Psycho!Henrik x Shrunken! Rrader

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I woke up on a cold surgery table, I don't remember what happened, but I had a headache, which makes me feel like I was hit.

I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the light, when my eyesight improved I looked around the room.

Everywhere the floor was crashing, all kinds of documents and medicines, cabinets were empty, some of them broken, but the only thing I saw was that my hands and legs were tied to the table on which I was lying.
Hello... is anyone there?! - I started jerking off, but my hands and legs were really tight.

I heard someone breathing from the other account of the room where I could see.
Hey, you're there... you could help me solve this before somebody hurts me... - I was trying to look at this guy.

And why should I free you if I tied you up here myself... - I heard a very familiar voice praying that it was not the one I was thinking about.

Henrik stood in front of me... his doctor's apron was all dirty of blood, he held needles with an unknown substance in both hands and the doctor himself smiled at me with his terrifying smile of a psychopath.

Welcome to my humble lab, (Y/N)... you'll be the first man to be my guinea pig...- Henrik came closer to me, his smile did not fall from his face at all.

But I don't want to... and you're gonna untie me!! - I got freed I didn't want to stay here and be a guinea pig.

I don't care anymore... you stay here until I decide I've had enough of you... - He said by taping my hand.

I tried to get out, but there was nothing I could do.  I felt Henrik sticking one needle in my shoulder and another in my leg. The pain wasn't imagined to be strong, he didn't even try to make it easy. I started screaming the substance that he gave me almost immediately started to work.

I was jerking around, the pain was unbearable, I immediately felt a strange feeling that was spreading throughout my body.
I closed my eyes I knew what would happen to me wouldn't be pleasant. I was dizzy while I couldn't breathe.

Open eyes (Y/N) and see what I've done!! - Henrik shouted out what I covered my ears with my hands.

Wait, my hands aren't tied, does that mean... my eyes opened and I saw that my whole environment with Henrik is incredibly huge.

Henrik... something you did to me...- even though it was huge, it was even more terrifying.

I gave you my latest work! Its effects can be seen on you, and best of all, it is irreversible, which means that you will stay that way forever!

I was about to run away, but Henrik grabbed my leg and brought me closer to his face.
Where did you want to run... I told you to stay here... - he metamorphosed me into a bird cage which he probably had prepared earlier.

You can't tie me up here! The rest of you will be looking for me... - I said leaning against the cage bars.

Maybe, but until then, you're here with me... - He said, approaching the cage.

545 Words

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