Tiny!AntiSepticEye x Male!Reader (part 3) ⚠️vore⚠️

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Anti is starting to annoy me more and more with his games. You know what's happened lately, since then he's been shrinking me for fun and leaving me for days like this. I love him but sometimes he just overreacts.

I decided to get revenge for everything he did to me for fun. I'm gonna play with it now.

Anti was sitting in the living room watching something on his phone and I went to his brother Marvin's room. I knocked on the door and was immediately opened by Marvin.

Hello, (Y/N). Do you need anything? - He asked, letting me out of the room.

Yeah, do you have a potion that shrinks people, for example? - I looked at him.

Marvin gave me a strange look. - Why do you need a potion like that?

Let's just say I want to get back at Anti, for what he did to me.

Marvin smirked at that answer -. I may have something like this, wait here a minute. - He moved to his closet where he kept all his potions.

Where is it... and here it is. - Marvin came back to me with a red micturine with shrinking written on it. -
Pour it into the drink and the effect will be after a few minutes. And remember, this effect lasts less than a month if you add the whole concoction, so do not overdo it.

I took the potion from Marvin and put it in my pocket -. Thanks, Marvin.
I rushed to the living room where Anti was sitting.

Hey Anti, you want something to drink..? - I asked him.


Okey... I'll be right back... - I kissed him on the nose and headed for the kitchen where I took out two glasses and poured juice into each.

I took the potion from Marvin out of my pocket and poured less than half into the Anti glass and stirred.
I rushed with the drinks to the living room where my boyfriend was sitting. I handed him the glass with the potion and sat down beside him.

Anti drank the entire drink without thinking. While I slowly drank mine.

It̵ ͢ta̢şt̷èd we̸i̕rd͘. ͜W͞h̸at͘ ͢kiņd͡ ̨of̸ ju͠ic͢e̢ is͝ ́t͡h́at̴? - He looked at me, setting the glass down on the table.

I took whatever juice was on hand without even looking to see what it was.

Anti took the message and was about to pick up his phone when he got a pang in his stomach.
He wept for his stomach.- S̨tr͜an̴ǵe,͜ ͞I̧ ̕just ̸ate.

Anti didn't know what was happening to him, but I smiled slightly because I knew the potion was taking effect.

(̀Y̛/N̵),́ don't m͢ak͏ȩ ͠f̨u̡n ̶o̵f ́me, w̶ha̡t ̸was͘ i̶n ͏th͠at ̀f̡uc̡kin͡g͠ ̀j͝úi̴ce.!?! - Anti tried to get up but fell back onto the couch because of a headache.

I put my glass down on the table and looked at him. - That's your Anti lesson for not shrinking your boyfriend just for fun. Now I'm going to play with you and there's nothing you can do about it.

Anti seems to have understood what I mean. - Yo͢u͜ co̧úld̷ ̕have sa̷id.͏..̴ yo҉u͜'͟ve h͢ad͞ enou̷gh!! - Suddenly Anti began to shrink. I smiled at the sight. He shrank and shrank until I could see that he was getting a little scared, which was hard to see for a normal person if you didn't know Anti, but I could see it easily.

Eventually he shrunk to three inches tall. He was sitting on the couch cushion looking at me.

I reached for him, but he backed away slightly. - Relax, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you.
I put my hand on the couch and let him climb on it. Anti climbed on my hand and held one of my fingers for balance.
I lifted myself off the couch with him and we headed to his room where I closed the door behind me and locked it.

(͞Y͝/̧N̸)...̸ ̀w҉hat̶ are ỳơu g̕onn̕a ͞d͝o ͟to m̷e?- Anti barely looked at me and immediately transported himself when he saw my big smile.

I realized what he was looking at and opened my mouth bringing him closer to my face . He tried to back away, but I put my fingers in his way.

(Y͡/N)̛.̶.͜. ͘st͘o̸p̸... ̵pl͠e̴a҉se̷,͠..- I started licking him all over his body.
Should I stop... ? Sadly darling I won't stop... because this is just the beginning.


I grabbed him by the shirt with one hand and lifted him up over my head. He tried to use his powers but was unable to.

Aww baby... you look so cute...- I licked my lips and opened my mouth wide, sticking my tongue out at him.

ŅO͞, ͢I'̛M͘ BEG͟G̸I̸N̨G͜ ̢ÝO͝U. ANYTH̸IN̡G B̵U̶T̸ ͟TH҉IS̵, ͢(Y̡/Ǹ).͠ ̛P̵L͘EASE ̀D̵ON'T̶ ̵D̛O T̡H̵I͡S̶.͠ DÒN'T E͏AT̢ ḾE.̷ !!- I didn't listen to him anymore I just put it in my mouth slowly.

Anti POV

(Y/N) slowly put me in his mouth. His tongue touched my body salivating all over my clothes. I let go of my shirt and fell into his mouth. I tried to grab his teeth, but I was wet with saliva, so I sobbed and his tongue pushed me backwards. - ŅO͜!̡ ́N͞O! ̛NÓ!̡ J̡US̨T ͝D̕O̡N'͜T S̛W͠ALLOW̶ ME̛!!! - I felt my legs being sucked into his throat already. Suddenly (Y/N) closed his mouth and leaned his head back. He started swallowing me!

P͡lea̛s͏e͜ d̢on͡'t dó ̛t̢h̕is...̵ ͞b̷aby.͟.. ͜pl̨ease͡ s͞to͡p͠... - Like in a trance (Y/N) didn't listen to me... and swallowed me slowly. My body was in my throat which was pressing down on me. I slowly but deftly made my way to his stomach. Finally with a splash I landed in his stomach.


I got out of the trance... I can't believe I did this to him... I didn't want to do this to him, but I did. Why I did it....

I felt tears gather in my eyes. I covered my mouth with my hand and started crying.

Anti... I didn't mean to... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, baby...- I slid down the door to the floor and started crying harder, convincing myself that I had done this to him.

D͟on͝'̴t̶ c̛ry ̛b̷a̶by͡.͘.̵. ͢it's̶ not y̶o̵ùr҉ faul͡t͟.̛..̕-

I immediately stopped crying. - Anti... you...

I'm̴ al͟i͡v͢e.̀.. yes͝.͢.́. but͏ I ca̵n̵'̡t ͡be̕l̢i̡ève҉ it̀ ̸mysel͜f̴.͟ - I touched my stomach feeling a small lump.

I have to get you out of there... I have an idea.

Nó.̵..̛ ̨I've҉ l̷e̷arned̢ my l͟ess͢ơn...͘ I̛'͏m̀ sta͡yi͢ng̵ ̡he͟re͏.̨..- My heart broke at that moment.

DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT. I'LL GET YOU OUT OF HERE!! - I opened his bedroom door and rushed to the bathroom at a run, closing the door behind me. I leaned over the sink and started forcing myself to get Anti out of my belly.

Finally I felt Anti go down my throat and I spit him out into the sink all wet.
We were both breathing loudly...I looked at Anti who had his back turned to me. I reached for a towel and handed it to him.

Wh̴y did ͡y̴o͜u̕ ͘d̨o̶ ͘i̶t̀.̧.͡.̀w͠hy͟ ͏did ̵yo̡u spit͢ ͞m͝e̛ ͠out y̸o̷u͝ cou̢l͞d̶ ̨h̕av̕e͜ lȩf̴ţ m̡e̸ t̴hȩŗe.̕.͡.̴.̢ - Anti took a towel and started wiping off my saliva.

Anti... baby please stop... I couldn't carry you not being here... I just wouldn't be able to.

... Şorry.

Į al͝śo ͝apolo̡g͝iz̵e ̀f̴o̴r ̧e͟ar̡li͏er..͠.f͘or th͏e ̸ga̶mes...̸I ̷didn'͜t ̀th̨i̛nk y͟oú d͞iḑņ't͟ ͜like҉ i͏ţ.̧...- He turned around and looked at me all weepy.
Do͜n͟'͟t cr̨y a̧ny̵more͟.҉.. ͟ļov̧ȩ..̵.͏ ̸the ̢m̡ost im̨p͝or̸t̛an̵t͘ ̴t̛hìǹg ̴is t̷ha҉t n͠ơth͜i̸ng ̡s̨eri̵oưs happened. - Anti climbed up on the sink and shouted to me.

I'm sorry... I really didn't mea-! - Anti kissed me on the nose.--  D͠on͞'͠t͝ ͡a̸po̵lo͜gi͠z̕e ̨so ́mųch... h͜o̕nęy,͝ ͡I ̡kno҉w ́y҉ou d͢i͡d̶ ͟it͞ b̡éc͢a͜u͟se ̴y̢o̕u were in͟ ̷a ̴tr͠an͘ce̵.

I laughed. Okey.

I put my hand out where he came in and we left the bathroom. We rushed back to his room where we lay on his bed.

A̧ n͞ap?̛

Yeah. Let's take a nap. I've got plenty of time until you get back to your normal height.

Ye̸ąh̕. ͟O̵f͡ ͞c͏ou̕rşe.

1458 Words.

I've grown fond of Vore's writing lately.

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