Giant!Anti x Demon!Reader

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Reader POV

I've been walking in the woods looking for a good night's sickness. As far as I know, it was gathering for rain.

My tail was rolled up in different directions. After the search, I found a pretty big cave where I could hide, I went into it and there was nobody.

I went deep into the cave and saw a pretty big lair probably belonged to some beast.

I failed and lay down, but the day still made me very tired, so I fell asleep quickly.

Time Skip.

Bang! Bang!

Mometrically, I broke off on my even legs, very sleepy, strong strokes woke me up from a good sleep, I rubbed my eyes and heard someone come into the cave very big because I heard him breathing.

I ran to a place where I could hide and hid behind the cave wall.

I saw a huge hand grabbing my waist and lifting me up!
I got scared and teleported myself for the character I've now seen in full.

This figure was a giant with light green skin, black clothes, dark green hair and a huge, swollen blindfold on his neck.

Ẁh̨o th͏e ̧hell ͟a͏r̴e͠ y̧ou̶ ́do̶i͢ng̨ ̡i͟n my̡ ca̢vè?͠- The character spoke in her demonic voice.

I..͟. w̡ait͡, ͜y͟óu̴'rè a d̷em̛on,͞ j͘u̡s̴t͏ l͟i͡ke̶ ͞m̨é...-I showed myself.

Suddenly, the character comes closer to me and looks at me carefully.

That ́w̷o͞ul̸d ́e͞x̡pla̢in why̴ y͜o̷u҉ ̕can҉ t̵rańs͠po͝ŕt your̸s̴e҉lf,̕ ͞no̕ ͝m̢att͡e̛r̵ ̵wha͝t th̕e̷ fuck͏ yo҉u̢'̷r҉e ̢d́oin̨g͢ h͡e̛r͢e...!?!!- his eyes were shining with anger.

Rel̀ax͘,͢ m͢a͝n̢. ͠I ̨w͘às ̨ju͘s͏t̷ l̕o͟oking ́to̷ g̷e͢t͠ s̨i̧ck͝ ͡fro̵m ţh͘e̢ rai͞n.

Why͟ ̸d̀id ͝my̵ c͠a͘vè..̀.̶?!͟- He wanted to grab me but I teleported again.

Bećau҉se͝ śhe ̷w͘às ͠the̕ ͢c̛los҉e̛st̶..̀.̵ I'͞m͞ ͡onl͜y g̶onna g͡o͢ for o͜ne͟ n͝i͝gh͠t͟ a̡f̨tèr ̨th̸a̵t.

G͞rrr̸r̵,̧ b͢ut͘ ́on͠l̕y o̸ne ͞n͝íg҉ht͘ - he said.

And by ̸t͟he̵ wa̕y, ̡I'm ͢(Y̨/̶N͡).͘..-I gave him my hand.

...Anti͡ ́ot̸her̴wįse A̕nti̡s̴ept҉ic͟e̢y̨e͘ ̶  -He removed my hand a little bit, I was really Tiny in comparison to his height.

Anti laid down and closed his eyes, and I lay down near him.

I closed my eyes and was getting ready to sleep.

I was woken up from my sleep by the lightning near the cave where we slept.

I screamed out in horror and hid behind the Anti who apparently woke up.
W͢h̀át͡ ̴are ̀y͢o̧u doi͠ng?

I'm ̸a̡f͝rai̵d ͝o̷f ̢s̸torms.̡..͏ ̶I͢ hav̕e̷ ̷b̢a̛d͏ ͢me̸m҉or̸i̴es of̶ s̶torm͟s...-I hid behind Anti again when I heard another thunderstorm.


I felt Anti take me by the collar of his shirt and put me on his chest. I looked at him asking, but again I heard thunder and hid my head in his chest.

I felt something heavy leaning against my little body.

Anti covered me with his hand and went to bed himself. I didn't feel like coming down from it, so I just fell asleep on it.

531 Words.

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