Pred!Anti x Tiny! Gracie_is_everything

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Request for Gracie_is_everything

Gracie POV

I was in my room browsing yutube on my phone with my favorite ytuber JackSepticEye.

I watched one of his latest horror films. Then I noticed a strange dot on my screen, like a little white dot that just rolled up and grew with every second.

I wanted to reset my phone but I couldn't do it, I tried every way but the dot that showed up on my screen got bigger and covered my phone screen.

At some point after my hand I was holding the phone, a white light went all over my body, which didn't hurt but it wasn't a pleasant feeling. It's like someone's squeezing you all over my body. I dropped the phone from my hand and heard a roar next to me. Suddenly, all this light that was squeezing me let me go and everything seemed fine. Well, after me.

My environment was gigantic!! My whole room was normal only I shrunk to about 2 inches tall!!

But... how is that possible.?!! How this all happened, I must be dreaming...- I looked around the room, but I tripped over something that was on the ground. I looked at it and it was my phone that was now flung to me gigantic.

On my screen there was nothing from the dot, there was also no JSE film, the only thing that was some black figure who was staring straight into me.
It's like he's looking right at me. Then the figure spoke with a corrupt voice..- P̧͘érfec̢̢t́͜~

Then the screen of the phone began to flicker uncontrollably and from the screen began to come something that looked like a big clawed hand that was flowing something in the form of black grease. The hand was so big she could easily do something to me.

I turned around and started running in the opposite direction as soon as I could.
At some point in the race, I felt that something with enormous force knocked me to the ground and prevented me from getting up.

Hand pinned me to the floor so hard I ran out of oxygen. The claws of the character started to get under my body, making it look like the character was trying to grab me. What he did. I tried to grab something, but his hand suddenly started coming back to the phone screen with me!!

At one point, I had a really weird feeling. It's like something's tearing me apart and reassembling me. I realized that the character holding me had moved me from the normal world to what looked like the broken world of the JSE horror.

I realized that the one who caught me and brought me to this state was AntiSepticEye himself!!

Wait Anti?? But you don't exist!!- I yelled at him trying to get out of his grip.

Anti was looking at me with his drapery smile. At one point, he threw me on what looked like a metal table. I barely got up to catch my breath from the inflicted pain of turning back.

Fǫr̶ you AntiS͝ep͢t͝i̢c͡E̛y͡e!! Í'm nơt͢ your ͡f̨r̕iend́ ͜G͘ra͟c̛i̴e͡.̸..̸ ̕I͡'͡d advįs͘e͘ y͝ou no͡t ͏t͢o͜ ta̧lk҉ ̶t͘o͞ m͘e҉ ̡tha̷t ̨w̕ay.͡...- He looked down on me, and then I knew how tiny I had become. Anti kept looking at me trying to get up, but I could barely stand up.

Wha͠t̴ ̵wo҉u͝ld ̕Gra͘ci̡e͡ ̕do̴ w̢it̢h̡ you ̴h̡e͜r̕e.̡.. mayb̨e I'̶l̶l͝ fe͠ed ýóu̵ to m̀y p͠iranh͟as o̴r͝ ͟I'̛ll p͝uţ ̀y̡o͟ù in̨ s̕om̶e ҉M͡a͘r̷v̷in ̵p̵o̸t҉io̶n̷ and̴ s̨e̵e w̡h҉a͏t ͢ha̢p̡p͟en̷s?́- He blocked my escape with his hand, grabbed my leg so tight that I screamed in pain.

NO, NO, NO, don't do that!! I didn't do anything to you..?!!- I tried to hold on to something but I couldn't reach anything.

Yęah̀,͟ ̡I̧ kn̡o͟w͠,̛ but ͏I͡'҉m ̡b͡or̸e͘d, ͞a͠nd I'm̨ ̷g͡ón͞na d̷o͞ ̀w̸ha̸te҉v̛er͏ ͞I̡ ͠w̡a̷n͠t̷ ́w͘ith͏ ҉you.̸.̧.̢ and̢ ̸n̵o o͞n͏e'҉s ̶g̡onn͞a e̷ve͠n ͟kn̡ǫw͘ ̛yo̷u͘'̶r̷ę ̛g͢ón͞na be go̵ne̸ foŗ ̨a̸ ͘w̕hilé.

Wait.. how will I cease to exist..?!?- I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
He just laughed quietly and lifted me high above my head.

⚠️Vore ⚠️

He opened his mouth wide showing me his sharp teeth and his long green tongue like a snake, saliva dripping down his teeth. However, below, I heard the murmur coming from his stomach.

I started to push myself harder, but he smiled harder and slowly put me in his mouth. His tongue began to entangle my body, causing my face to touch his wet tongue.

E͝n͜j̧o̵y th͏e͝ ridę, Gr̶aci͠e.̢..̀ b̵ec̸au͞s͡e̕ it̴'l̢l̢ ̸bé y͠o͢ur̵ last.͏.- He said by letting go of my leg which made me fall with my whole body on his tongue.

I grabbed his tongue tightly, but he just rolled back his tongue and shoved me all over his mouth. I tried to get up, but my tongue was making it difficult for me to move. At one point, I felt pressure all over my body. I was pressed against his upper jaw.

M̶m̵mm҉~̧ Yòu'͘re̡ in̷c̡r̸ed̴i̴bly͟ ̀tast̀y,͢ G̢r͏ác̸i̷e.

Anti started tasting me, pushing me up and down with his tongue. I got lost holding on. His muscles are pressing on me. Finally, when he tasted me, he turned his head back for a long time, so I hung on his tongue.

No Anti please.. don't do this...- I cried that he wouldn't do it, but he just started swallowing me whole, so my legs ended up in his esophagus.

Another loud swallow He almost swallowed me..- Sa̛y͝ G͞ood҉b̢yè, Gr͞a̕ci̴e.


Anti swallowed me whole and his throat muscles pressed on my body pushing me down into his stomach where I'm about to die anyway.

Anti POV

I swallowed it whole. It was an amazing feeling. I touched a bullet in my throat which slowly but neatly descended, disappearing beneath my clavicles.


A little burp came out of my mouth. I touched my stomach where I felt it move.

Th̕at wa̵s am̴a̡zi̶n҉g̵,̨ G̀ràc̀i̸e͞.̨ Y̷ou w҉er̢ę ͞i̧ncredib̸l͞ỳ de̸li̛c̴io͞us̷.͟

1048 Words
I hope you enjoyed it.

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