Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, Hyuuga Neji finally arrived at his destination: a church adorned with white flowers, white silk, and everything else that would signify a wedding. However, strangely, the groom, the bride, and the guests were all standing outside.

Upon seeing the latecomer though, they all sighed in relief.

Hyuuga Hinata twirled her wedding gown with her hand. "Kuya Neji, at last you've arrived. Finally we can begin the ceremonies." (1)

He blinked. "You're already here? Aren't you supposed to be late in a ceremony?"

Naruto fixed his bow, which seemed to have been tied too uncomfortably. "She was late for three hours, but what we didn't expect was you'll beat her record. Eight hours, KUYA."

"Damn you; I thought I told you never to call me that."

Naruto looked at him, shaking his head. "Why don't you just receive the truth with spring insides?"

"..." Neji.

Hinata came quickly to her groom's rescue."He meant, you should accept the truth with no hard feelings." Hinata said here: bukal sa loob sincere; bukal spring; loob inside :D

The male Hyuuga groaned. "I would not be hesitant walking you down the aisle if the one I'm supposed to give your hand to is at least human."

She sighed. "Kuya Neji..."

Kakashi stood up from the flower boys' aisle, scratching his head. "Could you please start the wedding? The food for the reception's starting to spoil."

This made everyone nod in agreement. And thus, the wedding ceremony began.


Meanwhile, Tenten arrived in the house of the person where she was supposed to ask for pigs...

"Why do I feel that I've been tricked by Thick Brows..." she muttered as she stared at the abandoned house.

"There's nobody there right now."

She turned to the source of the voice, eyebrow arched. "No kidding."

The pineapple-haired neighbor shrugged. "The people who live there are in a wedding. If it's urgent, just go there." He dutifully gives her the address she must go to.

Tenten smiled gratefully at him when he finished. "Thanks again, buddy. I'm off!"

"Wait a minute!" He held out an open palm towards her. "I gave you information, now you need to give me my just compensation."

"Son of a tikbalang (2)..." She tried to move away but her shadow was controlled by the male.

"Well?" he asked, bored.

"Is an 'I owe you' good?" she asked, desperately tugging her paralyzed leg. "When I finish my business with the guy I'm looking for and I get to make my chicharon, I'll give you... um... I'll give you a whole platter!"

He seemed to consider that for a while, and then he nodded. "Good enough..." He quickly released her, and off went Tenten to the wedding.

"Do you, Hyuuga Hinata, take this man as your lawfully wedded husband for richer or poorer, through thick and thin, till death do you part?" asked the priest solemnly.

Hinata's eyes were positively shining with happiness. "I do, Father."

The old priest turned to the blond. "And you, Uzumaki Naruto..." He bowed closer towards the groom. " you dig her?"

"Of course!" said Naruto proudly.

"Ok game, You two are wedded. Let's start the drinking spree!" The priest rushed to the banquet and started taking bottles.

Neji stared at the celebrator, who was talking with the flower girl and bridesmaids, in dismay. "Where did you get that priest? He acts like a rejected carnival performer or something..."


At last, Tenten arrived. She sighed. How would she find this Mr. Hyuuga Neji with all these people? She didn't ponder on that too long because suddenly there were shouts coming from the ladies.
It was throw the bouquet part of the ceremony. Even if she still had a mission to do, she decided to watch what would happen.

Hinata began the count-off. "One...two...THREE!" She suddenly threw the bouquet of roses towards the anticipating crowd.

"THAT'S MINE!" cried the ladies and ladies-in-heart in unison. They scrambled for the bouquet, causing it to be thrown in all directions as the ladies valiantly wrestled for the chance to walk down the aisle soon, too.

But the bouquet seemed to have a mind of its own because it fell on the feet of Neji, who was calmly drinking his wine.

"Hmm? Flowers? Why is it here?" Neji gingerly picked them up.

"Hey, where are the flowers?" yelled Naruto, looking around the room.

Neji waved his arm from across the room. "Here. Son of a... these flowers are expensive and you just throw them away!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

"W-Wait..." whispered Hinata, blushing fiercely. "K-Kuya Neji was the one who caught it...?"

Naruto smiled, determined to return order to everything. "Err... Let's still follow tradition..." He looked at the male crowd, who all wore dark expressions on their faces. "Ahh... W-who would like to put the garter on Kuya?" He hopefully turned to the man in the corner. "Sasuke? Would you like the honor to do it?"

"Mother fucking hell..." muttered Sasuke, nearly choking on his drink.

"Excuse me," Tenten got up, raising her hand. "Is that Hyuuga Neji?"

Naruto scratched his cheek. "Well, the last time I asked him, yes, he is. Is he the wrong brother-in-law of mine? (3)"

"Ok, fine. Give me the garter." She got up determinedly.

Everyone sweatdropped once more.

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