Marvin x Child! Anti

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(My Art!! Old 😓)

Anti stop... You're going to destroy everything...- Marvin clung to the tip of his nose and closed his eyes. He really didn't want to do it, but he turned his demonic brother into a five-year-old kid who flew into Marvin's room like clouds of fog.

No... i'm bored..- Anti flew over a pile of books and tossed them over.

Marvin couldn't take it anymore. He used his magic to stop the fog in the bladder...
Anti has turned his figure into a child again. It was the chief that the clothes he was wearing were too big.

Will you stop destroying my room, Anti...? - Marvin brought a bubble with his finger in which he was anti, who tried to swing with the banks by pressing them...

Ugh.... Fine... But I'm bored, I want to have fun...- Anti began to punch his fists on the bladder, which swayed in all directions.

Marvin moved the bladder with his hand that flew over Marvin's bed. She lowered the flight and released Anti, who landed on Marvin's bed... - Wait here and don't go anywhere, or I'll lock you back in a bubble. - Marvin came to his books lying on the floor. He used his magic to place them and remove one of them.

Turning back to Anti, he noticed that a small, demotic boy was looking at his clothes...-- Why am I wearing too much clothes? --Then Marvin arrived... Anti has lost his memory... Alo is actually 5 years old.

Marvin had to go to Anti, who was interested in his clothes the whole time. - Hold on... Read this, you won't get bored..- Marvin gave Anti a book showing the insults of the magical animals.

But I don't want to... Books are boring...-- You don't want to... Can't you read? -- Marvin looked at him with a raised eyebrow. - Anti did not answer by turning around and clutching his t-shirt in his fists.

You're holding these... This is with pictures...- Marvin gave him another book this time, but still with animals. Anti wiggled the book in the owl and opened it and stared at the ring with animals.

Marvin could have relied on it to keep him busy, and then he could finish his job. In peace and silence..

All he heard was Anti turn the page at a time. And every now and then he checked to see if he was too boring.

Marvin grabbed another blender for a client from his store, to a certain point where he felt someone grabbing his shirt and pulling it up and down.

He looked down and saw Anti standing next to him with a book in his hand...- Something wrong Anti ?- Marvin put his potion on the table. Anti waved his head.

He gave Marvin the book he took from Anti.

I'm hungry... - Anti looked at Marvin... there was a rumbling in Anti's stomach.

Okay... Come in the kitchen, I'll make you something to eat...- Marvin went to the owl door and waited for Anti to follow him. He ran fast, but he forgot Anti stopped at the top of the stairs.

Why don't you go down...?

I'm afraid...- He clung to the railing, the other clung to his shirt.

When I looked at him, I could see that he was ready to cry. So I went back upstairs and squatted down to him...

Come on, let's go down the stairs together...-Marvin stretched out his hands in front of him and Anti jumped quickly on his shoulders.

They went into the kitchen together and Marvin made food for anti with magic.He decided to make him pancakes with maple syrup. When everything was ready, he put Anti on the seat and handed the plate with the pancakes.

He sat next to him watching him eat pancakes.

Eventually you heard entering the house. and close the door behind him. Jackieboy stood at the entrance to the kitchen. He was totally bruised in his face and body, and you could see that he was tired.

Welcome home, Jackie. You want something to eat?- Marvin got up from his chair and went to the fridge.

No, thanks, I have to...What the fuck...?!-
Jackie watched Anti finish his pancakes..- Why is he so small??!?

I turned him into a baby. This time on purpose. I have no idea why he hasn't changed again...- Marvin went to see Anti, who finished his pancakes. Anti surprised from his chair and ran towards Marvin and hid behind his brother's legs.

Is he serious, or is he just pretending to be afraid of me..? - Jackie walked up to Anti and grabbed him, but Anti was quick and missed the fog and went into the living room and hid behind the couch.

Seriously, he lost his memory. So he doesn't really know we're his brothers...- Marvin explained as he walked to the sofa Anti was hiding behind.

Which means we don't know when he's coming back and why he lost his memory...- Jackie's said, going to Anti, who's been hiding behind the couch the whole time.

Don't worry, Anti, we'll take care of you...- Jackie grabbed Anti's head and stroked him gently over the head, making Anti loose and even smiled slightly.

Marv... Am I tired or can I....!?!!- Suddenly Anti fell on the floor and fell asleep immediately.

He was obviously tired of all this. His body is not accustomed to this form... Jackie, will you take him to my room?- Marvin asked.


Jackie gently lifted anti and went upstairs with Anti sleeping in his hands and laid it loose covered with a blanket.

Let's see if you get back to normal tomorrow.

The next morning, Marvin went to his room to wake Anti up for breakfast, but when he entered the room, I doubted that Anti was standing up and already in his normal spread and adjusted clothes.

When Anti noticed Marvin was in the door frame, he went over to him and looked at him.

Let's make sure this never happened...- Then, as he said, he missed the fog and flew into his room and slammed the door behind him.

Good to have you back, Anti.

1033 Words
A little different chapter, but I felt like doing something easy.

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