( OC ) Devil x Tiny! _P4ttka_

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《 Little Note - Devil is my OC Demon who is 3 meters tall. He is a higher demon or immortal and has incredibly powerful powers that he does not like to brag about because he values too much..
_P4ttka_ Me, my Sona. She's a demon-like creature, but I'm not a demon. I have the power to create characters only when the need arises.》

Soft Vore
Hard Gore


It was pretty early in the morning when people usually sleep but now I.. even though I'd really like to.

I was wearing my sweatshirt with eye atterns on my arms black pants with holes on my knees and black shoes on my heels. As much as I love colors, I usually wear black. (The Irony of Fate XDD)

Coming back, gently yawning the sludge down a narrow alley. the shortest way to the center of the city where I live, which is korea. There aren't many people around either. More like people coming back from clubs.

I walked into one of the alleys because I thought I'd make my way even more, but I don't... I was in a dead end, I wanted to turn around, but someone got in my way. They were two tall men. They didn't look human.

I'm sorry. I want to go through...- I tried to get past them, but they wouldn't let me through.

You̴'͟r͜e ͜alr͢eady ͟l͟ea͝vi͠n̢g.̨.҉. ̧ ̢Com̢e on, ͏b̡a̧by̛.̡. ̀We ͢j̀ust̷ wa̷nt̀ t̢o̸ have͟ ͡fun͢.̸..- They started walking towards me, one of them pulled out a knife and pointed it towards me.

No, I don't want... leave me alone...- One of them grabbed my hand and the other used a knife to cut my sweatshirt. I tried to break out but they were very strong, I understood that they were demons but of lower rank.

When they kidnapped my sweatshirt I was very ashamed not enough that demons did it to me and in their head only sex I still have nowhere to run and on top of that they wanted to use me...

One of them noticed someone approaching the alley, so he quickly warned the other one. The other one was very unhappy that someone was bothering him, but he had no choice but to leave me like this. Which means beaten up and almost naked.

Fuck͞!!! ͏ W͡h͜a̕t ͞d͜o͝ ̸w͠e do ͜wit͏h ̕h̀e͡r͠? I̸f̷ ̕wȩ leav̀e̢ her̛ ͜l͜i҉k̢e ̷t͘his͡, ̕w͝e'l͞l be̛ ͟in ͡t͞roubl̸e...- said one of them angrily.

Sh̕ut u̴p̷.͟ I͠ k͟n͠ow wha̶t ̸I'm ͏gonǹą d̕o...- The demon who was holding me used his power and his magic used a shrinking spell on me. He shrunk me to six inches.

When I was shrinking, I saw that the demons who did this to me had already come out of the alley and left me like this. I tried to cover myself with scraps of clothes that were left over from my sweatshirt. I was cold, I was shaking.

I got up from the ground about getting out of the alley, I had had enough of that day. A big white raven landed right in front of me. it was so unexpectedly that I fell to the ground.

I met him.. It was my OC's Devil's raven. Probably his club was near downtown.

I rose from the ground-- Take me to Devil or Vi only if they can help me. --
I tried to touch him, but he blew into the air and flooded my waist with a claw. He waved his wings and we were flying into the air.

At that time the city looked really beautiful.. Which would've been if it wasn't so damn cold.

Finally, the crow crashed into a room that looked like a big office. It was modest but it could be seen that it was taking the Demon higher up the Raven threw me on the desk and flew himself and sat down in the seat reserved for him. I rolled over at the end of the birok and I had to grab something fast or I'd fall.

Immediately I felt someone from the bottom helping me to get on the desk, I saw that it was a big clawed hand helping me to get in. I turned around and saw Devil standing over him even though he was sitting in a chair.

He was huge!!

Devil was just looking at me. He wasn't surprised. I stepped back.. I won't say no... But I was a little afraid of him... even though I created it.

Ar̶e͟ ͡y̸ou҉ a̧f͠r͠ai͟d͠ o͞f̴ ͘me͟.͝..?́ Wh̸ỳ? W͝ha҉t ͘happe̢n̛ed ̷t́o y͞our cl̶ot͟h́e͝s.̧..͏ ͡?

I was hiding quickly, and I blushed a little... - I want you to help me. The one who did this to me. he wanted mmie sexually abused.... but someone interrupted him... and shrunk me..

You could see that Devil was instantly furious, moved as close as he could to me, practically a few miles away from my body.

Devil, what are you doing... h-hey stop it...-- Devil opened his mouth reaching out his tongue and started licking me all over my body. He blocked my escape route because his arm in the back kept me from doing so. -- Please stop... I don't like it.- I tried to fight his tongue, but the harder I struggled, the more I came out into his mouth.

He let me go in the blanket, and I fell on the desk in his saliva... He gave me a handkerchief quickly and leaned against his chair.

What was the point of that?!!- I looked at him furious.

T҉h͜a͡nkś ͝t̶o y̨our ͡sçen̷t̷ aǹd ͠b̸ody ̧sc͏ent, ̨I̡ ͡ca̷n ̀f͏i̕n͟d out who ́d͠i̶d͡ ҉th͢i͝s to yo̸u͡ ҉and̨ ͜f̡ìn̵d hi̡m ͢wit͞ḩo̕ut̴ lèav̵in͡ǵ.̡ ̡Sor̷r̀y͞.͏..̀ f͘o͝r ̸t͜h͏at.̸.͘ I͏'͘l̸l m҉a̸k̛e̶ ̀ìt͢ u͘p̧ ̵t͢o͜ ̷y͘o͜u̶...-He tasted my scent and a few moments later he smiled a little.

Y̶ou̵'rȩ ̸l͝ưc͡k̴y͏.҉.. ҉th͝ís ͘i̕s̴ ̵o͏u͞r̀ re͏g̛u͠l̛a͘r͡ ̕cl҉iènt..̛ ̸ H̕e̵'l͡l ̕w̶ai̕t ͢r̀íght ͞he͝r̨e. ͞I'l͘l ̵thr̀o̵w͠ ̀hi͘m ͘i̡n.̨

When Devil got up from his chair, he was huge. Actually, it was, but when I went in, it looked like a big skyscraper. And from that perspective... * My nose is bleeding *. He circled the desk and came out of the office where for a moment there was loud music from his club.

Yeah, his club together with his younger brother have a club they call Hell Angels. His younger brother VI works as a bartender and as a dancer.

In addition to them, my newest created character is working here ie Temo who is also a demon but of a lower rank.
He works as a stripper.

When Devil left me for a while, I could look around his office. There was a guard on the left side of his office there was a chest of drawers with employee papers and a small bar with all the liquor.

Next to it was a small red and elegant sofa, right next to it was the exit door that led to the club. On the far right was a black hen that was bleeding from the bottom. I didn't want to know what Devil was keeping in there or anyone. And around the desk was a steel stand with his raven on it, which was apparently cleaning itself.

I got up from the pickup and went to the edge... to the earth was the truth on high. I didn't want to fall and no one would help me like before.

There was loud music coming out of the door, but I could hear someone coming. I had the right to say it was Devil, but as soon as the door opened, Vi came in. Devil's brother.

Fuc̸king̛ ̧b͟el̷iev͜e th͞e ͞f̶uc̸k̕ ͢we͞n͝ţ.̡.̀.́..What th̶e f͟uc͠k? -Vi went to the desk and looked at me... I was afraid of him most of all my OCs. He's the only one who's going to do anything. He doesn't care about the consequences.

I ḑo͞n't͜ ̧b̛e͜l͘i͘evę.̕.̨.͠ _P4t̡t҉k͞a_ ͞hi̛ms̕e̷l̡f o̷nly if ͟şoḿeòne t͝oo͞k ҉a ̢f͡e̷w ͠in͟c͘h̕es f̢rơm ͘y҉o̸u...- He laughed and grabbed me in the fist. I tried to get out but I couldn't.

Vi, please... put me down...- I fought under his arms... he was very strong.. His claws were getting into my body.

I̛ ͟d͡o͡n̛'̸t͝ ͘w̧a̢n҉t..̵. ͞ Te̶l͜l ̛m̶e w̶hat ̶it'̧s l͜i͘k͏e̴.̛ ̷t͢o̡ ̷b̀e͠ ̕s̀o small̕ ҉a̕n̷d̴ h̸e͘lpl̶e̢s̕s.̛..- He brought me closer to his face. I was so close I could easily reach him.

And how the fuck do you think... Not only did one of your regulars shrink me, he fucking wanted to use me sexually... Just fucking think what it's like!!! - Vi was just looking at me, but as I just got tired of that day... I couldn't talk to anyone about it anymore. Anyway, my situation sucked.

After a while, Vi put me back on Devil's desk and sat himself on the elegant sofa. - F̢uck..̨ ̷If͡ ̵i̛t̕ ̡w̕as̸n͝'̧t f̢o͘r th̴i͡s ̧st͏u͠n̴t̷,̢ I͏ ͝w͜o̡ul͜d͝'͢v͞e d͢o̢ne̶ i̸t̵..̷. ̷ You're f͞uc̀ḱi̴ng l̶uc̷ky ̵yo͜u ̸d̶i͜dn'̷t s҉peǹd o̴n̶ ̡wo̸rse̶.͢ ͘ a͘f͘t͠er͢ a͠l͜l҉.. ̨D̷e̷v̧il҉'҉s̨ ̛o̧n ͢h̶i̡s̨ ͟w̨ay̛ wit́h͝ ̶h͘i͟m.̧.. ͢ bu͟t̛ fi͠r̷st...- Vi snapped his fingers and on my face appeared the same sweatshirt as I had before but luckily this one was already full, next to me appeared a cup of tea... Anyway, I was still cold, so even though he gave me that much.

T̀h̢at̷ mo͢r͘o̢n ͡ḑi҉d̶n'͠t ͝eve͝n ́g̕ív̶e͡ ͏y̕ou͠ ̴a̛ņy̸ çl͞ot̨h̛e͜s҉.͠ ́Th̢at̕'s t͝h͜e ̡l͢east I͏ ͟ćouĺd͢ ͢do.́ ̵ ̵af̴te͡r ͏al̴l̴..̧.̵ Even ̀t͘h̛ơugh ͞I͟'̸m̸ à ̧hig̴h͏e̢r de͝mo͞n̸, I̸ ̨don̛'̡t͜ ͘hàve ͠the pow͟ęr to҉ ̢t̛ur͘n͡ ̧you͞ ͜i͝n̕t͏o m̡or͝àlìty... O̶nļy ̶my b͘ròthȩr can do ̨t̸hat. I'̛m͝ ̧su͜r͠prised ̢he̛ ́h͜ás̨n'͠t͞ done ͘i͘t y̸e͢t͢.. ̕ unl͟e̡ss.̢.. tc̡h͝..͞ ̢ ̸son of̛ ͟a bi̕t̀c̴h.. H͡e̴ ̨wa͡n̷t͢ed̡ ́to ҉enjoỳ ͠yo̸u.̡.̸. A͜nd͢ ̷y͟ou͟'̀v̴e ͝pr̛o̧babl̨y al͟rea͟d̶y t͡as͞ted it͡.̛ It's̢ ͜hi͜s ͟s̛t͡y͢l͏e...- Vi began to laugh psychically but at the same time was controlled.

How is it... So he could have me... eat... of his creator.. And he didn't even tell me he could disenchant me..? All in all.. no wonder.. - I took a sip of a hot drink.

After all, I created them all so I could expect them to.

After a while, we heard Devil go into his closet and just behind him pull the legs of the demon who did this to me.
As soon as he saw Vi there was a murderous look on him but Vi ignored it. The demon Devil brought in was unconscious... He finally unveiled the curtain that was on the right side of his room and I unveiled... it's... was... Terrifying what I saw there

For the hen, there was something like a cannibal totem... from which the blood flowed... severed heads, hands, legs. Guts enlarged like a Christmas tree with nails on the floor... it could be mentioned.. The view was horrible. I cover my mouth with my hand.

W-what is this?- I looked at Devil in horror.

A̛ś y͢òu c̀a͠n̸ ͏sȩe...͠ ̢ ̡Wo̡ņderf͟u͠l ̨place͏ f͞o͡r̨ s̸o͜m̵eone lik͜e th́at..- Without any resistance, he picked up the body and hung it on the chakas that saved from the ceiling. The demon was already awake, but he couldn't move.

Y͞ou̢ ͡f̧uck͠e͠d up ̸Įnt̡led..̵.̕ ͝ ͞Yo͜u d́on̶'t ̷k̶no͘w̛ ho̷w͝ h̀a͡ppy ̸I a̵m̨ to ̛h̡a͡ve̢ y͜ou̷ h͟ere.͢ ͢ . ͢ ̸'̵Cau̴se͟ ͝you ͝see yo͟u͝ d͏íd͟ somęthįǹg͞ y͘ou shouldn'͏t҉ h͏av̡e.́.. Yo̴u ҉to̡uc҉h͜ed͟ our̕ cr̕e͠a͞t̡or.̵ If͠ ̀nǫt́ ͢f͞or͝ he͡r͏.̛.̴.̶ ͠w̶e͡ ̨wo͝u͟l͘d͏n'̸t͟ ̕be͟ h͠e͡re͘.͜ ̧ ̛Yơu k̨no̸w̡ tha͘t ̧w̕e͡ll͜.̀.͡. - Devil reached for the bloody knife lying around the heads and began to rub it against the demon's clothing.

̵I ̵j͏u͞st͡ ̨w̕a͝nt̷e͟d̶ tǫ ͢ha̧v͡e ͜f̀u̵n͟..!?!! - It only took a second and the Devil easily ripped the demon's bark off. The blood was pouring in liters. The demon's tongue was hanging from the barrel. He tried to say something but the only thing that came out of his throat was yelling and blood bulging.

I look at it all without believing what he was doing. I didn't want to watch it. But on the other hand, something tempted me.

Disenchant me... I.. I want him.. to do it..- Devil backed away from him when I saw he was covered in blood. I stumbled across the squares and went back to my original size. Devil and Vi were still tall but this time it was normal at least for me.

I walked up to the hanging demon and looked at the nirgo. The blood was pouring all the time. I knew he'd suffer for a long time, but I wanted to at least do something to him for what he did to me.

I grabbed Devil's knife, and with a quick hand, I stabbed him in the chest. so hard that the knife went through.

I reached out with my hand but left the knife in the middle of his calf. I look at him.. - You fucked up.. You'll beg for death but here death won't come so soon.. not here.. and not in front of them.- I turned my back on him and walked out of the office straight to the club to cool off.

I was shaking all over... I wanted to come back. This day has been fucked up enough.

I heard someone coming out the door, I saw it was Vi.

We'͢r̡e̕ ̀l̷eavi͞n͢g. I'll̷ t͡a͜k̢e̵ ̷yo̷ù h̷ơme.͟- He led me to the exit of the club and the weather was nice. In the parking lot near the entrance steel his frosted motorcycle.

Vi gave me his helmet and he got on the bike and turned off the engine. He told me to go in front of him and sit down. When I got on the bike, he grabbed the handlebars and went. After about 20 minutes we reached my apartment which was located on the outskirts of town.

He helped me out and got off the bike himself.

Ca͢n͞ you̧ h̵and̕le͘ ́i̕t̸ n̴ơw͜..̷.?- He asked.

Yeah.. - I said handing over his helmet. - Although I no longer have the right to go out. Not today or tomorrow. enough attractions for me for a week.


Okay, welcome to the new year... Xdd I was supposed to write this last year but I lost the desire to write anything

2595 words
But what I wrote is, and I'm happy I wrote it.

This is Devil nad his Raven

And this is Vi.
( All my Drawings)
For a long time I wanted to write something about my OC.

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