Tiny!Elf!Reader x AntiSepticEye

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I've recently lived in the walls of a house I moved to. I've been an elf since birth, which means I have the powers of nature.

So air and earth... I rarely use them because they use a lot of energy.

I was just ready to go for food because I saw that I was running out of supplies.

I went to the hole she put in the kitchen.
I looked around and checked for anyone around, I was on the floor, so I had a clip waiting.

I took the line out of my bag and ran to the top with fruit and, fortunately, open water.
I started climbing on the top and I was finally upstairs, leaving the line so I could get away quickly.

Suddenly I heard squeaking in my ears it wasn't pleasant, I turned around and I was scared to see a tall man standing there watching me closely. He wasn't a human being.

We̸ll,͝w͟el̶l͟ ̕l͏oók ̢w͜ho w͝e̷ ̵h͝a̢ve h̷ere.͘

I've gone back. Demon and elves don't like each other. I started to run at the side of my rope, but he threatened me with a hand escape route.

Ts̸k, ̵tsk ̢w̛her͝e ̵yo̢u'́r͡e ͏ru͠nn͜in͞g, I̶ ̸d̶on̴'̷t ͞t̶h̨in̴k͘ y͡ou'r̵e g̛òn͝na̡ ҉t͝e̡ll ̷m͏e y̸où'͟r̶e léavi͟ǹg.҉

Suddenly he grabbed me by the leg and lifted me up, I started to fight but didn't give up.

He brought me closer to his face, he had a remarkable scary smile, his eyes shone bright green.
He licked his razor-sharp teeth and opened his mouth wide.

No, please! I didn't do anything. Please don't kill me! - I started screaming and crying, I didn't want to die. I knew the demon wouldn't go back from anything to kill me. I had no choice but to use the power.

I stretched out my hand towards the ground and mometallously from the floor a large branch that wraps the demon that let me go and I fell on the nearest branch.

I got exhausted and started coming down the branch, but I heard the demon trying to get out.

Ỳo͏u͏ ̕don'͡t̷ f͞ưc̡kįn̸g҉ r̶un ̕a͜w͠a̡y͟ ͞f̛r̶o̸m͠ m̧e.̛ - A knife appeared in his hand and he started cutting the branches so I had little time.

Just in time, I hid in the hole where I lived, I heard only terrible noise in the kitchen. The demon was angry then I knew I had to let go of the loan for a while.

426 Words.

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