Chapter 7

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Previously on Chicharong Flower…

Out of some crazy circumstances, Tenten became the housemate of the Hyuuga. Even though it's against Neji's will (well, that was according to him), he allowed the beautiful lady with a Gillete Razor-sharp tongue to stay at his house. Now we shall find out what happens next after we left the loud pounding against Neji's bathroom door…

Tenten proudly placed the platter holding her culinary masterpiece in front of the waiting Hyuuga. "Senyorito (1) Neji, your meal is ready!"

Neji stared glumly at the dinner before him. "Pork again? Son of a… don't you get tired of this yet? We've been eating chicharon for three and a half weeks!"

She shrugged. "But that's the only meal I know how to prepare. That's my work. And besides, you don't like my instant noodles…"

He rolled his eyes. "The last time you cooked instant noodles, I remember, it looked like water which sprouted Sadako's (2) white hair. Even my pigs didn't touch your food…"

"I'm not domesticated, okay, so sue me!" She placed hands on her hips. "Go and eat it already. It's bad to say 'no' to graces."

"Son of a…" He cupped his chin, depressed. "God would understand if I refuse that… that… thing. And what did you think of my cholesterol level, infinite tolerance? Besides, I've noticed my pigs are slowly diminishing. Instead of them growing up peacefully like proper Hyuuga farm pigs that they are, we gobble them up for dinner…" He chewed on his food as he spoke. "We're worse than merciless cannibals! We're like flesh-hungry monsters! We're like-"

"It's that time of the month again when you have your monthly visitor, eh, Neji?" she asked, sighing. "I thought so. You're noisier than usual." She sat down to eat. "Okay, if it shall make you happy, tomorrow, I promise we'll have a different dinner."

"REALLY?" said Neji, who looked happier than a person told that he would get a refund of his six months' worth of electricity payment. "So there is still a God…"

Tenten, meanwhile, was problematic. I'm so dead. Damn, why did I make that promise? What should I cook now? She forced herself to think back and contemplate, but only found a scapegoat. It's my great grandmother's fault! She didn't teach her children to cook meals other than chicharon. That's why the husbands of women from my clan die early… if not from heart attack, then from high blood. It's because everyone from my clan only knows how to cook chicharon.

Neji looked up from his food, noticing that she wasn't eating. "Don't tell me I'll commit suicide alone? Eat some of your cooking so both of us would die from too much cholesterol."

"Aww… You're so sweet." She also got a fork and joined Neji in the meal. "Damn you."


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