(Reqeust) Shrunken!Anti x Giant!SepticEgos (⚠️NSFW SOFT VORE⚠️)

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Anti POV

Anti sat in his room playing with a knife on his bed. He was bored. He wanted to play with someone, tried to figure out how to intimidate one of his brothers, but he couldn't think of anything to make him angry.

I left the room and went down to the cave where Marvin and Jackieboy were sitting.

Without taking care of her, I grabbed my cup and wanted to have a good cup of coffee.

Eventually, I heard Jackieboy and Marvin laughing at me. And then I had a funny idea. I smiled from ear to ear and when I got coffee, I got up and went to them.

W͞h͞a̡t ̴ar҉e̢ ͝y̴ou̢ l̀a͏ưghi̛ņg̀ a̴t,͟ ̶Jącḱieb͞ơy͏?- I drank coffee because it was hot.

Nothing worth your attention Anti..- He turned his back on me and talked to Marvin again.

I staggered slightly, lifted a cup of hot coffee over his head and poured it over his head.

I started screaming while Marvin was afraid he wasn't happy with what I had done to Jackie Boy.

N͢e̷xt tim̸e Į d̢o͞n'́t re͡co͝m̀m҉end̶ saying t͜h̛i̧ngs ͘l҉i̢k͠e̡ t͠hat ҉i͡n ́f̡ro̷nt o̕f̧ ̀me͢, J̀a͝ck҉iéBo͘y..- I leaned over to his ear. I got up and headed upstairs, happy with my work for today.

It was pretty late, so I decided to go to bed.

( the next morning )

I woke up with a strange headache, and I didn't even want to move out of bed.

Marvin POV

I've been busy, Anti's covering for us every day, after what he did to Jackieboy yesterday obviously went too far.

I had a plan to do something he'll never forget for the rest of his life.

I went to my room and prepared a potion for Anti. It was a chicken elixir that lasted a day or two. I don't remember exactly, it was a perfect revenge. Jackieboy knew, too, so he waited with me until I made the potion.

When the potion was finished, we were able to go to Anti's room. Luckily, he was still asleep, so we were able to give him the potion.

Jackieboy locked the door and I poured the elixir carefully into Anti's mouth. It's been enough to wait.

Anti POV

I woke up with a strange taste in my mouth and was bittersweet. I got up and saw Marvin and Jackieboy in my room, who watched me strangely.

Gȩt ̸th҉e ̸f͠ưcķ out ͞of̡ my͝ ͢r҉óo͠m.̧..- I grabbed Marvin's shirt and just smiled.

For some reason, I came out of parts of my body glowing and small sparks flying in front of my eyes.

No, Anti, we're not going out this time, you're gonna be the one we're having fun with...- Jackieboy whispered in my ear.

I felt even more dizziness, let go of Marvin's shirt and held my head.

I looked at the hero and the wizard. I realized that they are getting bigger?! I am the one who has shrunk!!! The worst part is that my clothes don't shrink with me!!
My face turned red with shame.
All the time aie was shrinking, my clothes covered me and I couldn't get out of them.

Marvin nad Jackieboy POV

We watched Anti pull together in front of our eyes. It was a really wonderful view. It was priceless to see him scared and helpless, but the best thing I should do for now.

I went to the clothes lying on the floor where the shrunken Anti was moving, trying to get out... Jackieboy lifted tiny anti for a leg up. Anti has been shrunk to a minimum of 2 inches in size. His face was all red, but you could tell he was scared.

What am I supposed to do with him, Marvin?- I looked at Marvin with a smile.

I have an idea...- Marvin said.

Marvin told Jackieboy to sit on Anti's bed. He grabbed Jackie's hand, which was holding Anti, and tried to free himself, and put it in Jackie's mouth.

Don't swallow.~

Marvin came close to me when he fell on my lap. Jackie saw what Marvin was up to in a moth. He put the wizard in the ring with two hands and brought him closer to Marvin.

Marvin was the first person to kiss Jackie quite passionately with his tongue. They almost both felt tiny Anti slipping on their tongues and trying to scream, but he was suppressed by the pressure he had on his body. Marvin and Jackieboy didn't waste any time to finish this beautiful moment for them. they finally got revenge on Anti for what he had done to them and the other egos.

After a long kiss, Marvin rose from Jackieboy's lap and reached out to Jackie.

Jackieboy grabbed Marvin's hand and rose from Anti's bed. He took from the mouth of Tinas all wet of her spit Anti, which was frightened and all red on his face.

Do you want to say something to us Anti? - Asked Jackieboy.


Marvin laughed slightly. - I suggest you get used to it, Anti, not how long the potion lasts. I suggest you look for us.~

Jackieboy put Anti on his bed and Marvin conjured up a plate of food.

Have a nice day, Anti.... ~ - They stunned both of them and left Anti's room.

892 Words

I apologize right now. I literally had no idea how to write that. It was difficult for me to add JSE Egos to this NSFW.

I'm sorry.

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