulled some birch ointment out of the bag and a piece of leaf lightly tied and just had to wait a bit until it was healthy.

Amazing... you must have a lot of experience in treatment...- I said, watching the whole scene.

Every fairy must be able to do this, otherwise they won't accept you into their clan...- She said tucking her things into a bag that looked as cute as it was for a doll.

Why don't you stay for a while, my kids are convinced they've caught wind so they won't be back anytime soon.

I don't trust people. - she looked at me menacingly.

I won't hurt you... - I put my hand out in front of her so she could climb on it.- What's your name? I'm Chase, Chase Brody. -- She looked at me again and sighed climbing into my hand. I couldn't believe how light she was. The dew-covered clothes fit her perfectly.

My name is (Y/N) and I'm from the tree clan... but if you try to do anything to me, I'll send a bear on you.

Chase wanted to go into the kitchen and laugh quietly.

But I wasn't kidding...

1246 Words

Hello !!! I am back after quite a long crossing, taking a current break from vore I don't feel up to writing this. in the meantime, I was also working on orders and other chapters.

I'm even working on something that's not GT but Hard NSFW so if you're interested, write to me!!!


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