Tiny!Egos x Rrader

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Dudes, where you're at... - I've been wandering around the SepticEgos house looking for homeboys.

For a long time I couldn't find them, I was in every room, but they weren't there, like they were melting in the air.

I sat on the couch in the living room thinking about where they were... I started worrying about them.

I was squeaked out of my mind... I got up from the couch and went to the sound.
There was something on the ground and a doorway from Marvin's room that caught my attention... but when I wanted to pick it up, or rather someone took it away from me.
My eyes were in shock when Marvin was standing in front of me, looking at me at the same moment..-

Oh hey (Y/N)... this a little bit of an everyday situation, right ?

Wha...??!?!! I'm crazy... hehe, it's just my imagination...

No, (Y/N), you're not crazy...- behind Marvin, all the rest of the Egos came in the same size.

We're really tiny... but now, WAIT...!- At this point, I lost consciousness.

Time Skip.

I woke up on the couch, I don't know how I got here, but when I looked around Henrik was standing on the table leaning against a glass of water.

So, I'm not crazy... you guys are really small, but why...? - I said sitting on the couch taking a glass of water that Henrik prepared for me.

It's not Marvin's fault... it's Anti...- said Chase looking at me.

He's been digging into my stuff and he's made us so... I can turn it around but it might take a while.

Okay... so what now?

Now, we have to do something to keep us out of boredom.

287 words

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